Author Topic: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixty-five (1/1/2014) (graveyard please)  (Read 130763 times)

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Our story begins with Beatrix Royale, who has just settled in Riverview. I chose Riverview over Sunset Valley because I'm just far too attached to the townies (I actually cried when Cornelia Goth died in one of my just for fun dynasties), and I only recently managed to get Riverview installed (only took eight months). Twinbrook is just...Twinbrook, you can't permanently settle at Sims University, and I'm too cheap to buy any other towns or Expansion Packs, so Riverview it is!

Beatrix's traits are Natural Cook, Hopeless Romantic, Neat, Nurturing, and Frugal. Her lifetime wish is to be a Celebrated Five-star Chef. If she makes it, she'll get an awesome fridge AND be immortal. Two birds with one stone, as they say.

I immediately sent her to the Bistro to apply for a job as a cook, then to the library for some good old-fashioned book learning. She ate some fruit I bought, then went to the fire station for a shower and some sleep.

The next day, I sent Beatrix to the salon before she had to go to work to see if she could meet anyone. Billy Caspian happened to be the stylist, and the two of them hit it off very quickly. But before Beatrix could start to flirt with him, she had to go to work! Oh well, better luck tomorrow.


It took a few days, but Beatrix was successfully able to woo Billy Caspian and get him to move in and go steady with her! Woo! Quite unlike me, where flirting is staring at someone and hoping that they're braver than I am.

I'm so alone...

Beatrix: LOON! FOCUS!

Oh yes, sorry, where was I?

Anyhoo, Billy turned out to be pretty rich AND possess a very expensive car. JACKPOT!

He also already had a few skill points in painting. DOUBLE JACKPOT!

With the money he brought in and the money earned from selling his car, I was able to build the two of them a nice little house and a nice big barn on the property.

Now, if they're already so rich, then why did I put in such cheap plumbing in the bathroom? Think of it as Chekhov's gun. You'll find out why later and not even realize it!

With the house built and two cheaper cars to replace the more expensive one, Beatrix dropped down on one knee and popped the question.

I love throwing wedding parties, so instead of having a private wedding, Billy and Beatrix will be having a big party on Saturday. Now the barn comes in to play, where I set up a small wedding area in the back. There is plenty of seating and some tables for Beatrix to lay out some home-cooked food. I briefly entertained the idea of setting up a buffet table, but then I realized that Beatrix would probably throw a huge hissy fit over how much it cost.

And who could forget the cake?

With everyone invited, the party got off to a start at 2 pm, Saturday with Billy...running around in his pajamas. This is a formal event, Billy!

I finally managed to get him into his tuxedo, and then the wedding ceremony could begin. Hopefully there will be no more wardrobe malfunctions.

There was dancing, delicious wedding cake, and many new friends for Beatrix and Billy.

Hopefully they'll enjoy the time that they'll have together.


The next day, Beatrix wasn't feeling so good. Maybe next time she should go easy on the cake and the autumn salad.

She still felt pretty sick after a trip to the grocery store...

...and the shower wasn't helping much, either.

Maybe a good night's sleep will he-oh, that's why you're sick...!

Offline Pyro0001

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2013, 06:16:32 PM »
Great start! When I saw 'Royal' I thought the founder would be called Kate or something :P

I love that house! It looks very...comforting. I can't wait for the nooboo
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

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Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter One
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2013, 06:38:32 PM »
Great start! When I saw 'Royal' I thought the founder would be called Kate or something :P

I love that house! It looks very...comforting. I can't wait for the nooboo

Ha, no, there's no Kate in this dynasty.

...yet.  ;)

I'm glad that you like the house! It took me a while to build, since I'm not very good at building stuff in Sim most of the time.

Offline Crazylittleloon

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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Two (30/7/2013)
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2013, 06:59:52 PM »

Beatrix couldn't wait to tell Billy that they were going to be having a baby.

Billy was ecstatic. This is the face of a very happy man.

He immediately felt Beatrix's tummy. At this moment, both of them popped a wish to have a girl. Thus begins the stuffing of watermelon.

They both also wished to read some pregnancy books, so I set them to it.

That's when the cravings hit. Beatrix immediately went to the stove and began to cook up what she was craving: spaghetti. Delicious, delicious spaghetti.

