CHAPTER FIFTYWell, I probably made the most risky move in NaNoWriMo history.
Beatrix:Wait, your voice sounds stranger than normal, what's wrong?
Bad sore throat. Didn't even go to school yesterday or today. Anyway! It's the nineteenth, and what did I do yesterday? Abandoned my novel and switched to the one I did last year to try and finish it instead. I just wasn't feeling the one I was working on and last year's was probably one of the best things I've ver written-
Tatiana: Don't forget most disturbing and nightmare-inducing.
-so instead I'm going to try and finish it instead. At the end of the competition last year I was roughly 3/4 of the way done with the story, so I should plow through and finish it over Thanksgiving. Heck, I may even shoot for publication over the summer.
If you want a link to what's online, send me a PM, but you might need a deviantART account to read some of the chapters because some of them are filtered.Before we get on with the story, I'd like to show you all a ridiculous screenshot from one of my other game files with the Breckenridge sisters. I went crazy with buydebug and placed all of the grapes from World Adventures into a Chinese garden I built in Twinbrook. Now, when they moved into their little house it was haunted by a bunch of ghosts. I didn't want the repoman to take them away, so I let them hang around...but they never went back to their graves. I added the three of them to the household and sent two of them to live in their own house, while I sent the third back to the Neverworld (I couldn't throw him out because the sisters were just a child and a teen). Fast forward a few in-game weeks, the older is harvesting at the garden, and one of the ghosts shows up and decides to possess a grape. Not the plant, just a single grape. I was playing while under the affects of my sleep medication (a VERY bad idea), so at the time it was the funniest thing ever.
Tatiana: This is why we can't have nice things.
Margrethe: I like Loon's crazy nighttime shenanegins. Remember the time she tried to get out the front door but didn't realize that to do that she had to to the knob, so she spent fifteen minutes walking into it before her parents found her?
So that was the reason behind that massive headache...
Tatiana has been getting extremely good at snake charming. Try and curse her now, mummies!
Victoria: No, don't encourage them!
The addition of Margrethe's bedroom has further complicated the process of getting laundry done in the Royale house. It's no longer a straight shot into Tatiana's bathroom, where all the laundry stuff is, and now there's seven people in the house and only one washing machine. I forgot some editing I meant to do before I even started the game (which included setting down the laundromat and hangout from Twinbrook, the bigger junkyard, some stuff from University Life, and I completely forgot to add lots from World Adventures after I got the game), so I have no means of getting the clothes done at a laundromat instead. The family is filthy rich due to Beatrix and Tatiana's ever increasing salaries, Elisabeth and Jimmy's work as a doctor and scientist, and Victoria's plants, so it was time for some updates.
Say hello to the brand new, large laundry room/bathroom just off the back deck!
I expanded the back deck in order to reach the new laundry room, and there was plenty of room on it to add a clothesline.
The art studio and third floor television room also got some expansion, so now the outside of the house looks like this:
Elisabeth has been crazy busy with her requirements, which should be finished the moment she hits elder.She got the "The Appropriately Named Deathfish" opportunity and completed it quickly, leaving her with only two more required BlackOps. She was also promoted to Neurosurgeon, leaving her with one more level to go before she maxes her career and achives her lifetime wish. Then there's just her final unique lifetime reward, a few best friends, SuperMaxing Logic, and her elder pieces.
It would be so much easier on her if she could sleep a full night, but nope, emergencies at the hospital await!
I had a bit of a wild panic at one point because the consignment shop broke, but Victoria came to the rescue and fixed it. I was worried that I would have to go begging to the mods to let me replace the shop. I was actually in the process of writing the request when Victoria saved the day. ALL HAIL VICTORIA!
Friends coming home from school with Margrethe and Gustav are a godsend. You can't tutor a child or teen if their progress bar for school is full, so the extra children running around are great for Elisabeth's work towards completing the Teacher Extraordinaire challenge.
Only Beatrix and Tatiana don't like it when they try to make off with the snake charming basket.
Margrethe really struggles in school (she much prefers being completely whacked out than doing homework or paying attention in class), so Elisabeth cornered her in the backyard on Saturday morning and tutored her for five hours straight. When she was done with Margrethe, she turned to Jimmy and tutored him for four and three quarters of an hour before his progress bar maxed out. So close!
Margrethe knew her mother needed help, so she made several calls out to her friends to try and get them to come over. Several declined.
Finally, one boy agreed to come over. Elisabeth lay in wait for him in the yard, and when he showed up she sprang into action and began to tutor him. She held him hostage until he left, and with that, Elisabeth completed the Teacher Extraordinaire challenge.
Beatrix was late for work that day. Why?
She got stuck in the underground garage. It took her three in-game hours to escape.
Jimmy went running out into the garden after dinner and I let him splash around in the sprinklers for a while. Guy had a busy week.
And Margrethe...lost her shoes.
Margrethe: Shoes are the work of the Illsiminati. They contain mind control devices that the government uses to keep us all in line.
...okay, that's the last time I let you on the internet.
Gustav got his formal introduction to the family the next morning.
Margrethe spent her morning in the sculpting studio, working on a wooden sculpture. I'm letting everything she makes right now appreciate in value, and later on I'll bring them all down to the consignment shop and VIOLA!
Gustav later came up to visit her. I really need to get him into sculpting, as well, so that I can more easily carry out my surprise...only right now he wasn't interested in sculpting. You see, prom was on Monday...
I could dedicate a whole chapter to the wacky faces that Margrethe makes. She's just precious.
Tatiana has further excelled at snake charming, and I was finally able to purchase a king cobra for her. Excited, she went out onto the deck off of Beatrix's room to play with i-