Author Topic: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 38 - Unicorn (30/1/2014)  (Read 119193 times)

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 31 - Grandchildren (6/12/2013)
« Reply #270 on: December 07, 2013, 02:13:10 AM »
R.I.P, Lizzie!

I loved to see Ariel born with a red hair :)
Congrats on the requirements, Hunter!
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Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 31 - Grandchildren (6/12/2013)
« Reply #271 on: December 08, 2013, 06:49:36 AM »
I was really happy with Ariel's hair colour! I didn't think it would be red and that I'd just end up with another blonde Newman.

I was sad to see Lizzie go but she'd lived well and was happy. I was rather annoyed at myself that her tombstone didn't represent this. But that doesn't matter now.  :)

Chapter 32 - Ted

Minnie: I'm going to beat you, Hunter!

Hunter: Oh no you won't! I'm a master of this game. Wait, what is this game?

Benni: I've just killed you both! I am the champion!

Hunter: I got the square button and the cross button mixed up...

I decided that the family needed a new pet. It had been such a long time since Cissy passed away. So Hunter headed to the neighbourhood adoption house to look for a new kitty or puppy to adopt into the family.

And then he spotted this little guy:

His name is Ted which also happens to be the name of my neighbour's dog. But that's beside the point! He's a sweetie and he and Hunter immediately bonded.

So Hunter took him home and he immediately claimed the old sofa in Lizzie and Chris' room as his own.

What are you doing, Hunter?

Hunter: What does it look like? I'm trying to improve my muscles. I lost everything when I became an elder! *grumbles about elder hood*

Hunter: Even after supermaxing the athletic skill, I still can't win a game of tug of war with a tiny dog...

Angel? ANGEL! No, you can't go!

Angel: Ooh, this is cool! Why didn't I die sooner? It's great being a ghost!

Angel: Please let me be your apprentice, Mr Grim! I'm experienced in evilness and misery, I'd make a great Grim Reaper!

Grim: Sorry, Ms Newman, I can't employ any more Grimmies at this time. I notify you if anything becomes available, though for now I'd appreciate it if you just hopped into you urn over there...

Angel will be missed. She was possibly one of the most amazing Sims I ever had. She maxed 3 skills (Athletic, Logic and Photography) and maxed the criminal career and managed to get to level 5 in the teaching career and level 7 in the video games career. She had 3 beautiful children and 2 lovely grandchildren and was always faithful to her Walter. She helped the family out a lot, from the cash from her genie to teaching their children their life skills.

And it was only right that she got a large obelisk. It can't count towards the family requirements as she was 'only a spare' but she was much more than a spare.

Rest in peace, Angel Newman.

(From left to right: Walter, Angel, Fjord, Narcissa (cat), James, Christopher and Lizzie)

But where there is death, there is also new life. And this new life comes in the form of Generation 3. The maid was rather panicked. He's new and doesn't really understand the world he has walked into.

And here she is, Generation 3! Her name is Epona and if you know your Roman Goddesses then you'll know what her supermax and career will be.

And meet Bess, Epona's twin sister! I really wasn't expecting twins so I was stuck on her name for about 10 minutes. Bess comes from Black Bess, Dick Turpin's horse.

Ariel had her child birthday and Mummy took her to the cake.

Hehe, cross-eyes!

She's a pretty little thing and I think she looks a lot like her mother. Apart from the hair.

I recoloured a store dress to look like the one Ariel wears in 'The Little Mermaid' though I think that the people who made that film didn't realise that red and pink clash terribly. *shivers*

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Offline Rikki8528

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #272 on: December 08, 2013, 06:56:35 AM »
Out of curiosity, what EPs and SPs do you have?

RIP Angel.  :'(

Offline maisie

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #273 on: December 08, 2013, 07:41:10 AM »
Goodbye Angel, you were one of the funniest sims to read about.  :'(

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #274 on: December 08, 2013, 09:37:27 AM »
RIP Angel, we will miss you and your evil schemes. And Ariel looks so much adorable and cute. I like her formal dress. Looking forward for next update.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #275 on: December 08, 2013, 10:52:10 AM »
Aw, RIP Angel.  Your evil ways will be missed.

Congratulations on the new heir.  I've got that skill down for a possible last-house one but will probably chicken out.  Still, you're in the right town for it.  Good luck!

Offline Rikki8528

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #276 on: December 08, 2013, 12:30:31 PM »
Ah. I've remembered the goddess now.

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #277 on: December 08, 2013, 03:08:49 PM »
What kind of breed that Ted is, Snuffles? He’s cute and adorable! I have a little knowledge about Pets. My parents and sister love pets. My Dad is animal lovers, the rest of family is a dog person, but I don't really into pets that’s not mean I hate them. We have Rottweiler at home, Siberian Husky and Chihuahua and they always barking at me make me looks like a villain except the little one :P

R.I.P Angel. Too bad, you always want an exciting ending instead old age. But, may you be happy with the rest of family in the afterlife!

To be honest, I never see male maid once in my Simming life! Or maybe I never play a little longer?
Welcome Epona and Bess, which was a good choice for a name!
Glad to know that you dedicated to makeover our little Ariel resemble to the movie *squeal*
Amazing updates! I can’t wait to see more ♥
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #278 on: December 08, 2013, 08:34:26 PM »

Wow, it was such a shock to see Angel die! I guess she just seems like such a staple of the story that I kind of expected her to just magically continue on.

I don't know the Roman goddess Epona, but I do know it's the name of the horse in the Ocarina of Time Zelda! Man, what a great game. Fond memories! Anyway, welcome Gen 3!

