Author Topic: End of the Line Dynasty (4x4)  (Read 201299 times)

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: A Big Wedding (9 March)
« Reply #300 on: March 10, 2014, 03:02:27 PM »
I'm not sure if it's a patch but it's definitely not Island Paradise as buffets started offering more varied dishes long before that EP came out.  Congratulations to the newlyweds/new parents!

Well, I said it was a while since I'd used a buffet table.  Obviously longer than I thought :).

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: A Big Wedding (9 March)
« Reply #301 on: March 10, 2014, 07:55:26 PM »

What a fabulously silly wedding! And yet another peaboo, I see. You've had a lot of those. As for the buffet tables, I'm really not sure; I almost never use them either.

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #302 on: March 11, 2014, 03:00:24 PM »
What a fabulously silly wedding!

Silly?  I hope you realise I'm seriously offended on Odessa's behalf? OK, yes, it was rather silly.  Fun to set up, though ;).

And yet another peaboo, I see. You've had a lot of those.

As with Susanna, this one's a bluish green on my monitor.  The greeny part of the spectrum does seem to be ridiculously extensive on the pastel slider.  Either that or they just keep marrying people with similar skin tones.

Toddler Tantrums and Pirate Genes

Ken took baby Lionel to the cake while Beth was having a lie-in.

His big golden-brown eyes fringed with long lashes soon had them all under his spell.

Beth forgot about the half-finished paintings in the studio.  Nothing was more important than teaching this little charmer to walk and talk…

…or just to spend hours playing together.

She loved it when he cuddled up and whispered how much he loved her.

Then he’d gaze into her eyes, wind his chubby little fist into her hair and pull.

All innocent mischief: he was much too young to realise that hair-pulling hurt.  She really ought to tie it back while she had a little one around.

He had a temper, of course.  What toddler didn’t?

But as soon as his nappy was changed or he had his bottle, he’d be as sweet and playful as ever.

Ken sometimes worried.  He’d caught a look in his child’s eyes once or twice… 

No, it was ridiculous.  Lionel was only a toddler.  He came across so many criminals in his daily life that his cop’s instinct was working overtime.  How could anyone think that little sleeping face was anything other than innocent?

Odessa just said that boys would be boys and called her grandson her Little Monster.  Just look at how he loved the Nessie jacket and matching soft toy she’d bought him.

Simon had it right.  He said Lionel took after Coral’s family.  He told the little lad long, unlikely tales of his ancestors’ exploits and then, as Lionel approached school age, Grandpa Simon built him a pirate ship of his very own.

Then it was time for another cake…

…and, at last, he could be a real pirate.

That night, he settled down in his new big boy’s bed, in his new pirate-themed room and dreamed of evil deeds adventures to come.

Next chapter

Offline smartburn

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Toddler Tantrums and Pirate Genes (11 March)
« Reply #303 on: March 12, 2014, 01:44:49 AM »
Of course he pulled his mother's hair in innocent mischief, of course he did...he was just a toddler then and how can a few pirate stories do any harm...heh heh heh...! >:D

Offline RainBeau

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Toddler Tantrums and Pirate Genes (11 March)
« Reply #304 on: March 12, 2014, 06:34:02 AM »
He's so cute! And he is definitely trouble. I like how you call it 'pirate genes', hahaha that does make his future criminal career seem more acceptable as well as plausible. But that's going to be hard on the father-son relationship, especially if Dad has to arrest him!
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Toddler Tantrums and Pirate Genes (11 March)
« Reply #305 on: March 12, 2014, 06:49:35 PM »

Very fitting for a Barnacle Bay heir. He should make for some interesting mischief, the little scamp!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Toddler Tantrums and Pirate Genes (11 March)
« Reply #306 on: March 12, 2014, 10:17:43 PM »
I just found this today and got all caught up!  I thoroughly enjoyed it all, but have a few items I had to point out:
  • Loved the fact that you started with Hidden Springs.  It's one of my very favorite towns and the Freespirits hold a special place in my heart, particularly Nick and Jess.
  • I'm also partial to Monte Vista as well
  • I couldn't help but laugh hysterically at the flying cars... that is, after I got over the confusion of what I was looking at XD  I am glad you were able to move though.
  • I love Lionel.  I love evil Sims and have always had a lot of fun with the Criminal career, particularly Emperor of Evil.  The whole pirate theme just makes it even better!
  • Last, but certainly not least: I have enjoyed your story telling tremendously and now I have to go hunt down your other dynasties, having not had a chance to read them yet.  I feel I have missed out by that but plan to rectify at the first opportunity!

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Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Toddler Tantrums and Pirate Genes (11 March)
« Reply #307 on: March 13, 2014, 05:03:21 PM »
Of course he pulled his mother's hair in innocent mischief, of course he did...he was just a toddler then and how can a few pirate stories do any harm...heh heh heh...! >:D

Well, of course  ;).  If you think you’ve spotted the voice of experience here, you’re probably right (the hair, not the pirate stories).

