Bowling and BrawlingGood morning everyone! Your challenge is to go bowling! The town with the highest score combined wins! NOW GET GOING!
Vita: I want us to win.
Jack: Duh! Who actually wants to lose?
Vita: Good point.
Jared: Watch and learn ladies.
Jared: GAH! *thump*
Rose: Since the other team has 7 people, I volounteered to sit out.
Anne: I'm a better bowler than you.
Morgan: We'll see Goldie.
Morgan: GAH! Gutter!
Anne: C'mon.....
Anne: HA! Strike! IN YOUR FACE!
Patty: do you bowl again?
Nina: I haven't gone bowling since I kissed Mortimer Goth in The Sims 2!
Nina: Ok, so I haven't hooked up with Mortimer since 2008! When the Sims 2 was still out! Now he's a kid! With that awful Bella Bachelor! UGH! I miss the old Mortimer. Literally! He was old....
Lets check on Team Sunset..
Times up! Sunset Valley scores combined are 273 points. And Barnacle Bay is 287 points! SO BARNACLE BAY WINS!
Vita: HA! Now I have another chance to eliminate Monika's alliance!
At Team Barnacle....
Anne: We won?!
Everyone: YAY!
Nina: YAY! We won again! If we keep this up, we'll destroy the other town.
Nina: Yes! We can finally relax.
Patty: Yeah.
Lets check on Team Sunset
Monika: So we vote out Agnes?
Stiles: Mmhmm.
Monika: Ok. I'll tell Jamie.
Agnes: Jack, are you still in our alliance?
Jack: Um, yeah! I'd be digging my own grave if not!
Agnes: Good, because I know who we are voting out tonight! It's.....
Jack: IS SHE CRAZY? How can she vote that person off?!