CHAPTER FOURIn a sleepy haze filled with Emmelie de Forest and Cascada blaring in my ears, I wrote this up last night, realizing far too late that I didn't hit post before I crawled to bed. Oops. Thankfully, I always hand-write the chapters beforehand so that I can figure out how to sort the images in, so I just need to retype it up.
There is a method to my madness!
Later that day, Billy woke Victoria up so that he could start potty training her.

Afterwards, he put her in her new high chair and went to make her a snack.

What're you lookin' at? You wanna go, mate?

Yum, mushed up fruit parfait.

This is where Billy snapped Victoria's toddler photograph. While he went off somewhere (presumably shirtless like he always is) and Victoria ate, the Royale Plumbing Curse took yet another victim. Honestly, thinks around here break so often you would think that I lived here!
Beatrix: Loon, I think it's time you have a mid-life crisis and get rid of your unlucky trait.
I already had one three years ago when I found my first grey hair.
Beatrix: You're only seventeen!
And I'm a neurotic wreck most of the time!
Beatrix: What are your traits, anyway?
Unlucky, Grumpy, Neurotic, Bookworm, and Loner. And if you add in the social group and graduation spots, Cat Lover and Unflirty.
Anyway, Beatrix spent some time playing with Victoria before I sent her off to complete her second BlackOp, The Dish Showdown. Afterwards, she had a chat with Mags Newbie over the phone, pushing her to four best friends. Lets hope that Mags lives long enough to see Beatrix make it to immortal.

While that was going on, Billy and Victoria made a trip to the park that came with Generations.

While they were there, I noticed a woman wearing maternity clothing. Please be pregnant, please be pregnant...
Beatrix: Thank goodness this is an official dynasty. Otherwise you would be inducing a baby boom that would end up spiralling out of control like you did back in Sunset Valley.
I regret nothing.
Beatrix: The Landgraab's did not need four more children!

This adorable exchange needs no words:

On the way home, Victoria and Billy passed his old house.

I forgot to mention that back when Victoria was a baby, her great aunt sent her a strange toy.
Beatrix: Ah, my aunt. I can't wait to be able to see her again.
Beatrix: What.
...ANYWAY, Victoria really likes the doll. It's quite endearing in some twisted way.

And so is this:

Beatrix took some time out of her schedule to start teaching Victoria to walk. She's going to be aging up soon, so it's time to get cracking. I'm not worried about her reading any of the toddler skill books or maxing out the skill toys, since none of them are related to her future SuperMax (this is where you all try to guess what it will be).

Meanwhile, Billy painted Victoria's toddler portrait (which was lost to a a glitch and had to be redone).

I took this time to jazz up the barn and the future garden a little bit. I thought that the scarecrow and cow would be nice little touches, but now I have to focus on keeping everyone out of the sprinklers.

Billy's Prius decided to pose for us.
Speaking of which, I need to go pick some Priuses out of the grill of my massive truck.
With her portrait and photograph done, two BlackOps completed, one unique lifetime reward, and four best friends, Beatrix Royale aged up to adult.

Billy followed suit a few short moments later...

...and forgot his hat. Oh Billy.