CHAPTER TWELVEFirst order of business, I forgot the English word for "twelve" for about thirty seconds. Nobody else in my house speaks German, so it was either confuse you all or figure it out on my own.
Second order, I'm turning eighteen in less than a month. How cool is that?!
Okay, now on with the story.
I left you all off with a rather cruel cliffhanger a few chapters ago when I mentioned that Victoria got a boyfriend. Well, now you can all meet him, since he has moved in.
Forum, grown up Christopher Ludwig. Grown up Christopher Ludwig, forum.
His traits are
Couch potato,
Commitment Issues, and
Friendly. Normally commitment issues would be a cause for alarm, but I've played Thornton Wolff before. I got this.
After a trip to the dresser and the mirror to fix that wild hair, I sent him to the computer to write while Victoria began to harvest some items for her "Uncommonly Good" BlackOp. Billy got yet another inheritance, and I was able to finish the dining room without a significant blow to the household funds.
Beatrix cooked a celebratory lunch, and they all ate in the shiny new dining room and filled up their social needs.
Later that night, while Beatrix was cleaning the house, Christopher cornered her and asked her if he could have Victoria's hand in marriage. Of course, Beatrix said yes.
Now that they have the parent's blessing, Victoria presented Christopher with some white flowers. They have a very high relationship, so there should be no problems with a marriage proposal. I hope.
Victoria immediately ran off to tell her father the big news while Christopher went back to his computer. He wants to be a
Professional Author and he's only a few days away from adult, so I have to get cracking.
Billy was thrilled. His little girl was all grown up.
These don't really have much to do with the story, but they either look cool or are funny.
I put a throne in Beatrix's museum room. I'm quite proud of myself for managing to get such a nice screenshot.
Beatrix went to a major sale at the grocery store and forgot her car.
The death flower bushes are coming along nicely. Victoria is at level seven of the gardening career now, managed to complete the Uncommonly Good BlackOp, and is now working on Outstandingly Rare.
Yeah, I do that when my computer breaks, too.
And this is just funny.
Billy decided to buy a special graduation preset for Victoria...
A shiny new Yomoshoto Evasion!
I mopped up the rest of Billy's inheritance by purchasing and upgrading Lost Willow Park as Victoria's property. I didn't do much except for add a baby area, recolor the bathroom and kitchen area, and make a future family graveyard.
I've seen a lot of death in my life, so I'm very good at making graveyards. Which is kind of sad when you think about it.
Beatrix spent some time hunting down gems and metals near Simhenge. I may start a collection if I decide to expand on the basement, but the only thing I could use as a display case are the ones that came with Ambitions, and they aren't very neat. I might be getting World Adventures for my birthday, so I might just wait to start a collection until then.
Collecting is good at getting Beatrix out of the house on days she doesn't work. I actually have every generation's SuperMax skill planned out so I know exactly which ones Beatrix could pick up for fun, but right now it's just easier to have her roam around town collecting things. I does bring money into the household, which is nice.
After clearing out the Simhenge, I went to the graveyard to pick up the graves of some old friends.
Beatrix put Fatima Simovitch (which
should be the feminine form), Yvette Grisby, and Mags Newbie to rest. She put yellow flowers for friendship on their graves.
Of course, after all of this, the game crashed. Luckily, I had saved after Beatrix collected everything at Simhenge, so I was able to salvage my work.
Thursday was Victoria and Christopher's wedding day. Beatrix woke up early, served them a lovely breakfast, then set about making various cobblers for the entire morning.
I'm going to leave off right here so I can go slam out another chapter.
Here's a picture of my Simself looking dejected as usual.
Victoria: The resemblance is uncanny.
At my teeth don't go through my chin when
I smile.