Author Topic: End of the Line Dynasty (4x4)  (Read 205123 times)

Offline Rhoxi

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Oh goodness, Lilly is just buckets of c-u-t-e! Her eyes are just huge. She looks so innocent. I kinda feel bad that she got all the good genes and her sister didn't. Nugget is aptly named. The house is lovely; I like that roof pattern and all the flowers all over the balcony. And the meteors! I swear they're some kind of dynasty magnet. Glad disaster was averted.

Offline RainBeau

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Well, I figured the helpers were having a kid to be the spouse. Kind of a dynasty standard, isn't it? But then she grew up with that long face and had a much cuter baby sister. Sooo... Sorry, Ivy :P My money's on Lily, especially now Ivy's moved out.
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Offline hazelnut

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Oh goodness, Lilly is just buckets of c-u-t-e! Her eyes are just huge. She looks so innocent. I kinda feel bad that she got all the good genes and her sister didn't.

Me too.  It feels terribly shallow ageing Ivy up and kicking her out just because she's not pretty  :-[.  (And because she's not green.  I wanted to get the unusual Hidden Springs genes into the family somehow.)

Nugget is aptly named. The house is lovely; I like that roof pattern and all the flowers all over the balcony. And the meteors! I swear they're some kind of dynasty magnet. Glad disaster was averted.

I thought both kittens' names were funny, given that Kerrygold is a brand of Irish butter :).

Since the meteor ended up not happening in the actual game file, I keep expecting another one to hit at any moment...

Well, I figured the helpers were having a kid to be the spouse. Kind of a dynasty standard, isn't it? But then she grew up with that long face and had a much cuter baby sister. Sooo... Sorry, Ivy :P My money's on Lily, especially now Ivy's moved out.

It's the first time I've tried to raise a spouse in the active household, but you're right, of course.  It is a pretty standard thing to do - and Lily came out so much prettier than I was expecting (especially after poor Ivy).

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #63 on: October 03, 2013, 03:57:40 PM »

The trouble with birthday wishes was that, almost as soon as you’d made them, you were older and wiser and could think of much better things to have wished for.  There you were by the cake, thinking it’d be really cool to wish for loads of toys and sweets, little knowing that you’d find them unbelievably childish in a few minutes’ time.  Even doing the sensible thing and wanting to do well at Big School seemed like a waste of a wish.  With a house full of people to help with homework and tutoring, success at school was pretty much guaranteed.  If she’d been as mature then as she was now…

They'd taken their first trip on the day after her birthday.  They said she was too young to go along.  Too young?  Come on!  They were only going to France.  Everyone went to France.  Well, everyone except her, obviously.  Lots of her friends had been.  People even went on school trips.

Almost at once, they were back.  Adam, of course, had taken lots of photos.  Adam was always taking photos.   Mum was full of stories of shopping, fishing and sitting outside the café watching the world go by.


Dad had brought back lots of new plants for the garden.  That was a bit more interesting.  Lily was learning gardening.  Dad let her plant a couple of grape varieties but he said the others needed careful cultivation and he’d better look after them himself.

It was while she was out checking on her new seedlings that she found the gnome.

A Chinese gnome!  How did that end up in their garden?  She asked Dad and he said they’d ‘found’ it in France.  He looked shifty, though.  Had they been stealing?  No, apparently it was called ‘tomb raiding’.  Which made everything all right.  Or so Dad and Adam claimed.  Anyway, what was a Chinese gnome doing in France in the first place?

Lily might possibly have become the teeniest bit obsessed with the gnome and with China in general.  When she saw Mum packing suitcases again, she asked if they were going to China and could she go too?

No, she was still too young.  Huh!  If only she’d cake-wished to travel, everything would have been different, she was sure.  At least they weren’t going to China.  Someone at the spa had commissioned a photo from Adam, which meant they got a free holiday, as long as Adam took a picture of some place called Abu Simbel.

It sounded as though that trip actually might have been dangerous.  They’d met two mummies – and had the photos to prove it.

Thinking of photos…  Adam had taken lots of pics of her when she was a kid, playing with her toys.  As far as she could remember, he'd just snapped them  – but now he came up to her rather shyly, asking whether he could take a portrait photo.  He showed her the result: it was called ‘My Friend’.  Well, better than ‘Person Whose Nappies I Used to Change’, eh?  Although she had a vague feeling he might have been hoping for something different.  In fact, maybe she…  No.

