Author Topic: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Graveyard Please!  (Read 48424 times)

Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #75 on: October 07, 2013, 10:43:49 PM »
Yay! Glad to hear that you got that worked out :D
(I get on here during gym and science class too, lol)

Thank you! And hey, they give us iPads so why not use them... In science class...  ;)
Yay!!!Glad you got the save file to work again.
(Gosh you guys are so lucky, in my school our rules are really strict & i wouldn't even be allowed to have my phone/ipod in my pocket. Doesn't help that i sit in the front row in science  ;D )

Thank you!  ;D Wow. I am fast with getting to web pages and typing so I get some time off when I finish. I also sit in the back with all the cool kids  8) hehe !

That's great! I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm really glad the dynasty is not going to the graveyard. ;D

Thanks! It really is a very good thing. Usually I delete all of my world files every month so I was lucky I hadn't done that yet!

Hurrah! Good luck with the new computer once you get it too. New systems really do make a world of difference.

Now to get over the weird crashing when Mellony ages up. She's too beautiful to lose.

Hurrah indeed! Thank you, I do hope it fixes some of my problems. Also then I can have like the sims wiki or whatever open in my laptop and then be playing sims on my computer. That is just a great thing. Sadly it will cost 500 dollars. I already have $200, I am going to get $100 more and then my dad will pay for the rest.

It's worth it though! Hopefully the crashing will resolve itself or something.  :D
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Offline rodeo199

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #76 on: October 08, 2013, 10:23:12 AM »

Thank you! And hey, they give us iPads so why not use them... In science class...  ;)
Thank you!  ;D Wow. I am fast with getting to web pages and typing so I get some time off when I finish. I also sit in the back with all the cool kids  8) hehe !

Haha lol, we have seating plans for science though, it sucks. I had to sit in between both the Lachlans once. :P

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #77 on: October 08, 2013, 12:27:26 PM »
Well, shame on you! You should always pay attention...WAIT A MINUTE! you can go on forum on your cellphone? I must try that :P
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Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #78 on: October 08, 2013, 05:41:00 PM »
Haha lol, we have seating plans for science though, it sucks. I had to sit in between both the Lachlans once. :P


Well, shame on you! You should always pay attention...WAIT A MINUTE! you can go on forum on your cellphone? I must try that :P

I'm bad   ::)  I'm actually on my iPad and I just created a shortcut to the forum onto my home page. It's quite easy. :)
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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #79 on: October 19, 2013, 04:38:54 AM »
Did you know that when  Isabelle gets to immortallity, she can get plastic surgery in the hospital? Then you can have her kissy lips back!

Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #80 on: October 23, 2013, 07:05:58 PM »
Chapter 15 - We're Back In Business!

After many crashes, many different outfits on Isabelle, and lots of screaming, I finally got the file to work again! Sorry for like the 2 week delay on the update on everything. Last update, I left you guys off with both Isabelle and Mellony aging up and that was it. I haven't posted in so long that I've forgotten how to like upload pictures. All is well, though. Like I said before, my game crashed a lot.

Isabelle: Ughhh... my head is pounding.. I feel like I've re-lived becoming and elder like 5 times! What happened?

Mellony: Yeah? I'm a little groggy but changing from those awful teenage years to a young adult 5 times is depressing.

Oh my immortals... it was nothing but a glitch.

Mellony: Immortals? What? Mom, what is she talking about?

Never mind that! Let's get on with the update.

Isabelle and Chris decided to skip the wonderful meal that Isabelle had made and went into the hot tub. Why would you guys skip on Tri-trip Steak?

Isabelle: Eh. Steak is too mainstream for me.

Oh no.. looks like she's gained the rebel influence. And she doesn't do anything that would give her 2 levels in Rebels!

Why do I have to keep re-living this!? It really is depressing to see my beautiful Isabelle turn to a bag of bones. She doesn't look very happy.

I have made so many different versions of this dress it's not even funny. I would take pictures and then my game would crash. Then I'd have to go and delete all the pictures from the events that never got saved. Again, lots of screaming happened. I do think she looks kind of cute as an elder. Kind of.

