Author Topic: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty (Move to Graveyard)  (Read 71396 times)

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Rifts
« Reply #105 on: October 23, 2013, 08:57:20 AM »
I'm glad that you're starting over :) And may I ask, is Baklava named after food or something else? I was kinda surprised to see that name, but also glad altough I'm not fan of baklavas myself.
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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Rifts
« Reply #106 on: October 23, 2013, 09:02:08 AM »
I love how Moragan's light blue clothes look next to her goldenness. Now I'm anxious to see what color the next one is!
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Offline Rikki8528

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Rifts
« Reply #107 on: October 23, 2013, 03:44:33 PM »
This is amazing! I have no idea what all the references to Dojos and Classics are, but I still love this story!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Rifts
« Reply #108 on: October 23, 2013, 03:53:30 PM »
The Dojos and the Classics are both finished Dynasties that have made it into the Hall of Fame.  Shawyna is from Rhoxi's the Dojo Immortal Dynasty and Freddie is from Tilia's Classic Immortal Dynasty.  Both are fantastic stories and actually, there is a second Dojo Dyntasty in the works.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Rifts
« Reply #109 on: October 23, 2013, 06:44:59 PM »

Anyone else feeling worried about the Ava/Morgana relationship? I don't trust Ava's motives in befriending her.  ???

Offline Tilia

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Things that are Hidden
« Reply #110 on: October 24, 2013, 04:34:43 PM »
I'm glad that you're starting over :) And may I ask, is Baklava named after food or something else? I was kinda surprised to see that name, but also glad altough I'm not fan of baklavas myself.

Yep, named for the pastry.  One of my favorites.

I love how Moragan's light blue clothes look next to her goldenness. Now I'm anxious to see what color the next one is!

Me too.  It definitely adds a level of enjoyment to the game.

This is amazing! I have no idea what all the references to Dojos and Classics are, but I still love this story!

If you like this one, I guarantee you'd like the other two :)

Anyone else feeling worried about the Ava/Morgana relationship? I don't trust Ava's motives in befriending her.  ???

Ava's got some baggage.


Ava finally felt the strain of loss, rejection, betrayal, and all those things fade from her.  Of course Sugar and Sean were not people she'd ever be besties with, but if the Watcher deemed it necessary for her to live with them, she could make it work.  With conditions.  One of those conditions was the sweetest basement dwelling of them all.

Super Pregnant Sugar oversaw the decor herself in an effort to win over the immovable Ava Kelly.

Ava was unmoved. 

In her effort to understand what Morgana's powers may promise in the future, Ava had delved quite deeply into arcane research.  Sean and Sugar were unaware, but the basement level extended far past that beautiful little suite Ava lived in.  And it was filled with goodies.

But then, Ava was just full of surprises.

Surprises that made the Watcher miss Arthur's birth entirely.  He was born healthy and strong, with athletic little arms and a brave disposition.

Baklava kept a close eye on him anyway.

Morgana, for her part, loves surprises.  She loved her green brother.  She loved finding out there was another nooboo on the way too.

And feeling it kick in the Blue Lady's tummy.

As for the father of Ava's baby, well ... she was mum on the subject.

But she did give Morgana her teen birthday present a few days early.

"It's all for you, sweetness," Ava said.  "For you to realize your full potential as a powerful witch."

"Ooh, are these jellybeans?" Morgana said, breathlessly.

"Oh, don't--" Ava started, then sighed.

Morgana's head was full of magic for the rest of the day.

And Ava, realizing that the nice red rug she'd put down in the antechamber was a dance mat, celebrated Morgana's approval.

Meanwhile, Arthur aged up into a pink-haired toddler.  This one might finally have some unique features to add to the Clojo line.

He is extra cute.

When Ava went up to say hello, her own nooboo decided it was time to come out.

She rushed to the hospital while Sugar took the opportunity to snoop.

And hit paydirt.

While dancing and thinking about nachos in the antechamber, Sugar decided to allow Ava and Morgana to continue on thinking they had a special secret.  What harm could it do?

Ava came home with Luna none the wiser.

Arthur learned his skills.  His first word was "jewels"

He and his sister got along famously.

Luna had her birthday soon enough.

"Who is the father, Ava?" Sugar asked for the twelfth time.

"Oh, who knows," Ava smiled.  "Maybe it's Sean."

"It is not Sean," Sean said angrily.

To everyone's surprise, this got a genuine laugh out of Sugar.

She is a darling little thing.  Eccentric but friendly.