Then it was her birthday again.  And wishing time.  China?  Or something else?

“I wish…”

“I wish I could go to China with Adam.”

It seemed to work.  The very next day he asked her if she’d kind of, sort of, like to go over to the Lodge with him to watch TV.

Except they didn’t actually get as far as the TV.

“Lily, would you like to, you know, go out with me?  On a date sort of thing.”

To China?  YES!!!

Except that what she really said was, “Yes, Adam, I’d love to.”

And they went to Louie Falls, the family’s latest acquisition.

And he kissed her.

“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to grow up?”

Don’t mention nappies.  Don’t mention nappies.

He didn’t.  Instead, he asked her if she’d like to go steady.

And then he took a photo.  Naturally.

Back home, he asked her to pose for another portrait.

This one had the title ‘My Main Squeeze’.  ‘Main’?  Not ‘Only’?!  He insisted that was just a turn of phrase.  And he did hang it on his bedroom wall.

For their next date, he took her to dinner at the bistro – and kissed her in front of half the town afterwards.  At least, that was how it felt.

And then he got down on one knee.  She didn’t know whether to tell him to stop making a spectacle of himself (and her!) or just to go with the flow and enjoy it.  Then he produced this box from somewhere.

Oh wow!

A genie ring!  She’d read about them somewhere but never thought she’d get to wear one.

Elsewhere in the household, life went on rather more quietly.  The plants still needed tending, even if Nick was busy with his career and Lily was busy with her love life.  Fortunately, Cassidy and Emmaline were around to take over.

Sam and Sophia seemed to be ageing rather more slowly than their housemates and were making the most of it.  As Grim had promised (or threatened), life was hectic, with money to be made and skills to be mastered – but they still found plenty of time to be together…

…with somewhat unexpected results.

And then, as it had become apparent that there would be a new addition to the household, someone else left them.

RIP, Emmaline Rhoen: world-renowned surgeon, expert cook and all-round great dynasty helper.

Next chapter

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Wishing (3 October)
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2013, 04:42:30 PM »

Gah, I cannot get over how adorable Lilly and all her outfits are. She's such a doll. Where are her everyday and formal outfits from? They suit her perfectly. Another nooboo--a pollinator perhaps?

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Wishing (3 October)
« Reply #65 on: October 03, 2013, 05:25:39 PM »
Gah, I cannot get over how adorable Lilly and all her outfits are. She's such a doll. Where are her everyday and formal outfits from? They suit her perfectly. Another nooboo--a pollinator perhaps?

Lily's clothes are from the Boho Vintage Collection.  I've been waiting for a Sim who'd suit them since I bought the set on offer a few weeks ago.

I couldn't possibly comment on the nooboo  :P.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Wishing (3 October)
« Reply #66 on: October 03, 2013, 05:46:06 PM »
Nooooo! I thought Emmaline was going to get to contribute genes! Why did she die already! People certainly do die faster in 4x4 dynasties.
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Wishing (3 October)
« Reply #67 on: October 04, 2013, 04:26:12 AM »
Nooooo! I thought Emmaline was going to get to contribute genes! Why did she die already! People certainly do die faster in 4x4 dynasties.

To be brutal, I needed the space.  I liked Emmaline a lot but the household has to move on.  The life expectancy on medium is only 52 days, which is rather disconcerting if you're used to thinking of Sim days as roughly equal to human years, at least for adults.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty
« Reply #68 on: October 05, 2013, 08:07:25 AM »
Two Honeymoons

Adam Gold and Lily Riverhawk were married in a simple ceremony, with just their families in attendance.  Nobody felt like throwing a party so soon after Emmaline’s death.

Everyone agreed that Lily was a beautiful bride.  The groom was pretty adorable, too – so obviously head-over-heels in love with his new wife.

“So, Mrs Gold, where would you like to go for the honeymoon?”

There were no available flights until the following day – but they found ways to pass the time at home.

It’s slightly unconventional for the bride’s parents to accompany a young couple on their honeymoon but then, they weren’t exactly your average family.