This is her formal wear. Elders don't really have a good choice of clothing. I'm going to have to buy some new elder clothes *groan*..

The next morning, Mellony was up for aging. She made another wish.

And she is still the smoking cutie of Sunset Valley. Her outfit, I think, really matches her artistic style.

I am not going to show you guys her wedding dress. I don't want to spoil the surprise. I'll tell one thing. It's REALLY cute. This is her adorbs sleepwear.

And the time came for graduation. She's so cute in her robes! Mellony achieved quite a lot. She received the Highest Honor, Class Valedictorian, and was voted Most Artistic. Good job Mellony! I failed to mention that she gained the Nurturing trait when she aged up.

She received this hot rod from her father. It's all purple and everything! It suits her personality well.

Mellony: Oh, thank you Daddy! I love it.

Chris: Sure, darling. Anything for you.

Dude, you don't even have a car but yet you buy her a car that is over $50,000? That's messed up, man

And who is this? Oh, don't worry! Mellony wouldn't dare cheat on Adrian. This, my friends, is Adrian all grown up! He is a handsome man. Mellony greeted him.

They flirted a little bit and chatted. I didn't want to risk him slipping through my fingers, so I had her ask him if he wanted to move in.

Of course with such a high relationship, he agreed. They were both quite excited.

The excitement led on. He decided to age up the moment he moved in. Not 2 hours later, but the second I clicked 'Confirm Household'. I guess Mellony's heartbreak will come earlier than her mother's.

Yes! Black hair! I have literally never had a legit black haired child in the sims. I'm really counting on Adrian's genetics to be strong. Black hair baby or bust! Adrian turned out to be the cutie with the right hair and some facial hair.

Adrian kind of went for the polo and khakis. I guess he wanted to look like he was golfing. I honestly don't know what job he should have. His traits are very odd. They are I think Nurturing, Family oriented, Evil, Slob, and Flirty. Maybe I'll put him in either the Business or Criminal career. I'm not sure.

Well, that's the chappy. It was even on a Wednesday. The guilt was getting to me of not posting. Okie, so questions of the day:

1. Which job should Adrian have?

2. Do you want Gen. 3 to have Isabelle, Adrian, or Mellony/Chris's hair?

Comment your answers! Thanks to all who are reading. I appreciate every single one of your comments. It makes my day to know that someone likes my dynasty. I'll hopefully get another update this weekend. Fingers crossed!

Note: I forgot to mention that in her teen years, Mellony finished 'The Research Project' opp. Also, Isabelle bought and read the Ambrosia recipe. All Isabelle has to do is get I believe 4 more Best Friends and get her elder pieces done!
Have you noticed that I'm kind of insane when it comes to genetics?

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 14 - We're Back In Business!
« Reply #81 on: October 24, 2013, 07:26:22 AM »
I think that criminal career would be very fun! And I really like Isabelle's hair. :)
I love Mellony's outfit and hairstyle, she beautiful and so is Adrian. I can't wait to see how cute the nooboo will be.
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 14 - We're Back In Business!
« Reply #82 on: October 24, 2013, 08:25:22 AM »
Mellony is so beautiful, I love purple and it suits her really well. Adrian turned into a hottie with the right hair ^.^
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Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 14 - We're Back In Business!
« Reply #83 on: October 24, 2013, 05:37:38 PM »
I think that criminal career would be very fun! And I really like Isabelle's hair. :)
I love Mellony's outfit and hairstyle, she beautiful and so is Adrian. I can't wait to see how cute the nooboo will be.

Thanks for the input! I agree, and I am hoping the child will have black hair!

Mellony is so beautiful, I love purple and it suits her really well. Adrian turned into a hottie with the right hair ^.^

Thank you very much! It took a while for me to choose. He is quite stylish without that buzz cut.  ;D
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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 14 - We're Back In Business!
« Reply #84 on: October 24, 2013, 11:15:15 PM »
I love the makeovers (after I saw Mellony in that outfit I had to buy it, lol)! Great update and I can't wait to see the nooboo!

