Author Topic: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 16  (Read 26632 times)

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 12
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2014, 10:07:17 AM »
Caring for the paparazzi's death more? What a family!

Congrats on Steven's greenboo and general pollination efforts. :)
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Offline betabee

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The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 13
« Reply #46 on: February 23, 2014, 07:14:06 PM »
Caring for the paparazzi's death more? What a family!

Congrats on Steven's greenboo and general pollination efforts. :)

Paparazzi are people too! Though I agree it's weird they would mourn Alice (the paparazzi) rather than Sebastian. Alice's death is more important than a member of your family dying?! What?! These sims are strange.
Steven is doing a stellar job, it must be said.

Chapter 13- The Celestial toymaker

Jessica: Ah, you must be the new paparazzi.
Paparazzi: H-how could you tell?
Jessica: My superior powers of deduction. I see by your ridiculously mismatched clothing that you must be an NPC, plus you've been lingering around the front door for a while now. Ergo . . .

Given Monte's attraction to a certain young lady, it was inevitable that he would visit the house sooner or later.
Barbara: So, what are your intentions towards Polly, dear cousin?
Monte: Erm . . . to take her to prom, I guess . . .? I hadn't thought that far ahead yet really.
Barbara: (giggles at her cousin's discomfort) Hey, don't worry about it too much, you numpty. Though I think you'd get brownie points with the Watcher if Polly married into the main family.
Monte: Hmm . . .

After finishing their homework, Monte spent some quality time with his gran . . .

 . . . while Barbara and Polly headed off to prom. (Monte went with Polly to prom, since all the notifications showed up, so we must assume he used a TARDIS to be in two places at once.)

Barbara: A victory for nerd-girls everywhere, methinks. Woot!

Steven's third child was born that night also. Quiana was born with normal skin colour.

We should take this opportunity to examine the development of the other two children Steven has fathered. Jarrett looks as if he will ressemble his father a lot . . .

 . . . and here's Toby as a teenager. (Steven's got some quite strong facial genetics . . .)

Polly returned from prom as Monte's girlfriend, and to a birthday cake.

Polly: Well, it could be worse. I really need a bigger headband though . . .

After fully equipping Polly with a clothing set any NPC would kill for, Polly's only remaining purpose in the house is waiting for Monte to grow up so they can marry and live a happy, un-watched life.

 . . . but in the meanwhile she's getting a job in science (LTHP for Jessica, even though she doesn't really need it.)

The Riversongs have reached a point where they are taking over the town- Polly's new boss is her future mother-in-law, Dodo. (She looks quite sad without the greeny-black hair of her youth.)

In other news, due to watcher oversight Nicholas has completed one of Barbara's intended skill challenges (the earning lots of writing money one) by being a bit too alive to not recieve royalties. Therefore, emergency measures of a guitar and tabcast have been introduced so Barbara's last challenge can be the learning all compositions one, which should be easy.

Speaking of skill challenges, Barbara is well on her way to writing 20 science-fiction novels, a few of which have been salvaged for the collection. I will provide a list of her works later on, since some of the titles may provide amusement. (if you're a whovian. they may be confusing otherwise)

Soon enough, it was time (the weekend after prom) for Barbara to have a cake and leave school behind.

Barbara: Woah . . . this hair reminds me of a time-travel novel or two.

Gah! Blinked! Barbara, you know what happens to people who blink at the wrong moment, right?

I tried to dress her in a journalist-y sort of outfit (since that's what she's going to do for a job), but I'm unsure how it went. Does she look a bit too much like Rita Skeeter? Especially in her normal outfit? Hmm . . .

Steven's kids update time! Our first glimpse of Quiana (seen here on the left). She's far cuter in-game.

And for your enjoyment- a glimpse of Jarrett as a child! He has his uncle Sebastian's hair.

It took a day or two, but Monte grew up very quickly after his cousin.

However, I don't have enough screenshot space left in this update to do their wedding justice, so you'll have to be satisfied with them on a date. (Yes, I know you're miffed, Polly. But it'll be on soon, I promise.)

And finally, another of Jessica's adult birthdays passed in the bathroom. (I really need to put up some lights in there . . .)

Next week: Love and Sadness.
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 13
« Reply #47 on: February 24, 2014, 02:46:38 PM »
Quote being a bit too alive to not receive royalties.

Nice phrasing  ;).  Glad to see I'm not the only one messing up the intended challenges.

Offline betabee

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The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 14
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2014, 05:54:45 PM »
Nice phrasing  ;).  Glad to see I'm not the only one messing up the intended challenges.

It feels a bit bad to be wishing for a sim to die faster, but at least this happened early on- it gives me more time to plan around it.