Nick and Cassidy had spent their whole lives helping the Golds.  Now, everyone was uncomfortably aware that they must be running out of time.  Cassidy, in particular, had started behaving strangely.  They’d all been keeping a close eye on her since she the day when she'd 'taken a wrong turn' leaving the bathroom.  Maybe she'd benefit from a holiday.

And so two couples ended up honeymooning in China.

They all visited the Forbidden City together and Adam completed his ‘Lovers Abroad’ series of photos.  Then Lily suggested that her parents should borrow the family tent and tour Shang Simla to see the sights while she and Adam stayed at base camp.

Letting her parents have the comfortable sleeping quarters was only partly altruism.  Nick was also beginning to show signs of eccentricity (to put it kindly), wandering around the camp in his underwear and upsetting some of the other guests.  As Adam said, it somehow wouldn’t have looked as bad if he’d taken his socks off.

And Cassidy was getting odder…

For once, Adam hardly touched his camera.  He spent some time talking to the locals but, for the most part, it was good to have a break from dynasty duties and simply enjoy being with the girl he loved.

Lily did request one photo, though: another portrait, as a present for her parents.

This one was called ‘My Spouse’.

Sam and Sophia could also have used a holiday, but Sophia’s pregnancy was too far advanced.  She said she didn’t mind – she felt too much like a stranded whale to be cooped up in an uncomfortable airline seat for hours on end while people tried to sell her pointless gifts and nectar she couldn’t drink.

Soon after the travellers returned, she went into labour.  She’d opted for a home birth this time – after all, they had a comfortable house now.  Emmaline had been a great fan of natural childbirth and this was her second child, after all.  Everything – ow! – should be perfectly straightforward.  On the other hand...

Maybe she – ouch! – should have gone to the hospital again.  There was a lot – eeargh! – to be said for modern medicine.  She should know, after all.  She’d been (BREATHE!) a doctor herself once.

At last, the baby made his appearance  – but ‘he’ was a girl, despite the apples.

A girl with definite opinions.  She wanted a feed right now!

They’d been so convinced that Sophia was having another boy that they hadn’t even considered any girls’ names.  The baby was close to becoming a toddler before she was called anything other than Baby.  But at last they decided.

Welcome to the family, Zoë Gold.

It was strange to be starting over again with parenthood so late in life but Sam and Sophia loved having a little one around and decided they wanted at least one more child before they were completely past it.

But that would have to wait.  On the day of Zoë’s toddler birthday, Adam, who had joined the business career in search of more opportunities, was asked to take some documents round to the hospital.  Which meant that the last space in the household would now be taken by someone else…

Next chapter

Rhoxi, you were right: Adam's little sibling was intended to be a ‘pollinator’ – except that it didn’t quite work out like that.  This is the second case of a fruit-proof baby that I’ve come across in the last few weeks, the first being in ratchie’s short immortal dynasty.  It could just be chance, of course, but I wonder whether the weighting’s changed in a recent patch.  Irritatingly, Sam wanted a girl and I cancelled the wish  >:(.

Sam and Sophia really have gone broody, by the way – they both rolled wishes to have a child and to have a child with each other almost as soon as Zoë was born.

I’m jumping the gun slightly here but I wanted this at the end of a chapter – and nothing had changed by the time Lily had her baby:

Summary – Generation 1

Parents tried for baby within 4 days of start? Yes

Heir: Adam
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Good, Ambitious, Photographer’s Eye, Charismatic*   
Lifetime wish: Swimming in Cash

Unique maxed career: Self-Employed Photographer
Two unique best friends: Bao Louie & Hui Young Kim
Three unique skill challenges: Architectural Eye, Photog, Shutternut**
Four unique opportunities: Best in Show Competition, Visa Photograph, Al Simhara, Hospital Delivery

Buildings owned: The Enchanted Grill, Tuatha de Books, Alvetta’s Fresh Produce, Angela’s Bistro, Sulis Theatre of the Arts, Gold Bend Coffeehouse (formerly Flying V’s Coffeehouse)
Fully-upgraded properties: Meadow Beach,  Louie Falls, Whole Body Fitness, Redwood Heights Luxury Lodge
Vacations used: 3 out of 4

*Lily’s traits, incidentally, are Loves the Outdoors, Friendly, Angler, Green Thumb and Nurturing.  She completed her Perfect Garden lifetime wish during her pregnancy.

