Author Topic: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty (Move to Graveyard)  (Read 73371 times)

Offline Tilia

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The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty (Move to Graveyard)
« on: September 14, 2013, 12:15:27 PM »
Founders:  Sugar Clojo (daughter of Clover, daughter of Freddie and Shawnya) and Sean (Kelley) Clojo

Town 1 - Dragon Valley

Family 4x4 Collection: Elixirs (Morgana)

4 Career Rewards:
4 Tombstones: Sugar Clojo
Property Buyout:

Heir 1 - Morgana Clojo
Traits: Genius, Perceptive, Bookworm, Gatherer, Irresistible
Unique Maxed Job: Alchemy
2 Unique Best Friends: Morida O'Connell, Leif Addison
3 Unique Skill Challenges: Excellent Elixirs, Alchemists Anonymous, Master Alchemist
4 Unique Opportunities:  Alchemic Mastery, Celebrity Body, Networking is Key
Spouse: Liam Eames

Heir 2 - Filly Clojo
Traits: Excitable, Loves the Outdoors, Equestrian, Daredevil, Irresistible
Unique Maxed Job: Horsewoman
2 Unique Best Friends: Starshine Clojo, Nebula Clojo
3 Unique Skill Challenges: Mustang Master, Architectural Eye, Horse Friend
4 Unique Opportunities: Save the Herding, Professional Horse-Training Seminar, Make a Dream
Spouse: Corren Drywer

Heir 3 - David Clojo
Traits: Insane, Artistic, Savvy Sculptor
Unique Maxed Job: Sculptor
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 4
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Town 2 -

Family 4x4 Collection:

4 Career Rewards:
4 Tombstones:
Property Buyout:

Heir 1 -
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 2 -
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 3 -
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 4
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Town 3 -

Family 4x4 Collection:

4 Career Rewards:
4 Tombstones:
Property Buyout:

Heir 1 -
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 2 -
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 3 -
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 4
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Town 4 -

Family 4x4 Collection:

4 Career Rewards:
4 Tombstones:
Property Buyout:

Heir 1 -
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 2 -
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 3 -
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Heir 4
Unique Maxed Job:
2 Unique Best Friends:
3 Unique Skill Challenges:
4 Unique Opportunities:

Offline Tilia

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Fair Spares
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2013, 12:15:57 PM »
Freddie Classic was feeling morose.  Perhaps that's why he found himself on a bright Monday morning, wandering up to the doors of a resort in Isla Paradiso, far from all friends and family scattered around the Simsverse.

Freddie was well loved, and he knew it.  But lately he'd been feeling somewhat unneeded.  Those who once depended on him had found happiness in the sham that was traditional monogamy.

And Even once-needed to father an heir, Eden and her wife, Eunice had found a way to spawn all on their own.

It wasn't jealousy.  No, Freddie didn't believe in such a thing.  It was just a feeling of limbo.  He wasn't sure where he belonged now.  But, he knew it wasn't between two people in love.

Checking into a getaway seemed just the thing.

And that's when he saw her.  For the first time.

Shawnya Dojo was a leaf on the wind.  She didn't feel unneeded or unnecessary.  She felt free.  And maybe a little rejected by the family of immortals who'd once released her from slavery and adopted her as their own.

They'd just never understood her, the Dojos.  She was a genie at heart.  And resisting temptation once freed from eons of slavery is no simple matter.  So now she spent the days away from them as they went on with their second lives and she breathed in every new experience for what it was.

It's no surprise that the two found each other.

"Hi, handsome," Shawnya said with a small smile.  "I think your ex girlfriend is dating my granddaughter."

"Hello yourself," Freddie answered.  "My daughter Eureka had the biggest crush on your father-in-law."

"Oh," Shawnya answered.  "So did I."

So it went.  The attraction was instant and powerful.  The vacation became a newfound reality.

Tourists looking for heat felt underwhelmed by the firepit in comparison.

And the two could hardly wait to fall into their luxury suite together at any opportunity.

In the rare moments of conversation, an idea began to form, slowly but surely.

They discussed being spares.  Freddie had rather enjoyed the experience while Shawyna found the drama surrounding every tiny flirtation she'd made exhausting.

