Author Topic: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Discontinued - Graveyard  (Read 82435 times)

Offline Pyro0001

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The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Daddy's Girl
« Reply #165 on: November 20, 2013, 07:32:04 PM »
Dexter was so cute when he talking to Kristie tummy! I hope that the baby will not be spoiled!

I just wonder why that she looks creepy for a moment; as if the baby has something to tell that she will take over the world. Is she an evil heiress?

Welcome, Emerson :)

Unfortunately Dexter is not strong enough to withstand Emerson's cuteness.

She does look a bit evil, doesn't she? But no, it's not one of her traits.

Or else Pyro will stop updating his story for you guys or send evil viruses to your computer and destroy any challenge attempts ::)

I agree. The newborn nooboo looks so evil in that screenshot. Nevertheless, welcome Emerson!
Hope that she will not spoiled too often for being Daddy Dexter little girl ::)

You will download my swap shop creations. *uses the force*

I am such a nerd sometimes.

Oh, welcome daddy's girl! Does Randy keep gaining weight every now and then?

Randy does gain weight easily. I have to send him to the gym at least twice a week to keep him under control. :P


I'm jealous, there won't be any nooboos in my dynasty for a while. They've just started to grow on me.  :(

It's always a sad time when you can't have nooboos in a dynasty. :( I sympathize.

Emerson: what a great name! I love names that are a little different. Very unique for a girl.

I also have to admit the "oh no, that's even worse!" response to learning that she was pregnant gave me a pretty good laugh. Erm, no I don't dislike children . . . not at all!  :-X

Thanks! I love interesting names for sims. I think it gives them lots of personality.

Well, I'm sure Kristie regrets all those fun nights with Dexter now.

Can Emerson have friends named Lake and Palmer?

Congrats on her birth. :)

I didn't even think of the band when I named her. The name Emerson just popped into my head. :)

Thank you.
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline Pyro0001

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The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Endless Toddler Spam
« Reply #166 on: November 20, 2013, 07:45:40 PM »
Hi again. I'm just bombarding you guys with updates aren't I? Well, now that I've finished study I can play a lot more. ;D

Chapter Twenty Six – Endless Toddler Spam!

Don’t babies age up so fast? Sometimes it’s actually a relief, because toddlers are a lot more fun than babies. Still, it’s always a little sad.

She’s blond! Yay. I was hoping she’d have Kristie’s hair. It looks like she has Dexter’s skin colour too.

Emerson is such a cutie.

Kristie immediately starting working on Emerson’s baby skills, which unfortunately didn’t go well.

Kristie: OK honey, say ‘hat’.

Emerson: *scowl*

Dexter: Alright, come to daddy!

Emerson: *giggles*

Told you she was a daddy’s girl.

Emerson got her imaginary friend, from ‘Aunt Eugenie’ or something. I have no idea who she is, but Emerson sure loves playing with the thing.

I discovered a new feature of Island Paradise, where you can play with toddlers in water. It’s cute!

Everyone had wishes to get a cat, so I gave in and adopted one. Her name’s Kelly.

Emerson: WAAAHHH!!!!

Oh my God, Emerson has huge teeth!

What are you all doing in the hot tub? There's work to be done. Audrey needs to tend the garden, Dexter needs to go fishing, Clare needs to paint Emerson's portrait...

Clare: Get a life Watcher.

I...oh fine. Stay in the hot tub.

Dexter: Hey, what's that smell? And why is there a nutty bar floating in the water?

Randy: Oops.

The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

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Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Endless Toddler Spam!
« Reply #167 on: November 20, 2013, 08:08:17 PM »
Actually I don't mind if you bombarding this board every day. Well, I’m glad to know that you can play more, it always quiet and lonely when waiting for the next installment but there's no new story update ::)

Ha! Overly attached Watcher to a Dynasty rules! You did a good job, Clare.

That imaginary friend doll looks suspicious. Do you have a plan to use that ‘thing’ ::) ?
So, I just wait her story as a child... then.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Endless Toddler Spam!
« Reply #168 on: November 20, 2013, 08:15:27 PM »

Just ew, Randy. Ew.

And Emerson is such a cutie! She's like a honeycomb, with the warm brown eyes and skin tone and the blonde hair. Can't wait to see what she grows up to be!

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Endless Toddler Spam!
« Reply #169 on: November 20, 2013, 09:43:30 PM »
Woah, generation four is here already?

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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Endless Toddler Spam!
« Reply #170 on: November 21, 2013, 05:41:18 AM »
Randy! =P I had a spouse in my old dynasty that gained weight by the day and I just gave up slimming him down, lol. Emerson is going to be so beautiful when she's older, someone should keep the boys at bay ^.~
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Offline Pyro0001

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The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Endless Toddler Spam!
« Reply #171 on: December 03, 2013, 04:13:35 AM »
Actually I don't mind if you bombarding this board every day. Well, I’m glad to know that you can play more, it always quiet and lonely when waiting for the next installment but there's no new story update ::)

Ha! Overly attached Watcher to a Dynasty rules! You did a good job, Clare.

