Author Topic: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 38 - Unicorn (30/1/2014)  (Read 121350 times)

Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 8/9 - University: Part 1 + 2 (17/9/2013)
« Reply #75 on: September 22, 2013, 12:22:34 PM »
Chris and Lizzie are gonna make some cute babies! Hurry up and finish those requirements, Chris! We want to see nooboos!

They should make a good blend. Christopher and Eve are mostly like their Mum while Angel is more of a mix. I like it when you can see the genetics of both parents coming through  :D
I haven't actually played in a while but I've just blitzed my homework so I think I can squeeze in a couple of hours of playing  ;)

I'm torn between all three kids, so adorable! By the way, Christopher looks like Christopher Reeve as Clark Kent, anyone else notice?

For me, it's like being a Mum to them all. You can't actually pick a favourite child. I like Christopher because he's just so darn adorable, I like Angel because she's so funny and quirky and I like Eve because she's so sweet and lovely. I love it when I have a family like this  :D

And yes, I totally know what you mean... maybe it's the glasses?
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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 10 - Returning
« Reply #76 on: September 23, 2013, 02:58:11 PM »
Chapter 10 - Returning

Angel: I'm pretty sure we weren't born as conjoined twins...

Yes, the twins are back in town! And their parents are thrilled to have them back.

James: Well done on getting your degree, Christopher. We're so proud of you.

Christopher: Thanks, Dad.

Fjord: Well done on not burning down your dorm, Angel. We're so proud of you.

Angel: Umm... thanks, Mum.

Only a few hours after the twins returned, James aged up into an elder.

Don't look sad, James! You'll live for sometime yet on a steady supply of tattoos.

James: *sarcastically* You make me feel so much better.

Deja vu, anybody?

Angel works on concocting potions on her chemistry table but has a habit of getting singed. It's not a good look, Angel.

Angel: What do you mean? I always look good.

You better get changed. Walter arrives shortly...

Angel: Walter!

Walter: Good to see---

It turns out that it's time for Angel to graduate, but she decides to stay with Walter while the rest of the family head off to see Christopher graduate. But, they happen to miss what is the funniest proposal I've ever seen...

First, an elderly paparazzi spontaneously combusts.

So Angel decides that this is the best time to propose to Walter.

The rest of the pictures just speak for themselves...

This has to be the creepiest face that I've ever seen Angel pull.

Angel heads upstairs for a nice chat with the Grim Reaper. I think if she hadn't met Walter, Grim would be her soulmate

Angel goes to break the news to her Mum.

Angel: So, Mum, you know Walter...

Fjord: Uh-huh...

Angel: We're engaged!

Fjord: Oh my goodness!

Fjord: That's great news! And I always thought you were too evil to get a boyfriend!

And finally, who is Eve writing to, hmm?

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Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 11 - Hide (23/9/2013)
« Reply #77 on: September 23, 2013, 03:44:07 PM »
Chapter 11 - Hide

Here we are, folks, the porch of the family's house, to celebrate another wedding. This family is so classy when it comes to weddings.

Angel: Shut it, Watcher! Just let us do our thing.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

And now it's the time you've all be waiting for... *drum roll*

Walter: Um, Watcher, would you leave us alone now, please?

Angel: Yeah, Watcher, GET OUT OF OUR BEDROOM!

Polite as always, Angel.

Walter gets a makeover. His everyday outfit only gets minor alterations because I love that jumper so much.

He also gets a very cute pair of pyjamas.

Christopher creates his 7th masterpiece mural and therefore completes his lifetime wish. That's exciting, right?

But, face it, that's not what you guys are excited about. It's this!

Angel: Walter, I've got some big news for you...

Angel: I'm pregnant!

To me, Walter's face is a mixture of surprise, happiness, fear and confusion.

But in the end, I think he goes with pure joy.

Walter: So, there's a baby in there?

Angel: Well, not just yet. I think it looks a bit like a distorted potato at this point.