Offline Luna

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #279 on: December 08, 2013, 11:01:09 PM »
R.I.P Angel, ah the evil-mind of this Dynasty was already gone! May she find her fun in another world! I wish Mickey could be her successors with extra cheese with Minnie ::)

Welcome to Bess and Epona!
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

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Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #280 on: December 09, 2013, 10:21:16 PM »
R.I.P. Angel. Man, for medium lifespan and 1 young again potion, she accomplished a lot! I really love Ariel! Her dress looks so much like Ariel in the movie! Very clever with Epona. ;)

I really can't get over how beautiful Benni is. I love her style (really it's your style) and I just love how her highlights and the black hat add to her edginess. Her makeup and even her face just scream "punk rock". I'm almost obsessed. Lol ;D
Have you noticed that I'm kind of insane when it comes to genetics?

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #281 on: December 10, 2013, 10:07:27 AM »
Nooooo *goes on for five minutes* Not Angel! I'll miss her so much, and can't wait for her to visit as a ghost. Ariel still looks beautiful with the pink dress.
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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #282 on: December 15, 2013, 06:13:54 AM »
Bellatrix and Jorge are now on the SwapShop! Sorry that the uploads are a little random but I promise I will upload Angel, Christopher, Hunter, James and others soon.  :)
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Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #283 on: December 16, 2013, 08:25:34 AM »
Sorry for the double post, but if anybody is interested, I've started a Random Legacy with Bellatrix and Jorge. You can find it here.
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Re: The Newman 4 x 4 Dynasty | Chapter 32 - Ted (8/12/2013)
« Reply #284 on: December 24, 2013, 04:28:58 AM »
Out of curiosity, what EPs and SPs do you have?

RIP Angel.  :'(

I have every expansion pack plus Movie Stuff, Master Suite and High-End Loft Stuff. Trust me, that makes CAS very slow!  ;D

Goodbye Angel, you were one of the funniest sims to read about.  :'(

She was also one of the funniest Sims to play. I don't think the family will be quite the same without her.

RIP Angel, we will miss you and your evil schemes. And Ariel looks so much adorable and cute. I like her formal dress. Looking forward for next update.

Well, I don't think I will miss the evil schemes  I think everyone will miss Angel. She was a fun character.

I love Ariel's formal dress, too!  :D

Aw, RIP Angel.  Your evil ways will be missed.

Congratulations on the new heir.  I've got that skill down for a possible last-house one but will probably chicken out.  Still, you're in the right town for it.  Good luck!

I'm going to a test game and see how long it takes to get the skill challenges. I'm still pretty nervous about it, though. I've never really tackled it before. I mostly stick to easy skills like painting and sculpting where you just leave them to it! I suppose it gives me an excuse to do things in the game that I wouldn't have before.

Ah. I've remembered the goddess now.

Thumbs up for you  ;D

What kind of breed that Ted is, Snuffles? He’s cute and adorable! I have a little knowledge about Pets. My parents and sister love pets. My Dad is animal lovers, the rest of family is a dog person, but I don't really into pets that’s not mean I hate them. We have Rottweiler at home, Siberian Husky and Chihuahua and they always barking at me make me looks like a villain except the little one :P

R.I.P Angel. Too bad, you always want an exciting ending instead old age. But, may you be happy with the rest of family in the afterlife!

To be honest, I never see male maid once in my Simming life! Or maybe I never play a little longer?
Welcome Epona and Bess, which was a good choice for a name!
Glad to know that you dedicated to makeover our little Ariel resemble to the movie *squeal*
Amazing updates! I can’t wait to see more ♥

He looks a bit like a Jack Russell. I don't have a dog, but I know a fair bit about them and the breeds. Your dogs sound really cool! My friend has a husky, but it has a reddish brown back instead of a grey back. He's very cute!

Well she had an elaborate plan to fake her death and go into hiding but unfortunately Grim came too soon!

I've seen a few male maids before. In fact, I think I might get them more often than female maids! If I can't find a suitable mate for Epona (and Bess) around town then I might even use them as husbands, even if they are clone faced.

If you have seasons, I bet you'll know which outfit I'm planning to use for Ariel as an adult!

Wow, it was such a shock to see Angel die! I guess she just seems like such a staple of the story that I kind of expected her to just magically continue on.

I don't know the Roman goddess Epona, but I do know it's the name of the horse in the Ocarina of Time Zelda! Man, what a great game. Fond memories! Anyway, welcome Gen 3!

It was a shock for me too, especially as I'd just reset her age back using the makeover station just a couple of days before. But you know Angel; she does what she likes!

R.I.P Angel, ah the evil-mind of this Dynasty was already gone! May she find her fun in another world! I wish Mickey could be her successors with extra cheese with Minnie ::)

Welcome to Bess and Epona!

Who knows, we may even have an evil heir sometime down the line!

I will be sure to include extra cheese when I can  ;)

R.I.P. Angel. Man, for medium lifespan and 1 young again potion, she accomplished a lot! I really love Ariel! Her dress looks so much like Ariel in the movie! Very clever with Epona. ;)

I really can't get over how beautiful Benni is. I love her style (really it's your style) and I just love how her highlights and the black hat add to her edginess. Her makeup and even her face just scream "punk rock". I'm almost obsessed. Lol ;D

Yes, she had a very full life. She technically completed two lifetime wishes: her official lifetime wish to become an evil empress and she also unofficially completed Renaissance Sim, by maxing three skills. Pretty impressive for a spare!

I'm so pleased you like Benni and her makeover. I also think she's got really interesting facial features which I think will blend well with Hunter's.

Nooooo *goes on for five minutes* Not Angel! I'll miss her so much, and can't wait for her to visit as a ghost. Ariel still looks beautiful with the pink dress.

I'm sure she'll be out and about sometime. And I'm certain that she'll still want to play a part in the story. I already have a couple of ideas...  :D
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