That imaginary friend doll looks suspicious. Do you have a plan to use that ‘thing’ ::) ?
So, I just wait her story as a child... then.
Sorry I haven't updated much lately, I've been REALLY busy.

Hmm...well, I'll only 'use' it if there are no suitable boys in the town for Emerson to date.

Just ew, Randy. Ew.

And Emerson is such a cutie! She's like a honeycomb, with the warm brown eyes and skin tone and the blonde hair. Can't wait to see what she grows up to be!
I know. *gags*

She is very pretty. I thinks she's got the best features from both of her parents. :)

Woah, generation four is here already?
It's come by very quickly hasn't it?

Randy! =P I had a spouse in my old dynasty that gained weight by the day and I just gave up slimming him down, lol. Emerson is going to be so beautiful when she's older, someone should keep the boys at bay ^.~
It's an annoying gltich isn't it? I have to send Randy to the gym at least twice a week to keep him slim.

I'm sure Dexter will happily accept that job. ::)
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

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Offline Pyro0001

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The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Emerson's Gift
« Reply #172 on: December 03, 2013, 04:35:27 AM »
Oh gosh, I haven't updated in so long! I'm really sorry, I've just been so busy the past two weeks. Oh, thank you to Nettlejuice for gifting me the baby swing!

Chapter Twenty Seven - Emerson's Gift

Emerson toddler days went by very quickly, sadly. Soon she was blowing out the candles on her child birthday cake.

Emerson: I’m not sure what to say about my hair.

You need a makeover now.

Wow, you look really good.

Emerson: Mum!! The Watcher is being inappropriate!

I didn’t mean it like that! Don’t overreact! Goodness, little girls are such a trial…

Audrey: My life fruit plant is dead! Boo hoo hoo.

It’s okay, you have nearly thirty fruits in your inventory, just plant another one.

Audrey: But none of them will replace Charlie!

What? Oh my god…

Randy, not again. Why are you so disgustingly gruesome all the time? Get out of there.

Emerson: Daddy, I have something to ask you.

Dexter: Sure honey, what’s up?

Emerson: Could you buy me a foal? I promise I’ll take good care of it and not let it die.

Dexter: Oh, I don’t know…


Dexter: Oh, alright.

That afternoon…

Emerson: Yay, a foal!

What would you like to call...him?

Emerson: What about Prince?

That’s a nice name.

Emerson: Prince, I love you. We’re going to be friends until you die.

Aww, that’s cute.

I decided to build another house. I built it in a traditional American way, which is different than my normal style. I hope I did a good job.

I also built a small barn for Prince at the edge of the lot.

The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Emerson's Gift
« Reply #173 on: December 03, 2013, 05:29:49 AM »
Hope you and the Bertone's enjoy the baby swing ^_^

I will say this again, you are an awesome builder, I love the house and the barn.

Emerson: Prince, I love you. We’re going to be friends until you die.

Wow, that's harsh, Emerson, you only received your horsie today.
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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Emerson's Gift
« Reply #174 on: December 03, 2013, 07:35:24 AM »
Hee hee, Emerson is just like a real little girl, begging her father to buy a horse! ;D I'm glad you updated, I was getting a bit worried. Good job on the house!

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Emerson's Gift
« Reply #175 on: December 03, 2013, 08:17:46 AM »
Ahh, I remember when I was little and wanted a horse. I got a cat instead. Much better.  ;D

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Emerson's Gift
« Reply #176 on: December 03, 2013, 02:20:59 PM »

That was totally me as a little girl, except the begging was for a dog. And geez, you re-built the house again? Isn't this house number three in four generations? I guess the Bertones (or at least their watcher) like to change things up quite a bit. Emerson remains adorable.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Emerson's Gift
« Reply #177 on: December 03, 2013, 07:02:50 PM »
So, her supermax would be riding? Or there's something else. When I saw horse actually that was on my mind, too bad Emerson skill not very effective against my parents -_- Good luck to Emerson!
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Emerson's Gift
« Reply #178 on: December 04, 2013, 12:15:49 AM »
Emerson's cute! She deserved a horse! Hope that she would take care her horse better ;D
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Re: The Bertone Immortal Dynasty - Emerson's Gift
« Reply #179 on: December 06, 2013, 07:04:57 PM »
I am like utterly stunned right now. This is so creepy. Okay, let me tell you why. My real name is Emerson. I have brown eyes and blonde hair like her. My hair was short when I was like 5-8. I always wore tank tops. I begged a lot for things. Lastly, I had always wanted a horse.  :o Creepy right? I like saw my name in the Forum and I was like "CLICK ON IT! MAYBE ITS A SIGN THAT I HAVE A GIFT!" Now I won't be able to stop reading!

P.S.  Emerson is such a cutie! Well, anyone with the name Emerson is.  ;) Haha, I'm so not egotistical.
Have you noticed that I'm kind of insane when it comes to genetics?