Author Topic: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty  (Read 35543 times)

Offline rokrchik

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2013, 08:58:24 PM »
This was awesome! I laughed so hard - the arrest, half the house is on the lawn, the other half is the toilet. Can't wait for more!

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2013, 06:36:17 AM »
Hurray for Wolff genes, the best genes in Moonlight Falls! Glad he's going to be her spouse. I sense adorable babies in the future!
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2013, 12:43:45 PM »
While Pappy is indeed dirt poor, he also starts with a nearly maxed-out hidden lycanthropy skill which means loads of gems if you send him out hunting. In the long-run, it's more profitable than a nice car.

I'll echo everyone on how adorable Cerise is. I love her rounded features.

Thanks for the tip - I've had him out collecting gems and he's done a pretty good job of making me money! It's something for him to do as well, which is good seeing as I had no real plan for him.

Your founder is extra adorable.  I love her wardrobe.  It's this great combo of funky and whimsical.


Wish there was at least a little forbidden romance with the fairy policeman ^.~

He completely dropped off her relationships panel a day or two after he arrested her, which was just weird. And annoying! I had him down to be the supernatural best friend if nothing else.

This was awesome! I laughed so hard - the arrest, half the house is on the lawn, the other half is the toilet. Can't wait for more!

My approach to building is pretty much the entire reason I don't have Seasons in my game. Glad it made you laugh though!

Hurray for Wolff genes, the best genes in Moonlight Falls! Glad he's going to be her spouse. I sense adorable babies in the future!

So do I. If she ever gets her last opportunity *growls*. Pappy's not only my favourite werewolf in Moonlight Falls but one of my favourite sims in the whole town.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2013, 01:06:21 PM »
Of Werewolves and Sims

Despite my love of Pappy, there've been moments when I regretted choosing an elder spouse. I had to bring him in straight away to make sure he didn't die before I could snag him, but I don't have anything for him to do. So he's currently a man of leisure (until I saw Trip's tip about hunting, at which point he had an instant job...).

In the hope of getting Cerise to pop a marriage wish, I decided it was time their romance became a little bit more official. Cerise seems to be distracted, however, by a chess table that's rudely in her way. And my way for screenshots, but you can't choose where your Sims stand it seems.

Oooh, shiney. That's distracted her from the chess table (but it's still in my way).

"Give me a hug, new fiancee?"

"Too busy staring at invisible sparkly things!"

It's the full moon, and Pappy transitions into a werewolf standing on one leg. I don't know whether that's normal or whether it's his insane trait.

And Cerise just does chemistry, because while you're waiting to decide you'd like a wedding you might as well make some interesting potions. I love the range of weird facial expressions this Sim has.

Weirdly, what worked to get the 'Marry Pappy' wish was seeing him in wolf form. Excellent. I knew my sims were sensible and normal people.

Obligatory wedding photos.

Obligatory failed potion and singed Sim photo. Poor Cerise.

By this point, she'd made headway on 3/5 challenges (Logic potions and the two paint x number of murals Street AQrt challenges). We're initially mostly focusing on Logic to help with career progress - and aim for that Top Ghost Hunting Career wish - and because she needs max Logic in order to get the Find All Potions wish. Even if I haven't planned much I still did my research!

She's also got the tutoring children challenge earmarked, with the paperboy being victim of choice.

Her last two are the Stargazing challenge and the 5 Masterpieces Street Art challenge. That last we won't be tackling until a lot nearer the end.

A quickly aborted part of the strategy was to try and max Logic early, but we (I) soon figured that was a waste of time. If she somehow gets 20 stars and 20 hours of tutoring in before she maxes Logic we'll rethink, but it's probably unlikely.

The weirdest thing about the ghosthunting career in Moonlight Falls can be seen in this picture. Ghosts wanting their house rid of ghosts? They can't be afraid of them, that'd be hypocritical. Perhaps they see them as squatters.

I can just imagine Cerise's reaction though: "Hmm. The ghost hunting machine says I'm far away, but there's one right over there in this corner. Maybe it's time to get a new job. Or a better machine."

Finally, she finds the ghost she's meant to be turfing out, rather than the one that legally lives there (or I assume legally. Maybe they're just the longer term squatters.).

It turns out sweet-talking a ghost back into it's grave is like trying to talk a wall into falling down.

Let's get the Banshee Banisher out instead.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2013, 09:21:14 AM »
Ah, I;ve never played the ghost hunter in Moonlight Falls! It is so hypocritical of those silly ghosts wanting to get rid of the squatters, lol.
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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2013, 04:27:22 AM »
Ghosthunter is my favourite career so far, it's so funny!  ;)
Cerise got a nice hubby, do you plan to age him down by the way?? Good to hear that she got that marry him wish so early. ^^

Offline rokrchik

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2013, 08:50:13 PM »
Can't wait to Cerise-Pappy pups!

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Offline Serenity S.

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2013, 02:49:18 AM »
I also tried life state dynasty, but deleted the file due to lack of interest and patience and the fact my sister tends to change the age bars to what fits her. But my founder genie also did ghost hunting career, for rewards ofc.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2013, 12:09:12 PM »
Ah, I;ve never played the ghost hunter in Moonlight Falls! It is so hypocritical of those silly ghosts wanting to get rid of the squatters, lol.

I know!

