Author Topic: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 16  (Read 26621 times)

Offline betabee

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The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 16
« on: September 02, 2013, 05:13:06 AM »

The free spirit household is a popular one for dynasty help. It's high time they had their own chance to shine. Thus I present to you . . .

The Riversong Dynasty!

Nicholas and Cassidy will be the founders, Jessica Willow will help out with potions and the like.

Chapter list:
An unearthly child
The Daleks
The Aztecs
The keys of Marinus
Marco Polo
The Romans
The Rescue
Planet of giants
The Time Meddler
Galaxy 4

The Myth Makers
The Ark
The Celestial Toymaker
The Crusade
The Space Museum
Let's do the time warp again . . .
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Offline betabee

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2013, 05:17:51 AM »

Heir 1:
Career: Law Enforcement (Forensic branch)
Best friends: Blake Greyson, Davy Cho
Skill challenges: Brushmaster, Proficient Painter, Master Painter
Blackops: The business of Decor, Broadway cameo, Deliver a painting to china, Hard core training.
Scientia Immortal Dynasty    -Christmas special: Snowflake days of futures past
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Offline betabee

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2013, 05:18:49 AM »
Chapter 1: An unearthly child

Nick: So, what do you say to getting married and having a child to start a 16-generation long dynasty?
Cassidy: I won't need to sculpt, right? I have a feeling it'd be bad for my health . . .
Nick: Nonsense! We just need to be really, really happy.

Cassidy: I'd be happy to do it, then.

Nick: And happy to marry me?
Cassidy: Definitely! I'm not taking your surname though.

Nick: How about a new surname then? One that's uniquely ours.
Cassidy: Maybe a mix of both our surnames would do?

Nick: Like Earthhawk?
Cassidy: That sounds silly. How about Riversong?

Nick: Sounds good.
Betabee: And now I pronounce you the founders of the Riversong Dynasty!

Generation 1 is on the way! I'm not having the whole guessing game like in the Scientias. All the heirs this time will be based off Dr Who companions or the actors playing the Doctor. I aim to cover 3 Doctors per world.

The nursery is quite simple for now, partly because the cild won't spend long there, and partly because I'm trying to save money for the world moving requirements.

Hence most of the house has been emptied of furniture.

I may use some of the rooms again later on, so I haven't demolished any buildings.

All the furniture selling has allowed the family to buy and fully upgrade their first property on day 1. Score!

So here you see a renovated Louie falls, which hopefully will bring in revenue to help buy the next properties and buildings.

It's on it's way!

Jess: Why am I still here?
Betabee: Same reason as normal.
Jess:Don't tell me I'm a skill slave again!
Betabee: Yep. Sorry. You should have a longer lifespan, though. I don't think there's any restrictions on feeding you young again potions in this ruleset.
Jess: Joy.

Betabee: Enjoying yourself?
Cassidy: Reasonably. It's a good thing Social Networking is a free skill, otherwise it'd be a lot harder for me to get my lifetime wish. How's Nick?
Betabee: He's writing a few books inbetween going to work to boost the family income.

Soon enough, it's time for the first generation to arrive!

Cassidy: Yay! She's green!
Betabee: Forum, this is Susan- an artistic and good baby.

Susan was aged up immediately following her birth.
Nick: Woot! I don't have to deal with a burrito at all!

Susan: I thought I'd have grown some hair by now.
Betabee: It's only a few minutes since you were born- have some patience.

She's got Nick's eyes and hair, and her mother's skin (though in a slightly darker shade). It's hard to tell which parent she resembles most face-wise at this stage.

Betabee: Why did you have white as your favourite colour?
Susan: It's pretty and clean.
Betabee: It's a silly colour to dress a toddler in, but I've done my best.

Thus begins the heir's skilling so she can get the correct traits. I'm hoping she can get ambitious and workaholic so she can do painting and law enforcement when she's older.
Scientia Immortal Dynasty    -Christmas special: Snowflake days of futures past
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Offline maisie

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2013, 05:44:17 AM »
Congratulations on your first heir. I'm happy to see she got her mothers colour. And wow, you are fast, first property on day one! :)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2013, 05:48:24 AM »
I wondered about a Dr Who connection as soon as I saw the surname :).  (And then the chapter title, of course.)
The Free Spirits are likely to be appearing in my dynasty as well.  That is, assuming I can get them to move in on the next attempt...

