Are spare children allowed to move out and(not going to do this, Agnes fans, but was wondering) whether you can divorce after the baby has been born?
Also, what is the "Orb of Answers"?
Yes, spare children / helpers / non-heirs are allowed to move out.
Yes, you can divorce after the baby (HEIR) has been born, don't have to be married in the first place. If Agnes is one of your founders, you might want to keep her around as she can be one of your source for the large tombstone.
Orb of Answers is an item that come with Supernatural xpac. It is like a magic 8 ball, where you can ask several questions and get some funny answers. This item is currently on debate as some people is saying that it will proc lifetime happiness wishes that are too big and also randomly give you money. Metro is ok with this item (few post up), however rules might change in the future, you will need to keep up with future changes.