Chapter 14: The Crusade

We start with the news that Barbara's new boss is none other than her aunt by blood (and soon also her aunt by marriage!).

Polly: Hello Monte! I have a very important question to ask you . . .

Polly: Will you marry me? (at some point in the future when there's enough house space for us to move in together with a child on the way)?

Monte: I'd love to! Pick the date, and we can continue our little branch of the family tree!

Monte and Polly aren't the only romantic pair around the town.
Jarrett: Why on earth did I follow mum here? Eeewww parents are gross!

As for Barbara's love life? Well, after a quick trip to egypt for an opportunity (and to finish off a skill challenge) . . .

 . . . she started scouting out some of her co-workers.

Barbara: Ah, hello Charles. Mind if I interview you?

(Maybe we should make this a tip on general dynasty threads- the journalist's interview ability makes it oh so easy to find out traits and thus identify good spouse material.)

Given that Charles is an original townie, I guess I could have found out all this from the internet. However, my computer isn't good at running sims and the internet at the same time. Despite this, Barabara's investigative skills helped me quickly conclude that Charles and Barbara would probably be very happy together, what with the similar traits and all.

To whit . . .

Charles: Do you ever get the feeling you're being watched? (glares in direction of watcher)
Barbara: All the time. Mostly because I'm in a watched household.

Barbara: Are you okay with living in a watched household? I'm currently the heir to a dynasty.
Charles: I guess so. I mean, it's not like I have that much experience of being in one.
Barbara: OKay. It's just, my mum didn't warn my dad before he moved in. I always go the feeling he resented the fact that he didn't know the facts.
Charles: Well, thanks for the warning I suppose.

Barbara: Would you like some flowers?
Charles: Ooh, nice scented flowers! Thankyou!
Barbara: I didn't realise they were scented . . .
Charles: It's far easier for werewolves to detect- these are a lovely delicate fragrance . . .

Barbara managed to finish off her final skill challenge of writing 20 books under the watchful eye of her boyfriend's pet kitten.

As promised, here is a summary of all the books Barbara has written. She may write more sci-fi books in future, but it's now of far less importance. Her job comes first for now!

The family collection is more-or-less complete. All it needs now is time so Susan's paintings can accumulate wealth so that it hits the money target (which should be easy enough).

Soon enough, another two of Steven's children arrived. He now has five children with Francisca, so will stop there (It would be very unfortunate if Steven were unable to marry his lady love because of house space issues. :-( )

Cindy was born a normal-coloured sim, but Katherine, seen here, is another greenboo! Huzzah!

***Random extras for your enjoyment***

Jarrett is obviously an extremely bright young man to have a degree at his age. (Or the difficulty of exams has got a lot easier in recent years!)

After the recent incident with less than unique skill challenges, I decided to create myself a master spreadsheet of all the skill challenges available in-game to make plotting the next 14 generations easier. I'm using green writing for ones i'm counting, orange backgrounds for ones in reserve, and red backgrounds for invalidated ones (Nicholas! Grr . . .).

Next time: Yes, I didn't get onto all the stuff I said would happen next time last time. I guess next week's update is going to be quite busy . . .
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 14
« Reply #49 on: March 08, 2014, 06:15:12 AM »
Still grinning at the book titles (particularly the Welsh quarry guide and So Long and Thanks for All the Hits)

(Maybe we should make this a tip on general dynasty threads- the journalist's interview ability makes it oh so easy to find out traits and thus identify good spouse material.)

Questioning by police Sims is equally useful, of course :).

And Jarrett is a seriously accomplished baby ;).

Offline betabee

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The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 15
« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2014, 06:54:45 PM »
Still grinning at the book titles (particularly the Welsh quarry guide and So Long and Thanks for All the Hits)

Questioning by police Sims is equally useful, of course :).

And Jarrett is a seriously accomplished baby ;).

I'm glad you enjoyed the book titles. :-) Good point about police questioning, though wouldn't it unnerve a poor unsuspecting sim if they were questioned by their intended's parent/s before being able to marry? I wonder . . .

Chapter 15: The Space Museum

Nicholas: Is it me, or has the local gravity gone a bit wibbly-wobbly?

Cassidy: Erm . . . I don't know how to break this to you, darling, but you're a bit greyer than usual.
Nicholas: Well, I haven't been using as much hair dye as I did in the past. I'd have thought you've have noticed that by now.

Nicholas: Seriously, why is everyone looking so concerned? I'm perfectly alright!

Nicholas: Well, that was sudden. I thought turning into a genie would feel different to this . . . (voice slowly fades out)
Cassidy: It's an urn, you silly man . . .

And so, the first tombstone for the moving requirements has been obtained. RIP Nicholas Riversong. You lived longer than expected or hoped for, but did a good job as a founder.