Offline butterfly

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2013, 05:50:48 AM »
Susan is adorable, I'm glad she's green! Good luck with the dynasty
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline betabee

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2013, 05:52:26 AM »
Congratulations on your first heir. I'm happy to see she got her mothers colour. And wow, you are fast, first property on day one! :)

The advantages of starting with townies- extra money for properties!

I wondered about a Dr Who connection as soon as I saw the surname :).  (And then the chapter title, of course.)
The Free Spirits are likely to be appearing in my dynasty as well.  That is, assuming I can get them to move in on the next attempt...

I hope to include Dr who themed chapter titles (and heir names) throughout the dynasty.  :D
Good luck moving them into your dynasty.

Susan is adorable, I'm glad she's green! Good luck with the dynasty

So am I. It'd be interesting to see how long I can keep the green in the family.  :)
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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2013, 06:59:17 AM »
I love the naming theme and congratulations on a greenboo!

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Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2013, 08:49:50 PM »
I jumped right to this one as soon as I saw the name. Cassidy is a pretty girl and will probably have some gorgeous children. Can someone point me in the direction of the 4x4 rules? I know this is a new one, but I just want to orient myself.

Offline betabee

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2013, 04:00:28 AM »
I love the naming theme and congratulations on a greenboo!


Thanks!  :D

I jumped right to this one as soon as I saw the name. Cassidy is a pretty girl and will probably have some gorgeous children. Can someone point me in the direction of the 4x4 rules? I know this is a new one, but I just want to orient myself.

They're on the challenge board page. here's a link if it helps.
Scientia Immortal Dynasty    -Christmas special: Snowflake days of futures past
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Offline betabee

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 2
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2013, 06:37:19 AM »
Chapter 2- The Daleks

And so we begin with Susan's toddler skills.
Susan: How long do I need to spend as a toddler? I'd like to eat real food.
Nick: It won't be for long, darling. I'm sure you can be aged up as soon as you're taught all your skills.

Susan: Of all the toddler pics, you had to include this one?
Betabee: Well, we've got ones of you learning to walk and talk. This is just to complete the set really.

Thus, after only a day or two, it was time for Susan to age up.

She aged up with the ambitious trait.
Betabee: Dresser first, then you've got work to do.
Susan: Already?
Betabee: We're on a limited time span here.
Susan: Fine. Mirror first though- I'm not a fan of pigtails.

Betabee: Is this better?
Susan: Yeah.

Betabee: I'm not sure white really goes that well . . .
Susan:I don't care about fashion that much. You shouldn't either, given we're in a hurry.
Betabee: Fine. That'll do. To the easel!

Susan: So, do I get tutoring or anything?
Betabee: Probably not. AN A is enough, and you need to get those paintings done.
Susan: Ok. Let me get on with it then!

I changed Nick's lifetime wish to swimming in cash. My strategy will be to use genies to get most of the money for buildings and properties. The genies will be gotten from Cassidy and Nick, since I need to get them lifetime happiness points anyway.

Poor Jess. Forced to make potions and elixirs, she got changed into a toad when making an invigorating elixir, and I've been procrastinating on curing her.

A few days later, it was time for 2 birthdays. Nick became an adult . . .

. . . and Susan became a teen.

I gave her the workaholic trait this time.
Susan: I guess this means I'll have a rabbithole job.
Betabee: Quite correct. You're going into law enforcement.

She's a nice mix of her parent's features.

Her favourite colour is stil a bit problematic however.
Susan: There's nothing saying you have to dress me in white.
Betabee: It makes my descision making easier. Back to the easel with you!

The next day was Cassidy and Jess' adult birthdays.

However, I've encountered a glitch. It seems you cannot age up if you're a toad. I tried using a cake, but that didn't work either.

I could exploit this, but it feels like cheating to leave her as a toad forever, so I sent her to the alchemy store to try and find a cure elixir.

Luckily a cure elixir was found and she was human again.

Jess aged up immediately afterwards. Her adult birthday was only a day late, but given there are no life-extending restrictions on spares and helpers, I won't worry about it too much.
Scientia Immortal Dynasty    -Christmas special: Snowflake days of futures past
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Offline superbluejay

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2013, 09:50:55 AM »
This looks good! Bookmarked....

Offline maisie

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2013, 10:15:26 AM »
Fortunalely you got a cure elixir, these toads look really strange. But on the other hand, the green matched the Riversongs.  ;)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2013, 01:59:18 PM »
There's something so right about Toad!Jess :)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2013, 03:04:06 PM »
Susan reminded me of one of Cassidy's children in my first attempt at a townie decaDynasty.

Her father is Hector Mendoza though.

Great update!

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