Author Topic: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixty-five (1/1/2014) (graveyard please)  (Read 127436 times)

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-one (15/10/2013)
« Reply #195 on: October 27, 2013, 05:09:21 PM »
At long last I'm up to date with this dynasty. I was so sad to see Brent go, he's my favourite spouse T.T Ah, NaNoWriMo I've only ever completed it once then gave up - I always forgot it came around once a year lol.

Brent was one of my favorites, too.

I've won NaNoWriMo three times in a row. I think I'm insane.

Offline olivia71295

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-one (15/10/2013)
« Reply #196 on: October 27, 2013, 08:36:32 PM »
Good luck! Five days left before your competition, right? You gonna have an update before than?

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-one (15/10/2013)
« Reply #197 on: October 27, 2013, 09:16:54 PM »
Good luck! Five days left before your competition, right? You gonna have an update before than?

Yeah, five or so days left. I feel so unprepared, but then I remind myself that I completely forgot about about the competition back in 2010, joined in five days late, and still won.

Yeah, I'll have an update before then. If I do my planning right, I'll be able to still keep updating throughout November until I go on hiatus over Thanksgiving.

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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-two (31/10/2013)
« Reply #198 on: October 31, 2013, 09:03:45 AM »


Remember back a few chapters ago when I mentioned that I was filling out college applications? Well, yesterday I got a letter from my first choice.

I got in.

LET ME REPEAT, I GOT INTO MY FIRST CHOICE UNIVERSITY AND I'M GOING TO COLLEGE!! Sometime over the summer next year, I'll be packing up my stuff and moving to Northwestern Pennsylvania to study Creative Writing and hopefully land an editing job after I graduate. I didn't even get to the second paragraph before I started crying uncontrolably from joy.


Also, in the spirit of October 31st, the Royale family would like to wish you all a safe, happy Halloween!

I made some Halloween-themed updates to the house a few days ago using stuff from the new free Halloween set at the store. Didn't use any of the spiders, though, I have a phobia of spiders.

Upon arriving home from the hospital, Elisabeth plopped Margrethe down in the baby swing. Just look at the little cutie!

However, the fun soon had to stop. Elisabeth and Tatiana had to leave for University (like I'll be doing next year)! Elisabeth left in search of a degree, while Tatiana tagged along so that she could work on getting her best friends and final BlackOp before she becomes an elder in three days. Brent's death set her back to three best friends, so it's really time to get cracking!

They set up shop at Malan Hall, and I bought some fun items because Elisabeth has a very demanding schedule. Eighteen credit hours! I think I'd rather lay down in front of a bus. This also seemed like a good time to purchase Elisabeth's second unique Lifetime Reward, Carefree. That way, when she ges stressed from working hard in class, one quick video on her phone will fill her right back up.

Tatiana only has one class every day (senioritis much?), so she can spend most of her time skilling up in photography to complete her Renaissance Sim Lifetime Wish, making friends, and hopefully snag a BlackOp. Her enrollment in university completed the "Enroll in University" Op, so she just needs one more. Tatiana has always been difficult with requirements that are out of my control, so lets hope she makes it.

Here's the pretty Gnubb set I recolored. I matched it to my favorite color scheme, pink, blue, and yellow (I plan on those being my wedding colors if I can ever get married) with some green thrown in.

At the meet and greet at the student union building later on, Tatiana wandered off to make friends, and Elisabeth began tutoring this young man to work on the logic skill challenge.

The days went by. The girls went to all of their classes, and I snagged some pictures of accurate college life (which I know already because I take a college class at the nearby university and I follow all of my classmates on twitter).

Napping in class.

Napping in public.

Napping in public on the ground.

Napping while your roommate studies in their underwear (I hear this happens a lot).

Playing with your laptop in class (I'm guilty of this).

Oh, and I found bigfoot at the pool.

Elisabeth spent some time working on the painting skill. Since Brent died, there's no one in the house that would be able to paint Tatiana's portrait. Since I use the smartphone for all photographs, really anyone can take her photo, but painting is the big worry. Beatrix is a few levels away from being able to paint portraits, so I might use her.

She has been doing really well under her mother's guidance.

Also, the roomates set the dorm on fire.




And now, a special treat.

TAT-DA! Meet Cecillia-Noelle Cartwright, the main character of my NaNoWriMo 2013 novel!

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-two (31/10/2013)
« Reply #199 on: October 31, 2013, 09:28:14 AM »
Happy Halloween =]

The girls seem to be enjoying University, good luck with the degrees! I think it would be weird to attend Uni with your mother in real life x.x
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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-three (31/10/2013)
« Reply #200 on: October 31, 2013, 09:39:37 AM »

I love writing when I should be doing schoolwork. Senioritis, baby!

The first round of exams were coming up, so Elisabeth and Tatiana buckled down with some turbo-sleep potion and several different textbooks to study together.

Tatiana only had one exam to take that day, so after she nailed it she went to go visit Manisha Kapoor. They quickly made it to best friends, and after a few phone calls home Tatiana should have five different best friends so far.

This was about when the new path came out, so befre loading the game for the day I went and updated. Somehow Tatiana's hair changed to dark brown, Elisabeth's dress vanished, and it was just a mess. After an initial freak out I quit out of the game and restarted, and everything was back to normal. PHEW!