**Yay! ;D  Adam is my first Sim ever to get Shutternut to register.  I’ve had Sims who have completed far more than five collections but the game’s always stopped recognising that more than two or three were done.  This may have been a glitch that was patched out a while ago, in fact.  I got so fed up with it that my recent photographers (Will Goole, for instance) haven’t even tried to finish the challenge.

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Wishing (3 October)
« Reply #69 on: October 05, 2013, 08:24:59 AM »
Congrats on getting Shutternut to register! You sound really happy over it. :D And on the impending generation two as well.

How many apples did Sophia eat? Either way, little Zoë is adorable and I love that shade of green.
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Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Two Honeymoons (5 October)
« Reply #70 on: October 05, 2013, 08:35:02 AM »
Congrats on getting Shutternut to register! You sound really happy over it. :D And on the impending generation two as well.

Thank you. I am :)

How many apples did Sophia eat? Either way, little Zoë is adorable and I love that shade of green.

Ten, which has always been enough in my previous games.  Never again.  Poor Lily spent her whole pregnancy with the 'stuffed' moodlet.

Zoë's a great colour.  I was hoping for a boy with skin on the bright rainbow slider but maybe she can stay in the household and have a few kids anyway.

Offline Serenity S.

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Two Honeymoons (5 October)
« Reply #71 on: October 06, 2013, 08:19:40 AM »
If my sims need to eat much for that baby's gender thing, then I think there's one way to make sim feel hungry much quicker after a meal. If you have a witch sim, you can just level up his/her powers until she or he can do "hunger curse" and then curse the pregnant sim and make her eat apples. Curse again, eat apple, curse again eat apple, something like that for 20 times and you'll get a boy. The downside is that the constant hungry feeling may cause one of baby's traits to be random.

Offline maisie

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Two Honeymoons (5 October)
« Reply #72 on: October 06, 2013, 09:42:11 AM »
That's really strange, my sims only need 3 or 4 apples to produce a boy for sure (or male twins/triplets, if they have the special LTHR and/or enjoy some kids music/TV).  By the way, the number of apples doesn't influence the number of babies in my games.

As to the update: Congratulations to Adam and Lily, both for the wedding and the soon-to-be-there nooboo and a friendly welcome to Zoe.  :D

Offline hazelnut

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Two Honeymoons (5 October)
« Reply #73 on: October 06, 2013, 11:59:30 AM »
If my sims need to eat much for that baby's gender thing, then I think there's one way to make sim feel hungry much quicker after a meal. If you have a witch sim, you can just level up his/her powers until she or he can do "hunger curse" and then curse the pregnant sim and make her eat apples. Curse again, eat apple, curse again eat apple, something like that for 20 times and you'll get a boy. The downside is that the constant hungry feeling may cause one of baby's traits to be random.

I'm playng without Supernatural, so that's not an option, unfortunately.  The 'stuffed' moodlet's not that bad, really - it's neutral and just overeating during pregnancy doesn't seem to have an effect on the Sim's weight.

That's really strange, my sims only need 3 or 4 apples to produce a boy for sure (or male twins/triplets, if they have the special LTHR and/or enjoy some kids music/TV).  By the way, the number of apples doesn't influence the number of babies in my games.

Before this, I've found a small number of apples/watermelons seemed to do the trick.  I settled on ten because it allowed some margin for error, assuming that it was just changing the probability of having a baby of a particular sex.  Or so I thought...  ::)

As to the update: Congratulations to Adam and Lily, both for the wedding and the soon-to-be-there nooboo and a friendly welcome to Zoe.  :D


And as for
Yay! ;D  Adam is my first Sim ever to get Shutternut to register,
the wretched thing's cancelled again >:( (fortunately, about a Sim week after Adam completed his requirements).

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: End of the Line Dynasty: Two Honeymoons (5 October)
« Reply #74 on: October 06, 2013, 08:21:31 PM »

Aw, sorry to hear your pollination plans were delayed. But hey, it's such a cute delay, who can really mind? Zoe's color is fantastic; what a great shade. I can't wait to see Lily and Adam's nooboo. I bet it's going to be a non-literal explosion of cuteness. (Now I'm trying to imagine a literal explosion of cuteness?) I had a similar experience with Everette's shutternut challenge too. It would register, then randomly un-register, then pop back up again, but it never forgot that the actual collections were finished.