And so, with a space freed up within the house, Steven wasted no time moving out the nest.

Betabee: Do you, Steven Irving Riversong, take this woman to be your wife?
Steven: I do.

Betabee: Do you, Francisca Sophia Vanderburg, take this man to be your husband?
Francisca: I do.

Betabee: Then I pronounce you dynasty spare and spouse. You may kiss the bride.

Betabee: Well, I'm glad to see you moved somewhere with more room for the little ones.
Francisca: It was difficult for me and the three teens to fit in the shack. So I contacted my family and they helped me upscale.
Betabee: Wonderful. I hope you and Steven have a wonderful time together. I'll send people around to check on you from time to time. Bye!

After saying goodbye to one of Susan's siblings, it was time to turn attention to the other spare branch of the family tree. It's weird seeing Dodo without her mother's hair colour.

The next generation of the Dodo line was begun without further ado . . .

. . . and it was time for Polly to leave the house.

Betabee: Monte Vista Riversong, do you take this woman to be your wife?
Monte: I do.

Betabee: Polly Alicia Willow, do you take this man to be your husband?
Polly: I do.

Betabee: Then I pronounce you extended family member and helper's daughter. Have a nice life!

And so the house was down to four- and a quickly aging four . . .

Susan: I'm sure my back didn't hurt quite this much the last time I was this old . . .

Susan's last wardrobe has a few touches of blue to honour her late husband. I think the grey hair suits her quite well, don't you?

Betabee: Hey, Cassidy. How are you holding up?
Cassidy: Quite well. I know I'm quite a bit past my time, but it would be nice to see one more thing before I join Nick.
Betabee: Okay. Name it.
Cassidy: It would be nice to see my grandbaby get married?
Betabee: Erm, Monte got married this chapter?
Cassidy: No, no. Barbara. The heir?
Betabee: Can it wait until next chapter? I don't think I can do it justice with four screenshots.
Cassidy: Fine. But do get on with it-the mortal coil waits for no woman.
Betabee: Sir, Yes, Sir! (does the virtual equivalent of a smart salute, then goes off to load up the sims and get Barbara married)
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Offline GoswaldtheGargoyle

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 15
« Reply #51 on: March 10, 2014, 06:05:38 AM »
The fact that Monte's middle name is Vista makes me smile so much  :)

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 15
« Reply #52 on: March 10, 2014, 04:14:12 PM »
Really loving this dynasty!  Hidden Springs is my second favorite town (after Dragon Valley) and I hold a soft-spot for the Freespirit household because Nick was my founder's spouse for my immortal dynasty and Jess is one of my longest-lived Sims to date (without any intervention of course XD)  So I loved seeing Nick as a Founder.  Also, loved the names and Who theme ^^  Definitely bookmarked.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 15
« Reply #53 on: March 11, 2014, 03:10:40 PM »
Good point about police questioning, though wouldn't it unnerve a poor unsuspecting sim if they were questioned by their intended's parent/s before being able to marry? I wonder . . .

Well, it's supposed to be a friendly interaction - although I admit I usually wait until they're at least friends before using it.

RIP again, Nick :).

And, of course, I have to join in the love for Monte's middle name  ;D.

Offline betabee

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The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 16
« Reply #54 on: March 19, 2014, 01:48:31 PM »
The fact that Monte's middle name is Vista makes me smile so much  :)

:-D  I enjoy giving my sims creative middle names (though I don't usually put them in the actual name boxes- it's more a spur of the moment thing when they get married.)

Really loving this dynasty!  Hidden Springs is my second favorite town (after Dragon Valley) and I hold a soft-spot for the Freespirit household because Nick was my founder's spouse for my immortal dynasty and Jess is one of my longest-lived Sims to date (without any intervention of course XD)  So I loved seeing Nick as a Founder.  Also, loved the names and Who theme ^^  Definitely bookmarked.

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying the theme (which makes it a lot easier to choose chapter titles and names of children . . . but being a whovian I can safely say that convenience isn't my only motive.   :) )

Well, it's supposed to be a friendly interaction - although I admit I usually wait until they're at least friends before using it.

RIP again, Nick :).

And, of course, I have to join in the love for Monte's middle name  ;D.

It was the only possible middle name for Monte. :-D

Chapter 16- Let's do the time warp again . . .

Glitches are one of the nastiest things known in the watcherverse. Especially ones that destory your ability to control your sims like this one . . .

Fortunately, the challenge team allowed me to go back to a previous save. UNfortunately, this meant going back to the end of chapter 14/start of chapter 15. Cindy and Katherine have been wiped from existance, Polly and Steven are as yet unmarried, and Nicolas has to die. Again.
So, this chapter is mostly a recount of how things went a bit differently this time around (and also to make up for the lack of a chapter on sunday (sorry! I was travelling!))