He's so cute! And he is definitely trouble. I like how you call it 'pirate genes', hahaha that does make his future criminal career seem more acceptable as well as plausible. But that's going to be hard on the father-son relationship, especially if Dad has to arrest him!

Just because he’s evil, it doesn’t mean he’s not adorable.  I was looking forward to this generation but he’s turning out even better than expected (and his favourite colour is black, which is just perfect ).

Very fitting for a Barnacle Bay heir. He should make for some interesting mischief, the little scamp!

There had to be a pirate somewhere in this town.  So far, Lionel’s turning out to be one of my favourite heirs.  Now, if only he’d get some opportunities…

I just found this today and got all caught up!  I thoroughly enjoyed it all, but have a few items I had to point out:
  • Loved the fact that you started with Hidden Springs.  It's one of my very favorite towns and the Freespirits hold a special place in my heart, particularly Nick and Jess.
  • I'm also partial to Monte Vista as well
  • I couldn't help but laugh hysterically at the flying cars... that is, after I got over the confusion of what I was looking at XD  I am glad you were able to move though.
  • I love Lionel.  I love evil Sims and have always had a lot of fun with the Criminal career, particularly Emperor of Evil.  The whole pirate theme just makes it even better!
  • Last, but certainly not least: I have enjoyed your story telling tremendously and now I have to go hunt down your other dynasties, having not had a chance to read them yet.  I feel I have missed out by that but plan to rectify at the first opportunity!

Thanks – and welcome along for the ride :).

I love Hidden Springs.  When I started this, I was determined to play in less familiar towns, which gave me a choice of five (at the time; it’s seven now).  It took ages to decide which to use – but Hidden Springs was always going to be one of them.  Monte Vista was also pretty much a fixture.  In fact, it would have made more sense to have started there, if I hadn’t wanted to continue Sam’s story from the Ghosts epilogue.

The flying cars were amazing – total frustration combined with extreme silliness.  It was probably even better on-screen.  I wish I’d thought to video it.

I adore Lionel (which is just what he wants, of course…)

I hope you enjoy the other dynasties, too – although I should point out that the Life States is the only one with a proper story.

Offline MarianT

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Toddler Tantrums and Pirate Genes (11 March)
« Reply #308 on: March 15, 2014, 04:18:06 PM »
Lionel is going to make a gorgeous pirate! And you really caught all the great toddler expressions.
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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Toddler Tantrums and Pirate Genes (11 March)
« Reply #309 on: March 18, 2014, 11:49:21 AM »
Lionel is a little cutie, I am sure that he will be using it to his advantage in his criminal career.....! I love this story, Hazelnut. Looking forward to your next instalment.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Toddler Tantrums and Pirate Genes (11 March)
« Reply #310 on: March 18, 2014, 01:35:08 PM »
Lionel is going to make a gorgeous pirate!

He is.

And you really caught all the great toddler expressions.

It was easy.  He just kept pulling faces :).  That one in the cot was really creepy.

Lionel is a little cutie, I am sure that he will be using it to his advantage in his criminal career.....! I love this story, Hazelnut. Looking forward to your next instalment.

Why is everyone so convinced he’s going to be a criminal?

Thanks :). The next instalment should be up soon, dodgy internet connection permitting.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #311 on: March 18, 2014, 04:10:17 PM »
Plots and Plans

“Yes, Lionel, I know you want to play on the slide but school’s more important.  You need to do well.”
“Why can’t I just mess about with my friends?  Lessons are boooooooooooooooring.”
Ken sighed.  He didn’t understand this son of his.  “Look, let’s do a couple of hours and then you can go out and play.”

*   *   *   *   *

“Arrr!  Shiver me timbers, Jim Laaaaaaad!  Pieces of eight, nine and ten!  Cap’n Lionbeard rules the seven seas and all the oceans and… and... uh… whatever the other watery bits are called.”

He looked around shiftily but none of the crew had noticed.  They wouldn’t dare.


*   *   *   *   *

“Lionel, your dad asked me to talk to you – about why it’s important for you to do well at school.”
“But school’s pathetic."  (It was his new favourite word.)  "I hate history and maths and Simlish…

“…and I hate my name.  Why did they have to call me Lionel?  It’s a girly name.  It’s like Isabel and Annabel.”
“Or Daniel?”
“Oh... yes...!  But there’s a Daniel in my class and everyone calls him Dan.  Well, ‘cept his mum.  She calls him Danny.  That’s so babyish.  Even the teachers call him Dan…  Hey, if he’s Dan, can I be Lion?”
“If you really want to.  Why don’t you see what your friends think?  Now, your dad asked me to tell you about our family…”

“But Dad wants me to be a p’liceman, doesn’t he?  You just said we all had to have diff’rent jobs.”
“There are two sorts of police.  You could be a spy.”
“A spy?  That’d be cool.  Waaaaaay better than what Dad does.”

