Yay! Glad to hear that you got that worked out 
(I get on here during gym and science class too, lol)
Thank you! And hey, they give us iPads so why not use them... In science class...

Yay!!!Glad you got the save file to work again.
(Gosh you guys are so lucky, in my school our rules are really strict & i wouldn't even be allowed to have my phone/ipod in my pocket. Doesn't help that i sit in the front row in science
Thank you!

Wow. I am fast with getting to web pages and typing so I get some time off when I finish. I also sit in the back with all the cool kids

hehe !
That's great! I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm really glad the dynasty is not going to the graveyard. 
Thanks! It really is a very good thing. Usually I delete all of my world files every month so I was lucky I hadn't done that yet!
Hurrah! Good luck with the new computer once you get it too. New systems really do make a world of difference.
Now to get over the weird crashing when Mellony ages up. She's too beautiful to lose.
Hurrah indeed! Thank you, I do hope it fixes some of my problems. Also then I can have like the sims wiki or whatever open in my laptop and then be playing sims on my computer. That is just a great thing. Sadly it will cost 500 dollars. I already have $200, I am going to get $100 more and then my dad will pay for the rest.
It's worth it though! Hopefully the crashing will resolve itself or something.