Walter: We're having a potato?!

Angel: *facepalm*

Angel, you're pregnant, which means you're probably the most vulnerable you'll ever be. So you decide to ditch the safety gear?

Angel: I like to live life on the edge.

See! I knew that would happen -- wait, what are you doing?

Angel: Sneaky in my singed underwear; what does it look like?

I don't know what it looks like, to be honest.

Walter: So, is it still a potato? It seems more like a watermelon.

Walter: You know, before I met you, I always thought I was a loser. But with you by my side, I feel like a champion.

Angel: That's sweet. But I have to break it to you; you're still a loser.

Angel: Note to Watcher, I'm in labour.

That's nice, Angel.

Angel: Where is Walter?!

In your little sister's room, playing computer games.

Walter: Help me, Fjord! What do I do?!

Fjord: Hide.

Christopher: Just look at this fantastic mural, Angel. Doesn't it just look so real?

Angel: I don't care about your stupid mural!

Angel: Ah! The sparkles!

What's her name? Please nothing too awful...

Angel: Well, I thought long and hard about my role models. So I named her...

... Bellatrix
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I am not sure weather I should be happy about the birth of Bellatrix or mortally terrified. :P

Offline NearlyWitches

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Oh gosh, Angel's nooboo offspring cub(?) is here and with a name like Bellatrix, Watcher help us all!

Although, I do love the name  ;D
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Offline Snufflesxx

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I am not sure weather I should be happy about the birth of Bellatrix or mortally terrified. :P
Oh gosh, Angel's nooboo offspring cub(?) is here and with a name like Bellatrix, Watcher help us all!

Although, I do love the name  ;D

And did I forget to tell you that little Bellatrix is insane? Yup, things are definitely going to be interesting around here  ;D

I keep looking for the "like" button. This will have to do.

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Offline maisie

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Little Bellatrix is insane?! I see more and more awesome days for this family...maybe it is good that James and Fjord are already elders. I so hope that Bellatrix will get her grandmothers colours and maybe a big amount of bushy, curly hair? ;)

Offline chetanhaobijam

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I will just say:
Like, +1 and *.

Love the new nooboo Bellatrix.:)
(I would really like and want the forum to have those buttons.)
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Offline butterfly

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That's such appropriate proposal for Angel, I loved it! :D
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Offline Snufflesxx

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Little Bellatrix is insane?! I see more and more awesome days for this family...maybe it is good that James and Fjord are already elders. I so hope that Bellatrix will get her grandmothers colours and maybe a big amount of bushy, curly hair? ;)

I think it's going to get a little bit crazy. I'm hoping for the black hair too -- it'd just be too perfect!

I will just say:
Like, +1 and *.

Love the new nooboo Bellatrix.:)
(I would really like and want the forum to have those buttons.)

Getting comments is the forum equivalent of 'Likes' for me.  :)

That's such appropriate proposal for Angel, I loved it! :D

It was just such a perfect moment. I couldn't miss the opportunity  ;)
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Offline Serenity S.

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I guess little Bellatrix will grow finely in her malicious perfectly evil mother's care.

Offline Swirl-Girl

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When you said Bellatrix I completely flipped pout. She is one of my favorite villains of all time! I'm also glad that Angle stopped risking her life by dressing like Harlerquin. Much too dangerous. I don't think she has done anything else dangerous recently. Harlequin copying is a great deal riskier than pregger chemists. You are much too new to the Mary Sue scene. ;D

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Offline Snufflesxx

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I guess little Bellatrix will grow finely in her malicious perfectly evil mother's care.

So far, Angel has managed to steal 3 lollipops off her poor defenceless daughter.  Yup, I'm sure she's going to turn out just fine...