Ghosthunter is my favourite career so far, it's so funny!  ;)
Cerise got a nice hubby, do you plan to age him down by the way?? Good to hear that she got that marry him wish so early. ^^

I love the ghost-hunting career too. I haven't done it for ages. I don't think I will age him down - werewolves have a slightly longer lifespan and part of my game plan for choosing him as first spouse was to free up the house space fairly quickly. If I kept him around, he wouldn't cause any problems for generation 2's ability to have triplets but might if he was still around by gen 3, and also the fewer sims I have to watch the less chance I have of letting someone accidentally invalidate someone else's achievements!

Can't wait to Cerise-Pappy pups!

Neither can I! I hope they're funny colours, werewolves and cute. I'm just one opportunity (and pregnancy) away from seeing them in-game.

I also tried life state dynasty, but deleted the file due to lack of interest and patience and the fact my sister tends to change the age bars to what fits her. But my founder genie also did ghost hunting career, for rewards ofc.

I've very nearly failed a dynasty by having changed age bars before - and I'm the only one that plays Sims in this house! It's easy to do. I thought about having a genie founder, the ability to summon food would be pretty cool for a founder.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2013, 11:14:30 AM »
Requirements: Complete

Welcome back to the Crayola Life States Dynasty!

We start with Cerise having a birthday a little less than halfway towards her requirements being completed. That's about what I expected, so all is good!

She's not impressed though. Aging + really wanting to be in bed not sparkling + still having to sleep outside = unhappy Cerise. To be honest, I don't blame her. If I was supposed to be a mature Adult I'd resent having to sleep outside all the time too, despite having the money to build a house, because the person supposed to be building it for me was lazy.

Luckily I'm still a Young Adult in sims terms. But I probably should get round to building them at least some kind of a house.

Cerise technically has a grandson, and he's the chosen victim for Tutoring Round 2. Meet Gator. Really he should have aged up by now, as well.

Cerise: I have a grandson?! I'm an Adult, I can't have a grandson, I'm too young for this!

I think Gator's teeth are sharper than his pencil.

With the Teacher Extrodinare challenge done, Cerise sets about finishing off her final two - Always Wanted and Master Chemist. At about this point she also went on holiday to France to complete an opportunity, but I have no photos of that because it's the most boring World Adventures trip I've ever done. It went something like this: fly in, talk to sim for opportunity, fly out.

I wish there was a way to make sims read skill books on the plane. I mean, if I have to wait ten minutes for a loading screen, I might as well get some skilling time out of it.

After leveling Street Art, we discover the only masterpiece Cerise appears able to paint is these windows. They don't even match the colour scheme, Cerise! Call yourself Avant Garde!

Or maybe clashing is in this season. Who knows.

You'll also note at this point that I finally built a house. Well, shack. And only really because it's soon to be heir-making time and nobody wants a paparazzi watching them do that.

Last skill challenge, and also the last wish, was potions. Master Chemist Cerise has only a best friend and one opportunity to go.

And after befriending Erica Wolff ("My, haven't you got nice fur! And I can see all of it because you think it's perfectly acceptable to have your step-mother-in-law round when you've got your underwear on." The Compliment Fur interaction is odd.), she's only got one more. So we wait a week.

And then we wait another day or so.

And then, finally (FINALLY) the opportunity arrives and we can get going on Generation 2.

It's all fairly predicatable at this point.

There's a baby in there, Cerise. Don't look at it like you want to eat it!

And Pappy is very, erm, agile for such an old man. He's had his elder years extended four times now.

I'd fall flat on my face if I tried that kind of move, but I'm not a werewolf I guess.

Y M C A, it's fun to stay at the Y M C A!

Cerise dances to kids music for two solid days, until a stupid burgler comes and steals the stereo.

And then has the cheek to say the toilet smells like radioactive waste. I hate him.

And because everything happens at once (execpt when you're waiting for an opportunity) Cerise goes into labour.

Are they wolves? Are they brightly coloured? Did all that kids music give me triplets like I wanted?

I know the answers, but you don't! *sticks tongue out*

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2013, 12:22:00 PM »
Then you better tell us ASAP! I can't wait to find out. And congrats to Cerise!
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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2013, 12:29:57 PM »
I love Cerise's approach to getting windows. ;D Can't wait to see the new heir(s). I hope there's an heir in there.
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2013, 01:43:47 PM »
Congrats on the nooboo! Been waiting awhile for an update =P
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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2013, 02:05:10 PM »
Hopefully there's some interesting-colored rainboos. Like purple or yellow or something. My rainboos always seem to be green or bluish.

Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Colourful Crayons - A Life States Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2013, 07:10:48 AM »
Then you better tell us ASAP! I can't wait to find out. And congrats to Cerise!

I'll be telling you later today :) But first, I have to go rebuild their new house because my computer Error 12'd me when I tried to save it. Yay.

I love Cerise's approach to getting windows. ;D Can't wait to see the new heir(s). I hope there's an heir in there.

So do I! There is a heir in there, thankfully.

Congrats on the nooboo! Been waiting awhile for an update =P

I know, sorry! Real life just got in the way (and trust me, I'd have preferred to stay with my Sims...).

Hopefully there's some interesting-colored rainboos. Like purple or yellow or something. My rainboos always seem to be green or bluish.

That's weird! Mine always seem to end up a similar colour to whichever parent is brightly coloured, which is also annoying. Might have to experiment with getting different colours.