The lifetime happiness points Beatrix gained from eating the delicious, delicious spaghetti put her at just above 20,000 lifetime happiness points, so I bought her the Long Distance Friend lifetime reward. It won't be one of her unique ones, but it will make it easier to keep those best friends she needs. Right now, she only has one, Billy, but I'm working on her coworkers and Heather Crosby, who crashed her wedding.

The next day, Beatrix found herself fused with a bedside table. Whoops!

The third trimester was plagued by constant broken plumbing. From the toilet... the bathroom sink.

Not even the kitchen sink was safe!

Could this day get any worse?

I meant that as a metaphorical question.

Beatrix took on the role of being the Iron Lady in the room, and only flinched once. Billy, on the other hand, was about ready to pass out.

She'll take herself to the hospital if she must...but only if Billy would get out of her way.

Honestly, Billy, first you run around your own wedding without a shirt on, and now you're too panicked to drive your own wife to the hospital while she's in labor? Good grief, you're just a mess.

Well, despite a panicked father, a broken toilet, and that extremely frustrating bathroom door that made me need to tear down the walls so that Beatrix wouldn't give birth in there, both mother and baby were okay and healthy. Daddy, however, really needs some juice.

Welcome to the world, Victoria Royale.

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Two (30/7/2013)
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2013, 07:14:40 PM »
I love what you're doing so far--you have quite the sense of humor. Now let poor Billy have his juice. :P

For the record, I completely understand your feelings about Sunset Valley. I have yet to let either of my two favorites die in any of my games. :P

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Two (30/7/2013)
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2013, 07:24:28 PM »
I love what you're doing so far--you have quite the sense of humor. Now let poor Billy have his juice. :P

For the record, I completely understand your feelings about Sunset Valley. I have yet to let either of my two favorites die in any of my games. :P

Thank you very much! I'm actually a bit farther ahead in the game than what I've been posting (and if I ever post the other dynasties I have going on, well, one is already at generation six and the other is about to welcome generation four), but it gives me more time to figure out what to write and, of course, the jokes. Plus I can figure out how to introduce the oncoming plot (dundundun).

I can confirm that Billy got his juice before the baby started screaming. Poor man. Reminds me of my biological uncle.

Offline Crazylittleloon

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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (31/7/2013)
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2013, 04:49:06 PM »

Little Victoria's traits are Loner and Loves the Outdoors. She sure is snuggly!

Also, very hungry.

I added a nursery to the house after I found out that Beatrix was pregnant. It's all pink and girly, because this is a matriarchy. Victoria and the generations after her will sleep here until they are either teenagers or young adults. I haven't decided yet.

This is the baby/toddler half:

And this is the child/teenager half:

I even connected it to Beatrix and Billy's deck!

Since Beatrix still has several days left of her combined marriage and maternity leave, I sent her out on a stroll with her newborn daughter so that they could bond.

Though, like most new parents, Beatrix couldn't quite figure out how the stroller worked. This would be easier if I could get the baby swing, but alas, I am too much of a cheapskate.

Little Victoria is just so cute...if only she wasn't so cranky at night!

Luckily, daddy came to the rescue.

After a bottle and some snuggles, everything was fine (at least until she needed a diaper change).

Billy loves his baby girl.

Mommy Beatrix loves her baby, too!

They do not, however, love the crying. You sure this thing doesn't have an off switch?

Beatrix is well on her way to her SuperMax: cooking! So far, she has one BlackOp completed, a second one close to completion, three best friends (Billy Royale née Caspian, Victoria Royale, and Odin Crosby), and her first unique lifetime reward, Speedy Cleaner. They also own a partnership at Everfresh Delights Supermarket.

Babyhood flew right on by for Victoria, and it was soon time for her toddler birthday. Billy kicked off the event like every other important event in the household: shirtless and laughing.

What do you want me to do about it?

Oh...that just ain't right, man.

Lets blow out the candles now, with some help from mommy!

She has her daddy's hair!

Despite being sleepy, little Victoria was NOT going to stay in these clothes!

And here they are, everyday, formal, and sleepwear, in that order.

Sleep well, little nooboo. You've got a big job ahead of you!

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Offline Pyro0001

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (31/7/2013)
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2013, 09:48:36 PM »
Oh, the cuteness! ;D I love the adorable look on her face in the last picture. I have no doubt she will find a boyfriend.
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (31/7/2013)
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2013, 10:44:08 PM »
Oh, the cuteness! ;D I love the adorable look on her face in the last picture. I have no doubt she will find a boyfriend.

