Beatrix: Finally!
Victoria: Done you guys know how hard it is to be trapped in the mind of a crazed seventeen-year-old's mind with at least a hundred other people for two whole weeks?
There's more than you two in there right now?!
Victoria: Yes! All of your characters are in here!
Amber: 'Sup?
Amber: You haven't officially killed me off yet.
...oh, right...
Amber: And even then, I'll just go to wherever all of the other characters you've killed are. We're all still here.
Oh whyyyyyy...
Amber: Anyway, thanks for letting me visit, Beatrix. I needed to get away from my mom and siblings for a bit.
This isn't your story, Amber! Go back to 4015, where you belong!
Amber: Hooray, back to the land of radiation and suffering in a post-apocalyptic Norway. Later.
...when did she get so snarky?
Victoria: Beats me.
Well, lets just get on with the story.
After two weeks away from my Sims, I was desperate to do some building. So, I made a hot tub area just off of Beatrix and Billy's deck for the whole family. So worth turning memories on just for the tub, heh heh...
Victoria: Just buy Late Night, cheapskate.
Beatrix: I understand you, Loon.
Here's a nice seating area where someone can supervise, even though you can't drown in a hot tu-
Victoria: Your best friend had to save you from a hot tub!
This is me, Victoria. I fall up stairs.

A recolored hot tub to match the staircases and a small stereo:

The whole place:

I also put in a new garden gate. I think it fits in much better than the old one.

I set Tatiana to work in reading the painting books. I still can't decide on either Street Art or Painting for her SuperMax skill. Street Art raises the painting skill, so I would have to keep that away from everybody too, as well as the easels. Eh, I'll figure it out later.

Billy is shirtless and laughing. This can only mean one thing.

Yep, Christopher aged up to adult today!
Please no Mid-Life Crisis, please no mid-Life Crisis...

Ah shoot, he got a Mid-Life Crisis.
Some relaxation in the hot tub with his much younger and gorgeous wife should ease up some of the panic.

Beatrix cleaned up the plates and gave Tatiana a bottle, then decided to join Christopher and Victoria.

The cycle of being nocturnal is starting to rear it's ugly head once more as Victoria, Christopher, and Tatiana went to bed, but Billy and Beatrix stayed up a bit later to just spend some time together. Billy will be passing away soon, and that will throw everything off for a while. It's a good idea to let him spend some extra time with his wife.

The two have some things they need to discuss before Billy dies and Beatrix lives forever.

Billy promises to take Beatrix's secrets to the grave. It's not time for everyone to know her reasoning.
The next day started off ridiculously early (curse this nocturnal streak) with Tatiana crawling into her toybox.

After breakfast, Christopher popped a special Mid-Life Crisis wish to get some new clothes. I was happy to oblige and gave him a more professional look for his everyday wear.

Victoria did some gardening in her pajamas. She's at level nine of the gardening career (and she still has eight days until she becomes an adult!), and lately there has been an overflow of death flowers being grown. I'd like to see Grim
try to get his boney mits on Beatrix now!

Beatrix spent her morning teaching Tatiana how to walk in the same place she taught Victoria. It's a cute little cycle, isn't it?

A few hours of hard work paid off, and Tatiana could walk. Now all she needs is to be potty trained!