When you said Bellatrix I completely flipped pout. She is one of my favorite villains of all time! I'm also glad that Angle stopped risking her life by dressing like Harlerquin. Much too dangerous. I don't think she has done anything else dangerous recently. Harlequin copying is a great deal riskier than pregger chemists. You are much too new to the Mary Sue scene. ;D

I knew there would be a Harry Potter fan coming along, haha. She is a pretty awesome villain.  :D
And who is Harlerquin? You could send me a PM  :)
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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 12 -
« Reply #89 on: September 25, 2013, 01:02:57 PM »
Chapter 12 - Eve

As you might have guessed from this title, this chapter is going to be (mostly) about Eve!

Eve: *grumbling* At last. I'm sick of being in the background.

Well, this is your time to shine! Do you want to tell it?

Eve: Oh yes please! *deep breath*

Eve: Well, the other day, I was sitting in class and I noticed this girl. I think she was new -- I'd never seen her around here before. I just thought she looked so pretty. I was desperate to get to know her better so I went around to her house.

She has a brother as well, called Dan, who I am friends with so I asked if I could come over. He said that would be great. I really like Dan. He's so cool.

Eve: But it was her sister I'd come to see. I don't know why, but I was just drawn to her. She told me her name was Destiny. I tried a bit of flirting and it seemed that she liked me back!

Eve: But before it could go any further, I realised it was my birthday!

Eve: So I'm a young adult now, ready for the world!

Eve: I was not the only one getting older, though. My little niece, Bellatrix, had her toddler birthday. To be honest, I'm getting a bit anxious, considering who her mother is. Hopefully nice, normal Walter will be in charge of raising her from this point. I think Angel would try and take her over to the dark side.

Eve: She's an absolute sweetiepie and mostly takes after her father. Let's just hope their similarities continue and that she doesn't inherit too much from her mother...

Eve: Dad finally completed his lifetime goal of having 13 different perfect fish in bowls. It was also Walter's lifetime wish, so they basically killed two birds with one stone. If it were me, I'd feel that I was being a bit cheaty, but I suppose Walter doesn't get many things in life so at least he's happy.

Eve: Now that he's not fishing so much, Dad spends his time with little Bellatrix.

Dad: Ahh! Here comes the claw of mortal peril"

Bellatrix: Not the Claw of Mortal Peril! Noooo!

Dad: It's Mr. Tickle!

Bellatrix: *giggling* Not Mr. Tickle! Make it stop!

Angel: So, Eve, my favourite sister, I've got you a present!

Eve: It's not something dangerous, is it?

Angel: In the wrong hands, yes. That's why I'm giving it to you. I know you've always had an imaginary friend and I was dabbling with some deadly explosives the other day and then they started glowing orange and I thought that might make your imaginary friend real. Anyway, enjoy!

Eve: So I gave it to my best pal, Fluffs. I was certain Angel was just teasing me, but I just had to be sure...

Eve: He was surrounded by crazy purple bubbles. What was happening to him?!

Eve: ... and there he was. I never knew that he was so handsome.

Eve: We fell into each other's arms, embracing not like old friends, but like old lovers.

Eve: I had a sudden urge to kiss him. Destiny completely vanished from my mind. She was just a teenage crush. This was real. So I leant forward and...

Eve: He seemed rather taken aback. Well, you would too if you'd been an invisible doll for your whole life.

Eve: But it turns out that he knows how to do this. We passionately kissed, as if we'd been waiting for this our whole lives.

Angel: Does it have to be so kissy and sloppy and sickly sweet?

Eve: You're such a hypocrite!

Eve: And it was then that he proposed. He proposed!

Eve: I was thrilled! I couldn't help jumping up and down with excitement.

Eve: It's so shiny! I've never seen anything like it!

Fluffs: That's because it is a special stone, exclusive to Imaginary Friends.

Eve: It's just gorgeous!

Eve: And that's the story of how I became Fluff's fiancée.

Lovely, Eve. Now all you have to do is tell your parents that you're engaged to a boy who didn't exist until an hour ago.

Eve: I hadn't thought of that *gulp* .
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