"I did spitefully stay alive longer than usual, though," she added with a twinkle.  "It might not have particularly shown Samura or anything ... but hey."

They discussed the merits of a shorter lifespan.  Neither minded dying again, considering nothing was permanent in this world.  Freddie was against marriage though.  "I could take your name," he suggested.

"It's not really my name though, is it?" Shawnya sighed.

In the end, they merged their surnames and changed them legally.  Clojo.  With a Spanish J - pronounced "Clo-Ho"

Unwilling to leave the magical island in which they'd found each other, Freddie and Shawnya purchased fire island and reduced their funds down to the necessary 4k. 

Neither had felt so happy since resurrection.

The suggestion of getting a job caused Freddie to balk. 

"It's just as well," Shawnya confessed.  "You'd be fired within the week."

"I could garden," he suggested.  And that was that.  Shawnya rolled a surprise wish to become involved in politics, and so she did, taking a job as a podium polisher.

The last of their funds went into building a little shack.

Freddie was off to gather vegetables.

And Shawnya to learn charisma.

They agreed that this was the beginning of a beautiful endeavor.

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Offline butterfly

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Fair Spares
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2013, 12:36:58 PM »
Amazing start! I love it so much, can't wait to read more
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Fair Spares
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2013, 12:52:31 PM »

Oh goodness, it's even better than I'd imagined! I had to read it twice over just to let the awesomeness sink in. I love the way you've depicted Shawnya and her feelings about the Dojo clan. She was kind of my favorite punching bag for grousing for so long, and now I just feel kinda bad for her! I'm glad she's getting the chance to enjoy a second life. Pairing her and Freddie is just a stroke of brilliance. This part in particular cracked me up:

"Hello yourself," Freddie answered.  "My daughter Eureka had the biggest crush on your father-in-law."

"Oh," Shawnya answered.  "So did I."

Hahaha, poor Percival! I am beside myself with glee.

Offline Tilia

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The Spare Heir
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2013, 03:01:29 PM »
Amazing start! I love it so much, can't wait to read more

I'm having so much fun with the two of them!!  Glad you're enjoying it :)

Oh goodness, it's even better than I'd imagined! I had to read it twice over just to let the awesomeness sink in. I love the way you've depicted Shawnya and her feelings about the Dojo clan. She was kind of my favorite punching bag for grousing for so long, and now I just feel kinda bad for her! I'm glad she's getting the chance to enjoy a second life. Pairing her and Freddie is just a stroke of brilliance. This part in particular cracked me up:

"Hello yourself," Freddie answered.  "My daughter Eureka had the biggest crush on your father-in-law."

"Oh," Shawnya answered.  "So did I."

Hahaha, poor Percival! I am beside myself with glee.

I decided that she also wondered if Samura would be up for a second round of ladylove but was too scared to try it out.  I really love them together.  They are so freaking cute.  I made the conscious decision that the first gen would have to be third person since I don't feel right delving into either's inner mindworkings or featuring one over the other.


As with many founders in the throes of the first days, Freddie and Shawnya often thought, quite independently of each other, that two people were never better matched than the two of them.

Shawnya wheedled and begged until Freddie allowed some of the very sparse money they had spent on an easel.  She was often glued to it after her job at city hall.

"I am artistic, you know," she said, to no one in particular.

Freddie, never having met a sim so changeable before, marveled at how short Shawnya's hair got at bed time and then even shorter still for work.

Shawnya, for her part, was excessively good at tapering Freddie's whims.  No parrot just yet, but later, with money, maybe a dog or another horse!  Freddie does love animals.

And Shawnya struck a deal with the Watcher before purchasing fire island.  She couldn't be a genie again (nor would she ever wish to be), but magic was not out of the question.  Nor were two dragons to help keep the household awake and earning at all hours - a red one named Eros and a green one named Pathos.

Freddie sometimes joked that perhaps the bed was a wasted purchase.  But he wasn't fooling anyone.

Shawnya felt excessively grateful for each and every amenity they'd splurged on.

But soon felt the need for more.