I love how Agnes photobombed two pictures, haha ;D

Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 14 - We're Back In Business!
« Reply #85 on: October 25, 2013, 08:57:43 AM »
I love the makeovers (after I saw Mellony in that outfit I had to buy it, lol)! Great update and I can't wait to see the nooboo!

I love how Agnes photobombed two pictures, haha ;D

Thank you! I did that a lot with Pam's Dreamweaver stories. I just bought a lot of the clothes she used! I can't wait either for the nooboo. This weekend I'm packed high with a softball tournament, but today I only have one game and I get out at 1:00, so I might be able to post today. Adrian and Mellony still haven't gotten married yet, or even engaged. He just moved in, so we'll see.  ::)

I never even noticed that! Ha!  ;D
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Offline CodyAlex

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 14 - We're Back In Business!
« Reply #86 on: October 26, 2013, 08:30:17 AM »
Did Adrian age up to adult?:O

Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 14 - We're Back In Business!
« Reply #87 on: October 26, 2013, 09:26:09 AM »
Did Adrian age up to adult?:O

Yes, he did. I'm a little scared on how that's going to affect the dynasty. Cause I need him to paint Mellony's portraits. He might not live to see her turn elder. Agnes sure wont. I might need to move someone else in later. :-\
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Offline legitpicklegirl10

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 15 - We're Back In Business!
« Reply #88 on: October 27, 2013, 10:49:22 AM »
Chapter 16 - Mellony's Big Day

Well you guys are quite lucky duckies. My tournament for today was cancelled so that means an update! WOO! I have some exciting things in this update. So pull up your pants, and lets get started!

You all knew it was going to happen. Yes, he proposed and yes, she agreed. I still love the cute shocked and pleading-yet-adorable face of the two. He gave her quite the big ring.

Look! She's actually closing her eyes! Usually when she hugs or kisses Adrian, her eyes are wide open. It's really creepy. She gets it from her mother.

That's what I call pure sim love.  :)

They were both very tired that night and went to bed at 2 AM. Her mother got up at 5 AM, because of her Super Sleeper, and planned the wedding for the next day. And look! They're dreaming about it, too!

And this is where the wedding will take place! Mellony's property is Summer Hill Springs and building is EverFresh Delights Supermarket. I put in some small details into this. The chairs are all the same color wood to go with the arch. I even used a ground paint that had grass and purple petals on it for Mellony. I think she'll love it.

But before we start hearing the wedding bells, Adrian has to graduate! He did pretty good for being evil. He graduated with Merit and was voted Most Likely To Have A Big Family. Ha! No it would be something like 'Most Likely To Die Before His Immortal Spouse'!

I didn't have enough time to send her to the spa for a package, but she did get a nice bath. I planned the wedding like 3 hours after the graduation, so there wasn't much time.

And here is our beautiful Bride and Groom. You finally get to see her dress! Isn't it gorgeous? I chose it by uniqueness and artisticness. I feel like I can connect with Mellony because we both are very unique. Both of our names are quite unique. Anyway, back to the dress. Yeah, I just really love it.

So they quickly headed over to the arch and exchanged rings. Dopey look for the Groom. Check!

Dopey look for the Bride. Check!

And now my beautiful Mellony is now a married woman. It seems like yesterday she was biting dolls head's off.

Extra dopey look on bride while cutting cake? Double check! I just really thought this was funny.

I remodeled the Master bedroom to Mellony's liking. She went for the royal looking theme. Poor Isabelle and Chris are now in the Share Room. Really, it's just Chris. Isabelle still sleeps in her Super Sleeper.

So, I will leave you with this picture. C'mon genetics! Work in my favor!

Have you noticed that I'm kind of insane when it comes to genetics?

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Skydream Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 16 - Mellony's Big Day
« Reply #89 on: October 27, 2013, 11:30:16 AM »
What a great wedding! The dress is beautiful,, as are the bride and groom. Their new bedroom looks wonderful =]
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