CHAPTER TWENTYAnother hiatus? Nah, I just uploaded a bunch of extra pictures so I can update on the go. Though I'm having some difficulty with typing because I'm on my school-issued laptop instead of mine and it's just not the same. So I'm sorry if I don't catch any of my typos.
The day after Billy died, Tatiana started acting out more. She was very well-behaved despite her
rebellious trait, but now...
Christopher is still stuck in the studio, painting away. Tatiana joins him so that she can take over painting portraits someday. When they need to raise their social, they have a quick chat and go right back to work. I'm really, really thinking about getting the moodlet manager, because Christopher is still unable to paint portraits and Tatiana is aging up to Teen quite soon. Herbs just aren't cutting it.
The good news is, Christopher and Victoria are now eternally faithful. Pretty good for guy with
commitment issues, huh? Though I might need to give him a mid-life crisis and change some of his traits around so he skills up faster. It's getting very concerning and we all know how easily I panic.
Tatiana: You need to calm dow-
Beatrix: Shh, shh, it's okay.
Victoria also got a chance at the "Oh my ghost!" opportunity because of Billy's death.
Beatrix: No, no, not yet. there something you're not telling us, Beatrix?
Beatrix: No comment.
Victoria went out and bought a partnership at Sunflower Spa later in the day, then came home and went to bed with the rest of the family. Except for Christopher, who was puking from an herb overdose before going back to painting. Some of these herbs are supposed to keep him awake, but they just won't stay down.
Suddenly, Victoria got up...
I completely forgot that it was Victoria's adult birthday. Time certainly flies, doesn't it?
Victoria: Oh no I'm old!
Oh hush, it's just adulthood. You have twenty years until you're old.
Unfortunately, Victoria started having a Mid-Life Crisis. Speaking of which, I gave Christopher a mid-life crisis. Instead of having
Commitment Issues, he is now
Artistic. Once doing this, he started to skill up much more quickly and make it to level six. Tatiana has two days until she ages to Teen, and I'm officially in panic mode.
Since Beatrix had enough lifetime happiness points, I sacrificed having the moodlet manager as a unique lifetime reward and bought it. Christopher took some unpaid time off, use the moodlet manager, and set to work.
The next morning, Tatiana rolled the lifetime wish of
Renaissance Sim. I let her have it, and planned for her to max Street Art, Painting, and Photography. She'll be a nice master of artwork and it won't take long at all.
Tatiana also expressed her concerns about getting her portrait done in time to Beatrix. She also decided to channel grandpa Billy and share a secret, claiming that "my dad likes to fart".
Oh, Tati...
Tatiana: What?
Through the use of the moodlet manager, Christopher successfully managed to make it the level seven of the painting skill and can now paint Tatiana's child portrait and Victoria's adult portrait. Thank God.
Also, Beatrix decided to pass the couch when she brought the newspaper in, went all the way to the second floor, and promptly sat down to read it on...the toilet.
When she was done, she pulled out a book and read that on the toilet as well. What is going on with this family? Has Billy's death driven her insane or something?
Rebellious trait suddenly went into full swing, and she wished to set five booby traps. I was happy to oblige, since I never got to pull many of my own wacky shenanegins when I was a child other than nasty panic attacks and sassing teachers.
First, she booby trapped the computer.
Then, she rigged the showers with hair dye.
And the sinks for good measure.
Tatiana barely made it out of the bathroom unnoticed before Victoria came inside to angst about her wrinkles.
The next day, Beatrix had an ambrosia refill. I figured out a method to help myself remember to give it to her by just refilling once the divine meal moodlet wears off. That way, she always has something to keep her mood up no matter what.
Tatiana went off to her last day of school, and spent it meeting new people. She met a boy named Randal Mora. Maybe someday he'll be the next spouse of the Royale clan?