Author Topic: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty (Move to Graveyard)  (Read 71400 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Passing the Torch
« Reply #135 on: November 12, 2013, 11:57:11 AM »

Aw, Sugar and Ava's weird relationship is bittersweet.  :'(

Offline Tilia

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The Family Unit
« Reply #136 on: November 12, 2013, 11:29:10 PM »
Aw, RIP Sugar. She seemed to exist simply to be affectionate and (pardon the pun) sweet. No, wait. You're welcome. That pun was cute.  I liked Sugar and Ava's relationship. I'm sorry it had to end. Maybe they can be frenemies in death, too.

Aw, Sugar and Ava's weird relationship is bittersweet.  :'(

I will miss the two of them routinely arguing and gossiping with autonomous randomness.  Ava was definitely the most interesting aspect of Gen 1 for me.


Perhaps it was finishing her requirements.  Or, perhaps it was just the presence of this little cutie.

Either way, Morgana was ready for a nooboo.  More than ready.

And little baby Chloe was ready to grow up.

She was enrolled at Dribbledane Sports Academy for the duration of her education, because the Watcher has been super neglecting most of the sims in the household and because boarding school sims always somehow end up to be her favorites.

The next morning she held court at the dining room table and took off to her future.

Liam started working on his cooking skill.  Morgana had morning sickness.  And Luna adopted a new cat for the family.  This is Persimmon.

She is extra cute.

The family awaited Morgana's nooboo as time ticked by.  Little Lance became a young adult.

And found a girlfriend in elderly Cassidy Pendergast, whom he cured of lycanthropy and hit with a young again potion.

It was weird for Arthur, who was her boss, but the family was otherwise supportive.  Liam got old during Morgana's pregnancy.  He didn't let it slow him down.

Arthur kept himself centered by making sure his sister didn't slow down in her pregnancy.

And Ava chided them as the last parental figure of her generation.  But mostly, she cooed over Morgana's swollen belly.

And waited her turn to talk to Chloe, who loved her new school.

Morgana refused to let Arthur predict her baby's gender.  Like all of her predecessors, she did not use any fruit to impact the gender of the heir.

One night, when she was jolted awake by supernatural forces, she thought it was nooboo time.  But the music suggested otherwise.

Turns out, it was both.

And while Ava said farewell to the mortal coil ...

Little Felicity Ava Clojo was born.  The family calls her Filly for short.  She loves the outdoors and is excitable.

Due to the sadness in the house, Morgana decided to age her baby up right away.  A toddler always lightens the atmosphere.

And egads!  A unique-looking non clone was born.  Hello Filly.

She was doted over by all while her mother sneaked around whapping family members with the motive manager.

She did this as quickly as possible just to get her turn.

The Clojos do many things in many different ways.  It is the definition of a 4x4 family.  But the one thing they all are completely gifted in is family ties.  And that was the world Filly was born into.

Her mommy got older during potty training.  Filly noticed a change, but didn't let it bother her too much.  She was an easygoing kid.

Liam took over toddler skills while his wife saw to her appearance.

And Morgana was pleased that she was the first Clojo to not require a potion to birth an heir.

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Offline Rikki8528

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - The Family Unit
« Reply #137 on: November 13, 2013, 03:16:03 AM »
I think we can all guess what Filly's skill will be...

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - The Family Unit
« Reply #138 on: November 13, 2013, 01:08:03 PM »

Ugh, Filly and Chloe and both just the cutest. And with little pointed ears and everything! I hope they'll be great friends.

Offline Tilia

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Filly and the Foal
« Reply #139 on: November 13, 2013, 01:50:00 PM »
Filly's toddlerhood was a raving success.  She was exuberant and enthusiastic.  Morgana was exceedingly proud.

She aged up, like so many little girls, with a love of all things equestrian.

She definitely inherited her father's eye shape and her mother's lips.

She took over the small room upstairs with children's decor, even though the bigger room once occupied by Sugar and Sean was rightfully hers.

She gave up that room for her cousin Lance right now and his pregnant ladylove who stayed over very often.

