CHAPTER FORTYSixteen days left until NaNoWriMo...oh dear...
Tatiana: You'll be fi-NO THE BARRIER BROKE AGAIN!
Ilmestyskirja: You're
dead, Amber.
Amber: We were in the same story, so that must mean that you're dead too!
Ilmestyskirja: Nope. I am not even human.
Amber: ...what are you...?
Ilmestyskirja: Alien. Starship commander. Saved your ancestor's sorry rear in 2016 and technically in 2012 as well.
Tove: Yo.
Tatiana: What do you mean by "technically"...?
Anneli: Time travel accident.
Noelle: But I can't!
...this is what I have to put up with.
Fun fact, I had to do the wedding twice! The game crashed to the desktop the first time around, so I had to redo everything, including half of the bachelorette party. All of the screenshots are from the first try.
Looks whose ex girlfriend showed up to the wedding! Tamra Dye, Jimmy's ex-girlfriend, who he dumped for Elisabeth. I didn't even invite her! I have
seen crazy things happen at weddings!
Tatiana: Loon, the only wedding you have ever been to was your cousin's and you tried to push the bride in the pool.
This is actually a true story. I also crashed her bachelorette party and tried to get my aunt to let me stick my finger in a beehive.After the initial chaos of trying to seat everyone and keep Brent out of the fire pit, the ceremony could begin.
TATIANA!!!Alright, time to cut the cake!
Elisabeth and Jimmy sat with Brent as they enjoyed their cake. Surprisingly, almost none of the guest took a slice of cake and instead went after the stuffed turkey sitting out on the buffet table.
Of course, Jimmy's father Micah had to ruin everything by forgetting to go to the bathroom. After he peed on the floor, he ran home and the game crashed.
As soon as everyone left, Jimmy and Elisabeth set off for France with Beatrix in tow. I'm bringing her along because she is only two points away from Visa Level Three, so she can get a vacation house while they're there. With a couple more inheritances, they can afford to get The Abandoned Nectary and still have plenty of money leftover.
Jimmy went around collecting metals and gems while Beatrix sat around waiting for an easily doable adventure and Elisabeth went to the art museum to practice martial arts. I'm a bit wary of just how glitchy China is, so using the martial arts stuff at the museum is safer for now.
Elisabeth managed to get herself up to white belt, but by the time her honeymoon was over she was at an orange belt (I think, can't really remember...).
She also spent some time inviting over ranked chess opponents so she could get some progress towards getting to level five. While playing, she managed to max the skill out. Halfway there!
Beatrix was successful in getting the final two points, and she and the others immediately packed up and took off for their new vacation home at the Abandoned Nectary. I was really tired and just wanted to get some furniture into the house so they could be comfortable for the rest of their vacation without sucking up too much extra money, so the house looks kind of...terrible. When I'm less exhausted and done taking care of my mom (she got surgery on Monday and I've been cooking for her when I get home from school while my dad is out) I'll make it look better, but for now, I just stuck stuff against the wall and called it a day.
The presence of sculpting stations should clue you in the what the next SuperMax is going to be.
I sent everyone home a few days early because I got bored and wanted to get things moving along. Beatrix had to wake up in the middle of the night after they returned home, because Elisabeth suddenly developed a huge desire for cheesesteak.
Ah yes, there's the source of our problem. A nooboo!
I'm in full-on panic mode over Tatiana's BlackOps. She is so close to elder, her career doesn't give any ops, and she hasn't gotten a new op in ages. My solution? Send her to university. She already gets one op from just taking the test, which will bring me to five, and hopefully while she's there I can nab a sixth one for her. Then it'll be smooth sailing and my blood pressure will finally go down.
Tatiana got the "Enroll in University" opportunity once she completed the test (and got a partial scholarship), which I took. I'll send her once the baby is born.
Elisabeth also took the aptitude test once Tatiana was finished, so it will be easier for her to advance her future career as a doctor.
Since Halloween is coming up and I stumbled into a treasure trove of free holiday sets at the store, I decided that generation five will have a special Halloween-themed teddy bear. I already have big plans for her future fashion style, so the Halloween theme fits.
Brent went upstairs for a little while so that he could paint in peace while Elisabeth violently devoured the strangest foods. Jimmy checked the mail, only to find that Christopher had sent them some wedding presents from beyond the grave. That was when he turned around and ran off to join the science career.
Little did Brent know, the painting he worked on earlier would be his last...