“You’d have to start out as an ordinary policeman, of course, and work your way up.  Your dad could tell you more about it, if you’re interested.  Walking the beat, catching criminals…”
“Hey, could I be a criminal?  Or… what about a fireman?”

“Fireman’s already gone but you could be a criminal if you want.”
“Yes, really – although I don’t know what your father would say.  But you don’t have to decide for a long time yet.  All you have to do for now is do well at school.  So will you let your dad tutor you?”
“I suppose so, yes.”
“Look, why don’t you go out and play for a bit?  It’ll be dark soon.  And I’ll have a word with your dad.”

“Mwahaha!  Take that, horsey!  Dr Lion and his Evil Doom Ray will turn the whole world into little wooden animals!”

*   *   *   *   *

And, a day or two later, Lionel (not Lion after all – his best friend said it sounded stupid) had achieved an ‘A’ and was ready for another cake.

Later that evening, there was a less happy birthday.

“Ken, you know we always said we’d like another kid?”
“Well now that Lionel’s growing up, I thought…  I mean, there’s not much time left and…”

*   *   *   *   *

Their firstborn, unaware of his parents’ plans, was doing some serious thinking about his own future.

He wasn’t sure the criminal career was right for him.  From what Gran India had told him, you had to be sporty.  Mr Brown the PE teacher said he had two left feet.  Anyway, just going around openly being a criminal was pretty lame.  He’d prefer something more devious.

He wasn’t joining the police, either, whatever his father wanted.  Perhaps he should go along with the other side of his personality – the one he normally tried to hide.  It was pretty clear what his best subject was at school.  Was there some way to use that?  Something anti-establishment.  Or maybe even something mock-respectable but with the possibility of a little illegal activity.  You know, just for fun?  He’d have to look around.  Maybe even (horrors!) poke around in the careers library.

Meanwhile, back to the studying with Dad.  Algebra tonight.  Oh joy.

*   *   *   *   *

They couldn’t expect him to work all the time.  He had to let off steam somehow.  Cause and effect.  Action and reaction.  See?  He was learning all that stuff, however pointless it was.

No plumbing fixture escaped his attention.

Nor did any chair.  Well, Dad shouldn’t have gone on so much about the importance of thoroughness, should he?

Everyone was relieved when he came home with an ‘A’, Beth most of all.

Maybe now she’d be able to rush to the loo to be sick without risking it blowing up in her face.  She might even be able to relax on the sofa or in a bubble bath as her bump expanded.

They all gathered around the cake, cheering from relief as much as from the usual birthday happiness, waiting for Lionel to make a wish and blow out the candles.  And waiting…

He knew now what he wanted – but exactly how should he phrase it?  He needed to get in every detail; get the best possible value out of the wish.

And he still hated his name.  Josh had been right.  Wanting to be called Lion was ridiculous.  What he needed was a more adult alternative, like…  Like what?  Then it came to him.

It was kind of a long sentence but he reckoned it’d still count as a single wish.  Maybe.  He leaned over and blew.

*   *   *   *   *

The next morning, he sorted out a suitably distinctive new look…

…carefully wheeled his birthday present out of the garage and roared off into town to put his plans into action.

First stop, City Hall, to register for his new job, change his name by deed poll and leave them a small memento of his visit.

Leo Gold was in business.

Next chapter (interlude)
Next chapter of main story

Lionel and Leo are completely independent family names; the inspiration for combining them is literary (the protagonist of The Go-Between).  The original Sim Lionel was my first heartbreaker.

He wasn’t really very good at it: I didn’t give him the best traits.  He used his charisma to go into politics and had become Leader of the Free World long before he achieved his LTW.  It didn’t help that I felt so sorry for his victims: poor Molly French stood crying outside his house all night after he dumped her.  Eventually, he married Agnes Crumplebottom (for her money?  However could you suggest such a thing?)  All of his exes came to the wedding and, surprisingly, claimed to have had a great time.  The Legendary Host reward is wonderful  ;).

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Plots and Plans (18 March)
« Reply #312 on: March 19, 2014, 12:48:20 AM »
Love the pirate duds!  And love the new name!  Can't wait to see what he decided to do. 


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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Plots and Plans (18 March)
« Reply #313 on: March 19, 2014, 05:48:08 AM »
Hello Leo, and best of luck in your new venture! I'm glad that he is going to continue with the pirate outfits, best outfit ever ha ha ha.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Plots and Plans (18 March)
« Reply #314 on: March 19, 2014, 06:13:34 PM »
Oooh I correctly guessed the new name and I have a guess about the career but I'll wait to see if I'm right! Curse you, cliffhanger!
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