Author Topic: Not being able to locate the NPC that asked for the date  (Read 2240 times)

Offline crazedquilter

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Not being able to locate the NPC that asked for the date
« on: September 08, 2013, 05:06:48 PM »
I have this problem no matter where my sim is, hometown or in Shang Simla, Al Simhara or the French town whose name I forgot. Anyway, my sim was asked out on a date by a mummy. My sim, same as all my other sims, have been able to locate their NPC dates.  Plus I think it'd be fun to have a mummy as a friend!

I did some searches of the forums but couldn't find anything that answered my question so I hope someone can help. I have the following expansions, Supernatural, Pets and World Adventures. I also regularly make sure my game is up to date. Plus I'm running all this on a Mac and thus far the only issue is that only Windows systems can use the build a world/town function.

I hope I've supplied enough info. Please feel free to move this thread anywhere.

