Author Topic: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard Please!  (Read 48536 times)

Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 22 - Feelings Unleashed
« Reply #135 on: November 28, 2013, 10:43:26 AM »
I'm loving the sibling rivalry, they remind me of myself and my sister.

Haha! Ok I didn't know if ya'll would like it, so I guess I'll keep it up!

Oh no! Chris! I just get the feeling grim may have come earlier than wanted :( 

Maybe? He is currently at the age of 88. A few days passed though since I last checked.

I always love water fountains in living room, nice touch.

Thank you. I just thought it needed something more.  :)
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Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 22 - Feelings Unleashed
« Reply #136 on: November 28, 2013, 01:56:07 PM »
Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing

(This is not the Thanksgiving special, BTW.)


Isabelle, whats wrong?


Christopher and Isabelle had just woke up from a long sleep. They had been exhausted from their day of fun. Christopher got up and felt different. He felt like he was as light as a feather. Then, his feet floated off the ground and small, glowing sparkles surrounded him. What, he couldn't be aging up? he thought. His body was tingling every where and when he looked at his loving wife's eyes, all he saw was a mixture of misery and anger.

A huge wave of emotions came over Christopher. First he wanted to yell, then cry, and then go skip around the house. He lifted higher off the ground and was engulfed by a huge light.

Isabelle couldn't control her feelings. She wanted to hug and cry into her husbands arms. She wanted to life out immortality with him, but it wasn't to be that way. Was immortality worth such pain?

As the light consumed Christopher's body, he turned a glowing white. He floated off the ground and was white, transparent figure. This scared Christopher. But the thunder that he heard outside scared him more.

The thing that scared him the most out of everything was the tall, shadowy figure that stood before him. His presence caused a chill to go through the air. His voice struck fear into everyone's hearts. "Christopher Skydream. The time has come for you to perish from this world and join the world of The Undead. You shall cease to exist here," the stranger spoke. But the man was no stranger to Isabelle. Her mother had told her who this shadowy demon was. His name was Grim. Grim Reaper to be exact. His job in the world was to reap the souls that were to come to the world of the Undead. Isabelle despised him for not only taking her beloved husband, but for him taking all of her soon-to-be family. This is why she chose immortality. To rebel against the Reapers and stay in this dimension for how long they desire. Isabelle could not stand the look of Grim.

Even though Christopher still had love for his family, he was forced to go. He overcame his fear and went willingly. Isabelle couldn't stop crying. She hated seeing Grim even touch her love.

With a sad smile and a determined look on his face, he looked at his wife one more time. Their eyes met for a moment, and then he jumped into oblivion. 

Everyone was heart-broken and crying hysterically. They missed Christopher to the bare bone. But there was one person missing from the death-witnessing group. The one person, aside from Isabelle, who had the best relationship with Christopher. Mae. She was at school that day. Skyler had skipped so she witnessed the death. Her mother told her and at first she thought it was a joke. She was calling for her Grandfather, hoping he would set aside this joke for her. To no such luck, she realized it was the truth. She broke down, and started balling. She ran to her Grandmother and they cried into each others arms. Isabelle would whisper calming things into her ears to silence her crying but to no avail. They were both heart broken over Christopher.

Even heartbroken she was, she had to put on a smile for her birthday. Even with one less person, they still had to celebrate. Mae got up close to the cake and whispered her wish.

Mae: I wish one day I would have my Grandpa back.

Then she blew out the candles.

More sparkles came around her and she aged up to a glorious teen.

Then it was Skyler's turn. She got up close to her cake and loudly whispered her wish.

Skyler: I wish I could become a blue tiger!

Oh Skyler. What will we do with you?

Oh, yes. Black hair!!! Have you noticed that I'm kind of insane when it comes to genetics?

Finally, it was Mellony's turn. She didn't have to lean close to make her wish.

Mellony: I wish we could get over our heartbreaks sooner.

Pretty good wish. I could possibly make that happen, Mellony. Good idea..

Mellony aged up to an Adult.

Mellony: Okay, I'm still solid and colorful. Don't want to die yet.


*Whistling* Boy is she a cutie! She is a shocking resemblance of her grandfather. His genetics will live on with Mae. She kept her short hairstyle that she had as a child. Her hair is looking a little bit more like her fathers than Chris's. Her stubby nose rounded out to look a lot better. Her most striking feature, though is her eyes. The same blue eyes that Isabelle fell in love with.

This is her normal everyday wear.

This is her sculpting outfit.

Her formal wear. It looks like an edited version of her mother's formal wear.

Her sleepwear.

And lastly her swimwear.

Next is our girly Skyler. She went for a more of a bold eye look. Its very blue. I love her hair. It looks perfect with her hair color.

Here is her girly everyday wear. She will be sculpting and painting a lot, so I don't know how she will do all of that in a tiny skirt.

All of Skyler's clothes are pretty average. This is her formal wear.

This is her sleepwear.

And lastly, the 100th picture from yesterday. Her swimwear.