She loved going along with them on fishing trips to the pond across the street.  Horses were always gathered there.  Filly loved horses.

And Lance loved Cassidy.

She started school in the last days of fall, quickly gaining ground up to the head of her class.

She spent her free time doing the things that made her happy.  Unsuccessfully attempting to befriend wild horses ...

Presiding over royal court ...

And galloping all over Dragon Valley on her loyal steed.

Cassidy was over all the time as she got huger and huger.  Filly had a morbid sort of fascination with the whole process.

But she made herself scarce at game time.

She (surprisingly) named the little boy Rashad.  Lance rolled a wish to propose.

Meanwhile, Luna arranged a teen birthday surprise for her favorite niece. 

This shy little beauty is Starshine.  She is destined to be the love of Filly's life.

Filly stayed outside almost past her chance to have birthday cake doting over the pretty little foal.

Though eventually, she was coaxed inside.

She found her sparkles uncharacteristically intense.  She became a daredevil.

A very pretty daredevil.

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Filly and the Foal
« Reply #140 on: November 13, 2013, 02:00:38 PM »
Filly really is very pretty!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Filly and the Foal
« Reply #141 on: November 13, 2013, 08:29:57 PM »

Gorgeous! She reminds me a bit of Mona Lisa Classic. I think it's the lips. (Herm, just checked; Mona has very different lips! Not sure what it is then.)

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Offline Tilia

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« Reply #142 on: November 17, 2013, 03:30:27 PM »
Filly really is very pretty!

Gorgeous! She reminds me a bit of Mona Lisa Classic. I think it's the lips. (Herm, just checked; Mona has very different lips! Not sure what it is then.)

Yeah, they both have large eyes and large lips, so that must be it.  I'm really happy that I finally got a singularly unique heir :)


Retirement was suiting Liam just fine.  Lots of time to spend with his errant wife in the comfortable freedom of elderhood.

In fact, the household was experiencing a period of singular unity.  New relationships and old were floating in a state of happy bliss.

In fact, it was such an inspiring atmosphere for Lance that he finally decided he was ready to pop the question.  He went directly to Cassidy's home.

It took her quite a while to answer, but from the noises inside, he gathered it was due to the fact that she was in labor again.

Once he was finally allowed inside, he was able to meet his daughter.

And spend some quality time with baby Rashad.

Lance took very well to fatherhood.

Filly spent a lot of time with Starshine, but now that she was a teen, she was anxious to begin training.

So she adopted a shelter stallion and named him Charlie Horse.

Charlie is agile, even if he is untrained.  He and Filly spent many snow days learning the training course.  While he took breaks for food and water, Filly spent time enjoying her first winter.

And when he needed to sleep, she gave her attention back to Starshine, playing perfectly childish games of tag.

When the snow was light enough that Filly was forced to go to school, the horses had bonding time, full of horseplay and chat.

For reasons the Watcher never fully understood, Filly was insistent about wanting to learn to drive. 

Since the family had a motivemobile, there was no reason not to.  However, Filly (who is a witch) seemed to prefer to ride her mother's enchanted vacuum cleaner instead.  It was weird.

It was on one of these unique driving lessons that Liam felt an odd tingle.

Though he knew his wife was a remarkable witch and would feel his passing, he begged to wait for her.

But, though she hurried as fast as she could, it was too late.

Unfortunately, leaving the sidelines of Filly's vacuum stuff means she was out past curfew and now has a criminal record.  It was a bad night all around.

And the least opportune time for a horsie birthday.

Lance, seeking comfort, went to visit his little family.  Unfortunately he found two possible spousal options for Filly in romantic entanglement.

Oh well.  His daughter had gotten a bit bigger and was adorable.

He decided to go ahead and seal the deal.

And while everyone was sleeping off a very eventful evening, Chloe returned from boarding school to a house full of silence and weird vibes.

She decided to wait until everyone woke up to make herself over.  In the meantime, she took over Ava's old room looking very much like a boarding school graduate returned to a strange, medieval homeland.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Relationships
« Reply #143 on: November 17, 2013, 04:43:52 PM »

Oh goodness. Filly playing tag with Starshine is just the cutest! I didn't know you could do that! Always fun to learn something new about The Sims.

