I'm sorry, I have some questions. First, I am a little confused because the rules say that you can't throw life state changing elixirs at founders or heirs, but it says that your founder or heir can change life states to extend life after the requirements are done and the next heir is born. So, does that mean if I want a founder to become a werewolf. I would have to be bitten by one? Or is it okay to drink it if it's not thrown at you. Just wondering since I would much prefer to leave supernaturals off. Also, so let's say that I have a werewolf in my household that is not a founder or heir, and they find collectibles like a supernovium or something. Can another sim clone it that is a heir or founder and it be counted for the 4x4 collection? Also, could you have 4 metals that are cloned as clones or metals? Same thing with other collectibles, or do they have to be considered clones if they are cloned? I hope that made sense.
Geez, I have to add one more question to this. So, I have read the edit town rules, and I think I am in good understanding of what I can't do, but just to make sure, if I am in Lucky Palms or something, and the game autoplaces certain lots like the firestation and the supernatural hangouts, can I just delete them even if I have no other plans for the lot that they are on or plan on putting them somewhere else.