Hi. My game clock is not working. It keeps no regular time in any speed mode except that all modes are slowwwww. The game is extremely jerky, when it is moving along. The sims freeze every 2 seconds, move 2 seconds - repeat. It's very hard on the eyes and patience. Sometimes the clock freezes for hours but the play goes on jerkily. When the clock finally moves I have missed some events (ex: clock stops at 5.00am, jumps to 9.30am, and my sims don't get the carpool for work, are late and take 3 or more hours to get there. Workday is done. Also the sims take up to 10 seconds (my time) to begin an activity like changing outfits, walking somewhere or talking to another sim.
I achieve very little in a day. Time moves, sims don't or vice versa. It can take up to 6 hrs just to have 3 conversation interactions.
All towns are affected. This just started about 3 days ago when I got an EA game update. I'm wondering if this may have been the cause and if others are experiencing this. I've reset all sims, reset the whole town, tried starting the town over, taken the mods out and as there was no change, put them back. I also did a system restore from a week earlier, but as the files are not touched, I think the update is still intact. I delete the files after each game and my computer system is clean.
Can anyone help me fix the game clock?