She looks so much like her father and she just keeps getting cuter as she gets older. Billy sure has some good genetics!

Offline JudesSims

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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (31/7/2013)
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2013, 10:45:22 PM »
You have me very interested in this story. I have bookmarked.

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (31/7/2013)
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2013, 11:20:20 PM »
You have me very interested in this story. I have bookmarked.

Why thank you!  ;D

I'm currently working on the next chapter, so you won't have to wait too long!

Offline olivia71295

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (31/7/2013)
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2013, 08:21:15 AM »
I'm hooked. I like your different way of telling the story and the jokes.

Offline Gulliver the cat!

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (31/7/2013)
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2013, 11:08:45 AM »
I really like your writing style. I will be reading!

Offline Crazylittleloon

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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Four (1/8/2013)
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2013, 05:23:44 PM »

In a sleepy haze filled with Emmelie de Forest and Cascada blaring in my ears, I wrote this up last night, realizing far too late that I didn't hit post before I crawled to bed. Oops. Thankfully, I always hand-write the chapters beforehand so that I can figure out how to sort the images in, so I just need to retype it up.

There is a method to my madness!

Later that day, Billy woke Victoria up so that he could start potty training her.

Afterwards, he put her in her new high chair and went to make her a snack.

What're you lookin' at? You wanna go, mate?

Yum, mushed up fruit parfait.

This is where Billy snapped Victoria's toddler photograph. While he went off somewhere (presumably shirtless like he always is) and Victoria ate, the Royale Plumbing Curse took yet another victim. Honestly, thinks around here break so often you would think that I lived here!

Beatrix: Loon, I think it's time you have a mid-life crisis and get rid of your unlucky trait.

I already had one three years ago when I found my first grey hair.

Beatrix: You're only seventeen!

And I'm a neurotic wreck most of the time!

Beatrix: What are your traits, anyway?

Unlucky, Grumpy, Neurotic, Bookworm, and Loner. And if you add in the social group and graduation spots, Cat Lover and Unflirty.

Anyway, Beatrix spent some time playing with Victoria before I sent her off to complete her second BlackOp, The Dish Showdown. Afterwards, she had a chat with Mags Newbie over the phone, pushing her to four best friends. Lets hope that Mags lives long enough to see Beatrix make it to immortal.

While that was going on, Billy and Victoria made a trip to the park that came with Generations.

While they were there, I noticed a woman wearing maternity clothing. Please be pregnant, please be pregnant...

Beatrix: Thank goodness this is an official dynasty. Otherwise you would be inducing a baby boom that would end up spiralling out of control like you did back in Sunset Valley.

I regret nothing.

Beatrix: The Landgraab's did not need four more children!

This adorable exchange needs no words:

On the way home, Victoria and Billy passed his old house.

I forgot to mention that back when Victoria was a baby, her great aunt sent her a strange toy.

Beatrix: Ah, my aunt. I can't wait to be able to see her again.


Beatrix: What.

...ANYWAY, Victoria really likes the doll. It's quite endearing in some twisted way.

And so is this:

Beatrix took some time out of her schedule to start teaching Victoria to walk. She's going to be aging up soon, so it's time to get cracking. I'm not worried about her reading any of the toddler skill books or maxing out the skill toys, since none of them are related to her future SuperMax (this is where you all try to guess what it will be).

Meanwhile, Billy painted Victoria's toddler portrait (which was lost to a a glitch and had to be redone).

I took this time to jazz up the barn and the future garden a little bit. I thought that the scarecrow and cow would be nice little touches, but now I have to focus on keeping everyone out of the sprinklers.

Billy's Prius decided to pose for us.

Speaking of which, I need to go pick some Priuses out of the grill of my massive truck.

With her portrait and photograph done, two BlackOps completed, one unique lifetime reward, and four best friends, Beatrix Royale aged up to adult.

Billy followed suit a few short moments later...

...and forgot his hat. Oh Billy.

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Three (31/7/2013)
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2013, 05:31:59 PM »
I really like your writing style. I will be reading!

Thank you! :D

This is actually very different than my usual writing style. My usual writing style is much more serious, dark, and descriptive (since I'm actually majoring in Creative Writing and pour a lot of work into even a single sentence), and I mostly use first person. Of course, there's always time for trying out a new style for something fun and lighthearted.