Tatiana used some of her free time after exams to snake charm and entertain the stressed out student-TATIANA DON'T STICK YOUR HAND IN A BASKET CONTAINING A POISONOUS SNAKE!!!

She avoided getting bitten, but the snake was not amused.

Tatiana: That joke only works on mom.

Elisabeth spent the weekend tutoring her roommates in various skills, since she has a huge amount of knowledge in many things. Science, a bit of cooking (which was learned accidentally), logic, fishing, all sorts of stuff. I'm quite proud of myself for not letting Charisma out of the box this far into the challenge!

Over the weekend, while Tatiana was out photographing plants at the Grotto to make the final push towards completion of her lifetime wish, Elisabeth worked at her chemistry table that I placed outside of her room. It was at this point that she discovered her tenth potion, and extremely important development that had been noted in the book Christopher had written and Beatrix had given to her: Young Again potion.

She immediately called her great grandmother with the news.

Eventually, the night before finals came once again. Tatiana and Elisabeth worked together so that they could both get good grades.

Elisabeth mentioned something about painting at one point.

Mother and daughter ran to their exams early the next morning.

Both were successful and passed with flying colors. Elisabeth still needs a few more credits to be able to graduate, so she'll need to come back for one more semester.

Thanks to always sucking up to the proffessor, Elisabeth was best friends with Franklin D. MacDougal. That puts her at two, and when she gets her relationship with Margrethe up she'll have three. She still hasn't had any opportunities, though, so I'm slightly worried.

Tatiana managed to max out the photography skill and complete her lifetime wish, and after some phone calls home to Titus Elrod she had five best friends. All she needs in one more BlackOp, max her career, one more best friend, and her elder pieces. This is where I offer advice to you dynasty players out there:

Befriend cars and NPCs. Cars won't go away unless you sell them, and as long as they aren't in your household, NPCs will never die. I'm also pretty sure the college professors don't die, so go for them as well.

And now back to our regularly scheduled chapter.

Tatiana and Elisabeth got their grades back the next morning. They both got the highest grades, which was cause for lots of celebration!

At the end of the day, it was time to return home. All of the roommates gathered by the mailbox to say goodbye to Tatiana and Elisabeth.

Margrethe was right where Elisabeth left her, cooing happily in her baby swing.

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-two (31/10/2013)
« Reply #201 on: October 31, 2013, 09:41:18 AM »
Happy Halloween =]

The girls seem to be enjoying University, good luck with the degrees! I think it would be weird to attend Uni with your mother in real life x.x

University was quite fun for them!

Eh, my mom is taking some college courses like me. Though she has to write more papers than I do.

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-three (31/10/2013)
« Reply #202 on: October 31, 2013, 10:38:31 AM »
Congrats to the girls on getting their grades, and I forgot to mention congratulations to you too ^.^
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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-three (31/10/2013)
« Reply #203 on: October 31, 2013, 11:07:27 AM »
I'm so happy for you! Congrats!!! And of course congrats to the girls! :)
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Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-three (31/10/2013)
« Reply #204 on: October 31, 2013, 11:52:57 AM »
Congrats to the girls on getting their grades, and I forgot to mention congratulations to you too ^.^

Thanks! I'm so happy I got in, it's a great college. It's small, and in a great area. It's right next to a city, too, so there'll always be something to do.

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-three (31/10/2013)
« Reply #205 on: October 31, 2013, 11:53:33 AM »
I'm so happy for you! Congrats!!! And of course congrats to the girls! :)

Thank you! I never thought I'd see the day where I would actually get into college.

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-three (31/10/2013)
« Reply #206 on: October 31, 2013, 12:31:06 PM »
Forget about the rest of the dynasty, congrats on the college acceptance! I hope plenty of awesome college experiences await you.

Fingers crossed for Tatiana to make it to the finish line without too much more hassle.
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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-three (31/10/2013)
« Reply #207 on: October 31, 2013, 03:02:09 PM »
Congrats for getting a collage! I just discovered this Dynasty, and I love it!

Some of my favorite lines:

Victoria decided to pretend she was a titan from SNK while playing with her dollhouse.

Billy followed suit a few short moments later...
:insert picture here:
...and forgot his hat. Oh Billy.

Literally all of the " All was well....' lines.

And finally,
With heavy hearts, they all piled into Beatrix's car and went to Lost Willow Park to put him in the family graveyard. While they were on their way, I suddenly realized that Billy had died as he lived: shirtless.

The man died shirtless.

I can not wait for you to update! :)

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-three (31/10/2013)
« Reply #208 on: October 31, 2013, 03:17:33 PM »
Hey, congratulations for getting your first choice and getting accepted in the college and hopefully you can get your dream job ;D

I haven't read yours until the latest, well I'm still stalking ::) and then I see that you're made that announcement. I'll let you know about the rest about what I think later :)

It's nice to see mom & daughter bonding moment together, it's kinda unusual to see mom going to uni together with her daughter. But, she is indeed a good mom.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Forty-three (31/10/2013)
« Reply #209 on: November 01, 2013, 11:38:21 AM »
Forget about the rest of the dynasty, congrats on the college acceptance! I hope plenty of awesome college experiences await you.

Fingers crossed for Tatiana to make it to the finish line without too much more hassle.

I'm so excited to go! I'm already compiling a list of things I need for when I leave, including a better laptop and my own coffee maker. My mom says I'll be a real adult when I buy my own bedsheets and have my first washing machine.

So far, everything is working out for Tatiana!