I'm still a little in shock about winning this one. There were a lot of really good entries for this one. Thank you so much for this honour! Amadi would be more than welcome to appear in the hallowed grounds of a Schipperke tale, and I am open for any comments or critiques.
Chetan: I liked Michael's unique hair colour that he had. It really pops out. The whole Gothic motif was a very nice move, as well.
Snuffles: Oily is so suave and sophisicated. I almost saw him as a kind of "anti-Ben," so to speak; what Ben could have been like if he were Evil. And that backstory! Oh, so tragic! You did a fantastic job with him, for sure!
Goslett: As always, brilliant job on the facial structuring. Shax definitely looks evil, but also very distinctive and even a little handome, in his own way. Well done, indeed!