Author Topic: Building Contest 2013: 16 - Converted Containers - Hippie Container  (Read 1556 times)

Offline Swirl-Girl

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Hippie Container

You want to live in a container?! Eco-friendly?! What's it gonna contain? Trees? Hippie.

Size: 20x15
Cost: 22,386
Content: Pets, Supernatural, Island Paradise

Plenty of trees to hide this blemish upon the community from your neighbors. But I can see that they don't have very high standards either. You should get along famously then.

Don't worry about any resources used to make the furniture. 75% of it is still alive. And you won't have to worry about air conditioning, seeing as the container has a chunk missing in the corner. And as for the restroom facilities, there's an outhouse in the back.

Note: I personally do not have anything against hippies, especially seeing as I am practically one myself. All of the writing was done from the point of view of a fat-cat architect.

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