Barbara still managed to finish her last skill challenge of writing 20 books in record time.

Nicholas: Why do I get a strange feeling that this has happened before . . . ?
Susan: Maybe because you died last update as well?
Nicholas: What, that? That was just a small case of dizziness . . . I think. I can't remember it much.

One grave down, three to go. Here's hoping we won't be seeing you again, Nick.
Nicholas: I echo that sentiment. Dying once is enough for me.
You died twice.
Nicholas: One time to many, in my opinion.

I decided to vary the order of marriages this time.

So, with the line of Dodo secured . . .

 . . . Mr and Mrs Willow were promptly married and moved out again.
Monte: Erm, wouldn't it be Mr and Mrs Riversong?
Betabee: It doesn't work like that. She did the proposing and suchlike, so she gets to pass on her name.

The next morning, it was Steven's turn.

Quiana has grown up into a . . . unique young woman. I'm not entirely sure where her hair's from, but it reminds me a bit of Billy Caspian's hair, which I've saved as a preset. Hmm . . .

Steven's dopey wedding face is adorable, don't you think?

A new set of twins arrived for Steven and Francisca shortly after their wedding- Rosemarie and Liana.

With some space cleared in the house, it was time to increase the house size again.

Charles: What was that for?
Barbara: It's so you can move in. Are you alright with leaving Lycanthropy behind?

Charles: Sure. So, when can we get married?
Barbara: Hold your horses, Charlie- a wedding would seriously mess with my career. You don't mind waiting for me, do you?
Charles: Not at all.

Betabee: Hello, Charles. Have a Young Again potion.
Charles: Why thankyou. What next?
Betabee: A makeover. Though would you mind stopping by a body sculptor first? You're nothing but skin and bones!

Charles: Do I get any advice on dress codes, darling?
Barbara: Hmm . . . go with whatever, dear. The wardrobe is your oyster.
Betabee: And you're distracting her from her work, so get on with it!

Betabee: Thankyou, Charles, for having a nice easy favourite colour to work with.

Susan's elder birthday was marked with a cake this time around.
Susan: I wish for . . . no more glitches for the next few generations!

Susan: I trust you can restore my wardrobe to rights?
Betabee: Near enough, yeah.

Dear readers, a sight to behold- a vampire visiting and getting his own plasma juice from the fridge! Such a smart and intelligent chap.

Why is he over? Well, he and Jessica are trying for another child. (Though I am asking myself- why on earth am I trying to fill up the house again when I just emptied it a bit? Hmm . . .)
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Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 16
« Reply #55 on: July 03, 2014, 12:40:48 PM »
Wow am I happy that I found this dynasty! It suits me well, for I am indeed a Whovian. Also, its very unique because I've never seen anyone use Cassidy or Nicholas. And I really like your writing style.  :) It's intelligent but still humorous. Keep up the good work!  :D (By the way, sorry about that glitch! I know the feeling..)
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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 16
« Reply #56 on: July 03, 2014, 09:51:19 PM »
Thank goodness my sister is a whovian so she can explain all of these references to me!  Nice job on your dynasty so far.  I love your interactions with your sims.  Too funny  :)  I've had an experience with that same glitch on my decadynasty.  Not fun at all.  Good luck and fingers crossed for no more glitches or errors.

Offline betabee

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 16
« Reply #57 on: July 05, 2014, 05:27:10 AM »
Wow am I happy that I found this dynasty! It suits me well, for I am indeed a Whovian. Also, its very unique because I've never seen anyone use Cassidy or Nicholas. And I really like your writing style.  :) It's intelligent but still humorous. Keep up the good work!  :D (By the way, sorry about that glitch! I know the feeling..)
Thank goodness my sister is a whovian so she can explain all of these references to me!  Nice job on your dynasty so far.  I love your interactions with your sims.  Too funny  :)  I've had an experience with that same glitch on my decadynasty.  Not fun at all.  Good luck and fingers crossed for no more glitches or errors.

I'm glad you're enjoying reading this! :-)  I haven't been playing the riversongs lately since I'm trying to finish up my scientia dynasty, but will try and get back to it ASAP!
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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 16
« Reply #58 on: September 13, 2014, 06:33:30 AM »
I can't wait for this to be continued... But I am also enjoying the Science Lab so am in no rush!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: The Riversong 4x4 Dynasty chapter 16
« Reply #59 on: January 16, 2015, 09:02:13 AM »
I'm moving this to the Stories Graveyard due to inactivity. betabee, you can revive this story by contacting a moderator.