Okay, so that's a chappy for today. I may have the Thanksgiving special later today or early tomorrow. Thanks for reading, and byeee!!! R.I.P. Christopher.  :'( <3
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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #137 on: November 28, 2013, 02:00:42 PM »
The girls are so beautiful, you have to share them with the rest of us, please! RIP, Christopher <3
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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #138 on: November 28, 2013, 02:15:55 PM »
RIP Christopher.

Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #139 on: November 28, 2013, 02:22:26 PM »
The girls are so beautiful, you have to share them with the rest of us, please! RIP, Christopher <3

I agree with you! Once they age up to young adults, I may put them on the Swap Shop. That is if I can figure out how to!  ;D

RIP Christopher.

<3  :'(
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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #140 on: November 29, 2013, 02:45:44 AM »
I love Mae and Skyler relationships so cute and fun in the same time. I love the moment when Skyler’s told her about ghost story. I also love their makeover! And your way of storytelling is cute with good screenshots. Keep up the good work ^^
R.I.P Chris.
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Offline rodeo199

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #141 on: November 29, 2013, 03:30:07 AM »
RIP Chris. The girls are so gorgeous!!

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Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #142 on: November 29, 2013, 05:21:07 AM »
I really loved the girls’ relationship; remind me a lot of my sister. Skyler's just like me ::)
And they’re growing up into beautiful lady! I hope they will find their own prince charming!
Oh, RIP Chris… I hope the family will go through all of this.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #143 on: November 29, 2013, 10:42:59 PM »
I love Mae and Skyler relationships so cute and fun in the same time. I love the moment when Skyler’s told her about ghost story. I also love their makeover! And your way of storytelling is cute with good screenshots. Keep up the good work ^^
R.I.P Chris.

Haha, I just needed something to make my story better so I developed that relationship.
They are very adorable. Thank you very much! I'll try.  ;D

RIP Chris. The girls are so gorgeous!!

Yeah they are so pretty! The bold makeup on Sklyer suited her, I think.

I really loved the girls’ relationship; remind me a lot of my sister. Skyler's just like me ::)
And they’re growing up into beautiful lady! I hope they will find their own prince charming!
Oh, RIP Chris… I hope the family will go through all of this.

Haha, yeah they are like real life sisters. They are very pretty, the top prettiest sims I've had. I hope so too! They will, but Isabelle will have a real trouble getting through it.  :'(
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Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #144 on: December 01, 2013, 10:46:13 PM »
Hey guys, this isn't an update.  :'( I'm not going to be able to update you guys on thanksgiving and the special, but I will be turning on seasons! This way, when I do a Christmas special (which I WILL be doing, probably on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day) then it will be winter and it will be more festive. It will also give Isabelle a break from gardening when her plants go dormant. Anyways, I am really sorry and I feel bad about it.  :'(

Oh and also, for Christmas I will be getting Fast lane and Supernatural! Now I will be able to do a life state dynasty once this one is done! At this rate, I believe this dynasty will be over in early summer. Ha! I'm only at the 3rd generation and I'm already thinking of that. Now I'm rambling. I do that a lot. Anyway, that's what I had to tell you guys and again, really sorry about no update!   :-[
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #145 on: December 01, 2013, 11:32:11 PM »
Woohoo! I'm happy for you! Next expansions that you’ll get are fun to play with! Especially Supernatural, I really love Witch! I hope that you'll be careful when choosing spouse! Always check the relationship panel before you decided to marry them, because there is one glitch that makes their supernatural being invisible to our eyes!
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline redmare

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #146 on: December 03, 2013, 07:05:55 PM »
Hey, I just caught up and wanted to say that it looks wonderful! Good luck on your dynasty. Now I need to go off and start mine... again. *gasps dramatically*
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Offline pugster101

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #147 on: December 03, 2013, 09:38:01 PM »
Wait, who's the heir, Mae or Skyler? I just read the last chapter and am confused...
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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #148 on: December 03, 2013, 09:42:25 PM »
Mae. Skyler was adopted later.
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Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 23 - Perfect Timing
« Reply #149 on: December 04, 2013, 12:04:10 PM »
Woohoo! I'm happy for you! Next expansions that you’ll get are fun to play with! Especially Supernatural, I really love Witch! I hope that you'll be careful when choosing spouse! Always check the relationship panel before you decided to marry them, because there is one glitch that makes their supernatural being invisible to our eyes!

Thanks! I had thought that it would change my game too much, but you can turn them all off. So that's cool! Ok thanks!  ;D

Hey, I just caught up and wanted to say that it looks wonderful! Good luck on your dynasty. Now I need to go off and start mine... again. *gasps dramatically*

Thank you, that means so much to me that people are interested in my story! Good luck on your dynasty, too!
Wait, who's the heir, Mae or Skyler? I just read the last chapter and am confused...

Mae is the heir. Sorry if that was confusing. Skyler was adopted a little bit after Mae aged up to child. Adopted children can't even be heirs anyway.  :D
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