Freddie's hyper-grown vegetables (thanks to Pathos) and the gems the dragon had summoned had set them up nicely, in addition to Shawnya's salary.  She proposed expanding to Freddie at the same moment in which she gave him some rather exciting news.

Freddie loves being a parent.

"One thing," he said.  "It might have blue hair.  I'm not sure exactly how genes persevere ..."

"Oh, no worries," Shawnya said.  "My last kid was blue all over."

Seeking to celebrate, the couple took off to the summer fiesta in the town center of Isla Paradiso.

They set off fireworks in anticipation of their nooboo.

It was agreed that no apples or watermelons would influence the baby's gender.  Which was fine by Shawnya, who was craving things that weren't necessarily natural as her belly grew.

But never so much as she craved time with Freddie.

Which is great, because Freddie doesn't believe in fighting desires.

They wandered home that night to a new home, sparse and painted only in ugly free paneling, but sufficient for growth.

Shawnya was happy that she got a nicer easel.  Freddie was pleased that his garden was now protected from zombies and stray animals.  But mostly from zombies.

They couldn't wait to meet their special bundle.  The Spare Heir.

By the time Shawnya went into labor, she was so anxious to meet her nooboo that the flashes of pain barely registered.

Clover Clojo was born artistic, like her mommy, and with a love of outdoors, like her daddy.  Appropriately, her favorite color is Irish Green.

Her infancy passed in rapid adoration.  Freddie, who'd had to tread carefully with the parentage of his first daughter, loved to monopolize time with baby Clover.

"Eureka," he wrote.  "Your new sister has all of Eden's calm and all of your beauty."

Though Shawnya had made many friends through her job, they had a private birthday for the end of Clover's infancy.

Once the baby was put down to sparkle, Freddie and Shawnya had their first shot at true autonomy, and immediately began to spam each other with Heat of the Moment kisses.  It was adorable.  But the Watcher was focused elsewhere.

So came Clover into her toddlerhood, with daddy's hair and mommy's eyes. 

Maybe the first heir in the history of heirs to be born from two spares.  Not that such things were of much matter to Clover at the moment.

Offline marwolfer

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - The Spare Heir
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2013, 03:49:01 PM »
This is such a cute, sweet story!
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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - The Spare Heir
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2013, 03:56:49 PM »
I really can't think of a more perfect pairing. But I wish that Clover got Freddie's black eyes!
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - The Spare Heir
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2013, 04:11:17 PM »

Ugh, the spare heir, that is too perfect! Goodbye sidelines and hello center-stage. Clover is heart melting.

I decided that she also wondered if Samura would be up for a second round of ladylove but was too scared to try it out.

Haha, wow. That never occurred to me. Who knows how that would've gone over?  ;)

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - The Spare Heir
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2013, 09:22:41 PM »
So glad to see Freddie again! And Clover is sweet. Looking forward to more!
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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - The Spare Heir
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2013, 09:32:33 PM »
Oh my gosh Freddie! :D I can't wait to see clover grown she is simply adorable! Will she get any brothers or sisters?

Offline Tilia

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The Growing Clover - Pt. 1
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2013, 10:23:53 AM »
This is such a cute, sweet story!

Thanks so much!  I'm really enjoying playing it.

I really can't think of a more perfect pairing. But I wish that Clover got Freddie's black eyes!

I'm really surprised she didn't.  In the Classic family, those persevered until the bitter end.

Ugh, the spare heir, that is too perfect! Goodbye sidelines and hello center-stage. Clover is heart melting.

I decided that she also wondered if Samura would be up for a second round of ladylove but was too scared to try it out.

Haha, wow. That never occurred to me. Who knows how that would've gone over?  ;)

She is SUPER cute.  Spitting image of her momma.

So glad to see Freddie again! And Clover is sweet. Looking forward to more!

I keep having moments of, "hey.  I missed you." while playing Freddie and "Woo, you're like a celeb but in my game!" for Shawnya.

Oh my gosh Freddie! :D I can't wait to see clover grown she is simply adorable! Will she get any brothers or sisters?

She absolutely will.  I have no self control when it comes to nooboos.