Morgana figures it's kind of like having a sister.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Things that are Hidden
« Reply #111 on: October 24, 2013, 04:44:14 PM »
My favourite line from this chapter: "It is not Sean," Sean said angrily. Hahaha
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Things that are Hidden
« Reply #112 on: October 24, 2013, 05:21:01 PM »

My favourite line from this chapter: "It is not Sean," Sean said angrily. Hahaha

I'm gonna have to second this.  ;D The nooboo shot of Arthur made me giggle too. He looks like he's wide eyed and gasping about something; I know, it's the bottle he's about to be fed, but still.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Things that are Hidden
« Reply #113 on: October 24, 2013, 05:34:45 PM »
My favourite line from this chapter: "It is not Sean," Sean said angrily. Hahaha

Thirded XD  And I love the fact that Sugar laughed at that.  Glad she knows her hubby ^^

Offline Tilia

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« Reply #114 on: October 24, 2013, 10:55:00 PM »
My favourite line from this chapter: "It is not Sean," Sean said angrily. Hahaha


I'm gonna have to second this.  ;D The nooboo shot of Arthur made me giggle too. He looks like he's wide eyed and gasping about something; I know, it's the bottle he's about to be fed, but still.

Yeah, everyone's face in that shot is a little weird, but the dog's is what sealed it for me.  Had to include that.

Thirded XD  And I love the fact that Sugar laughed at that.  Glad she knows her hubby ^^

Sugar knew Ava was just goading him.  It's a shame things unwound the way they did.  Sugar and Ava may have been good friends in another universe.


For the first time since the Clojo family had included her, Ava was entirely at peace.  It felt like order had been restored in her little universe.

It also helped that Sugar took the same natural interest in a sweet baby girl that Ava had taken in Morgana.

The reason this helped was because Luna was having none of it.  She just didn't like Sugar for whatever reason.  This pleased Ava.

Meanwhile, in the chaos of everything, Morgana aged up to a teen quite at the surprise of the family during bedtime.

It was just as well.  They didn't need any more cake in the fridge.

Morgana announced, "brb, gotta go shave my forehead."

She wore an enchanted jewel that Ava had included in her magic rooms.  And remained dressed in her favorite color.

She definitely has Sugar's mouth, which Sugar inherited from Kyle.  So yay, one or two unique features.

The onset of Morgana's teen years had one very important meaning for her future.  Her powers had come into maturity.

She spent hours in the basement, studying everything on the arcane that was available to her.  Many times she had to dismiss bonehilda, who likes nothing more than gossiping with the magic mirror.  It's worse than the sprinklers.  Seriously.

She registered as a professional alchemist before her first day of high school.  Morgana's future was clear in front of her.

Meanwhile, other milestones were happening.  Arthur and Ava aged up in tandem. Poor Arthur aged up while having a pee.  Little does he know, many of his ancestresses had the same luck.

He is a handsome boy.

He and Baklava immediately took to games of speed and agility.  Sugar suspects her son will have an active sort of life.

She and Sean climb the career ladder slowly but surely.  Founders always have a harder go at time management.

Luna learned her toddler skills at the soft coaxings of her doting mother.

And got a doll house for being such a smart little angel.

For her part, Morgana aims to max out her requirements as quickly as possible.

There is a reason for this.  In fact, it was the reason she missed Luna's child birthday.  A routine trip to the consignment shops in town and she'd stumbled onto the most fabulous looking boy.  She barely stuttered through her charming introduction for the impact of her attraction.  His name is Liam Eames.  He is the child of Maeve Eames, for whom the watcher has great fondness.

She stayed late talking to him.  When the consignment register closed, he suggested they grab dinner at the diner.  It occurred to Morgana that she was on her very first date.

Back at home, Luna took a big breath and defeated the candles on her child birthday cake.

"Do you know who your daddy is, sweetheart?" Sugar asked her.

"Of course," answered Luna.

"Oh.  Who?"

Luna just smiled.  She had her mother's smile.

It seemed that special mix of hopeless romance reserved for young people was in the air.  For Morgana.

And perhaps for Arthur too, who suddenly no longer found the "other kid" an annoying distraction.

At least one of them sealed the deal for now.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Growth
« Reply #115 on: October 25, 2013, 02:17:55 AM »
Oh my gosh Liam is so cool looking. Snag him immediately.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Growth
« Reply #116 on: October 25, 2013, 02:18:22 AM »
It appears there will be a romance between Arthur and Luna, perhaps she'll tell him who her father is?

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Growth
« Reply #117 on: October 25, 2013, 05:06:58 AM »
Wow, this is moving along fast (and colourfully).

Oh my gosh Liam is so cool looking.

Seconded!  Dragon Valley looks to have some very interesting genes, in a non-Twinbrooky way :).

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Growth
« Reply #118 on: October 25, 2013, 09:22:19 AM »
Is Fiona ever going to reenter the story?
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Re: The Clojo 4x4 Dynasty - Growth
« Reply #119 on: October 25, 2013, 11:07:53 AM »

Rainbow, unique hair color, yellow eyes, and handsome to boot: Liam is a great catch! Arthur and Luna are pretty stinkin' cute together too. And oh goodness, yet more potty age ups! Haha, "classic".  :P