Offline EtnaFan666

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Relationships
« Reply #144 on: November 18, 2013, 03:36:56 PM »
I really enjoyed reading this. I am sorry you had to start over with the heir as a founder because of bugs, but that's what happens. I have had too many annoying bugs to count. :(

I can't wait for my new computer - the first thing I will buy is Pets so I can enjoy the animals. Seeing Filly's love for horses is awesome.
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

"With great ability comes great taking into account of one's actions!" - spoken by an NPC in Lego Marvel Superheroes

Offline Tilia

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Like an Adult
« Reply #145 on: November 18, 2013, 05:20:18 PM »
Oh goodness. Filly playing tag with Starshine is just the cutest! I didn't know you could do that! Always fun to learn something new about The Sims.

It is adorable, but I wish they would run in tandem so it didn't look like only one person is involved in the game when you capture a still.  Come to think of it, it's the same when children play.

I really enjoyed reading this. I am sorry you had to start over with the heir as a founder because of bugs, but that's what happens. I have had too many annoying bugs to count. :(

I can't wait for my new computer - the first thing I will buy is Pets so I can enjoy the animals. Seeing Filly's love for horses is awesome.

It's okay.  Dragon Valley has at least provided some really interesting genes to introduce into the pool.  I like pets a lot.  Sending dogs to hunt for gems is an excellent strategy for new families.


Chloe started her day by creating a town appropriate look for herself.

She then accompanied her parents over to Lance's house to meet her brother's new family.

She found herself quite drawn to his roommate Orion.

While she was occupied with that, Arthur took some time to visit the equestrian grounds and make sure his niece didn't finish high school with subpar grades due to snow days and equine distractions.

And he was just in time, because as she ran home to meet curfew, Filly became a young adult.  And Arthur.  Well ...

Oh, just kidding, apparently he had a death flower seed in his inventory from a field trip to the cemetery when he was a teenager.  Because yeah.  That's how these things go.

Death felt displaced.

But, the family was none the wiser.  Arthur saw no reason to tell them.

And Filly was now an elegant young woman. 

She finally took over Sugar and Sean's old room and redecorated it to her tastes.

Starshine too took to adulthood elegantly.

They made a striking pair.

It wasn't long before nature took its course and Chloe was expecting.

Starshine was soon expecting too.  Charlie, now a champion race horse, received a whopping purchase offer from a fellow racer that Filly accepted after much deliberation.  She filled his empty stall with a new adoptee named Dark Horse.

The pregnant Starshine was very protective of the new foal.

And the pregnant Chloe gave birth to a little were-cub named Roland.

He looks just like his mama, but behaves more like dad.

Starshine's foal is a girl horse named Nebula. 

Her presence comforts Dark Horse, who, though he's stopped missing his mother, still sometimes feels lonely.

While Starshine is resting, Filly has looked casually into online dating to see what's out there as a possible dynasty spouse.

But first, she had to get rid of some guy from prom a million years ago.  She was surprised and irritated that he took it so hard.  She also wondered what had happened to his previously quite generous head of hair.

Starshine told him to get lost.  The Clojos had things to see through and he needed to get over it like an adult.

Offline dontmindme

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Like an Adult
« Reply #146 on: November 18, 2013, 05:48:01 PM »
I really like this dynasty! As a DV player myself, it's also great to see other people getting into it. Word of warning though: In my experience, those Lawless genes usually overpower any other townie gene they come across, particularly lips.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Like an Adult
« Reply #147 on: November 18, 2013, 05:48:19 PM »

Hehe, you tell him, Starshine! Can horses really ask rude guests to leave the lot? Because that would be hilarious. Nice to see Ava's coloring still going strong.

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Like an Adult
« Reply #148 on: November 24, 2013, 10:16:24 AM »
I just found this, and there are so many things I want to say, but the most important is:
Freddie got MARRIED?!?

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Like an Adult
« Reply #149 on: December 28, 2013, 05:03:50 PM »
Filly is gorgeous! I love her colouring. I can't wait to see who she marries!
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