There was never a toddler happier than Clover Clojo.

Her first word bubbled forth out of her miniature mouth with giddiness.  It was "garden."  This pleased her Papa.

Her first steps were just as thrilling.

Though the rest of the lesson was slightly less so.  Clover learned that she dislikes not being good at things right away.

She knew that she could do anything, though, as long as Daddy or Mommy were there to help her along.  She looked at Daddy with the same adoration in her stormy, changeable eyes that her Mommy did.

Though, in the end, Clover decided that potty time was girl stuff, and wanted Mommy to teach her.

It was less embarrassing that way.  Mommy made bed time gentle and sweet.  She was always cuddles and love and cooing.

Daddy made bed time a game.  Lots of tickles and tossing and then a great story about Grandpa Who Died A Lot before sleeping.

Because of Daddy's energy, she was always very excited to see him first thing in the morning, while Mommy was still dozing.

Mommy didn't sleep great sometimes, but Clover didn't know that.

She did know that Mommy was extra tired these days, but Clover decided she liked a slightly squishier hip to sit upon.

Clover knew her parents could do no wrong.  They were Love.  And she loved them.  [alert: possibly the best picture the Watcher has ever taken incoming]

Freddie and Shawnya toyed with the idea of Dynasty Helpers throughout Clover's toddlerhood.

Freddie even went so far as to procure a lamp.

Shawnya was thrilled by this idea and quickly befriended her near cousin, promising release from servitude (and possibly a date with a nice alien man).

Shawnya found that she had a life full of things that made her very happy.

Especially her little peanut of a daughter.

On Clover's birthday, both parents gave her a final snuggle and wished her all the luck in the world with her sparkles.

Her birthday gift was the first room in the house with finished walls and flooring, as well as an array of beautiful furniture.

Clover sparkled.

And became Lucky.  What else?

She dressed all in her favorite color, Irish Green.

Even for formalwear, though she knew she probably wouldn't get to use it.

Clover couldn't wait for her first night out of the crib.

Offline Tilia

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The Growing Clover - Pt. 2
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2013, 10:24:36 AM »

Clover dreamed of greatness.  She wanted to be a scientist.

She studied hard.

But also admired her mother's talent and emulated it as best she could.

She was very excited to meet her new sibling.

Though the explanation of the birthing process from her father was less than clear.

Retelling it from her perspective made for a great horror story, though.

When Sam was born, all he seemed to do was cry cry cry.

Clover was pretty sure she was never such a big baby.  She was excited when he got a little bit bigger.  At least now he could play peek-a-boo.

Sam was Clover's opposite.  He had Mommy's hair and Daddy's eyes.

And he wasn't embarrassed at all about the potty.

Shawnya was torn between going back to work after Sam's birth or having a third child.  Clover suspected her Mommy really missed politics.

And she certainly wasn't much of a homemaker.

Sam was much quieter as a toddler.  He loved to spend time learning on his own.

Though that didn't stop parental lessons from happening.

Freddie decided that while his plants were covered in frost, he'd learn science.  Clover sometimes felt like she was sharing her homework and not getting help on it.

But she thought it was really funny how alike Freddie and Sam looked during worktime.

Shawnya's maternity leave was nearing its end, so she spent as much time with her children as possible.

They used the genie's first gift to finish the house.  And just in time, too.  That ugly paneling was taking a toll on family happiness.

Clover's teen birthday rolled around faster than she ever expected.

Because she'd only had two days of school due to Spooky Day, she gained the Star Quality trait.  She also gained a stupid hat, but that probably wasn't to do with her B.

Clover looks just like her niece, Allegra Classic.

She has now reached a stage in life where pointedly ignoring her parents' autonomous flirtations has become her perogative.

Offline maisie

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - The Growing Clover
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2013, 10:57:39 AM »
What an adorable family! I think Freddie and Shawnya are a matching couple, you did a great job with setting them up. ;D
It will be interesting how Clover will deal with her flirtatious parents as she seems to be more earnest.

Offline Tipi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - The Growing Clover
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2013, 12:37:21 PM »
I love everything about your story: your writing, the pictures, the founders, the kids, how you decorated the house.....