Author Topic: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Sixty-five (1/1/2014) (graveyard please)  (Read 127307 times)

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-four (10/9/2013)
« Reply #105 on: September 12, 2013, 04:14:43 AM »
Very funny! I just love France. It's fun. And...Beatrix probably shouldn't be swan-diving into that creepy pink water. It might be acidic. Then her pretty outfit would be burnt! ::)
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-four (10/9/2013)
« Reply #106 on: September 12, 2013, 11:07:46 AM »
Happy Birthday! I'm a bit late, but beter ever than never(is that the right way to say it?). Good thing that the nectar is drinable, how would you even call a feet tastig nectar?

Thank you! "Better late than never" is how you say it.  ;)

Probably slap something French-sounding on it and go.

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-four (10/9/2013)
« Reply #107 on: September 12, 2013, 11:14:18 AM »
Very funny! I just love France. It's fun. And...Beatrix probably shouldn't be swan-diving into that creepy pink water. It might be acidic. Then her pretty outfit would be burnt! ::)

I love it too, but I'm excited to finally getting around to exploring China and Egypt, as well.

Tatiana found nectar in there, so Beatrix wanted to try.  ::)

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-four (10/9/2013)
« Reply #108 on: September 16, 2013, 02:06:49 AM »
Hilarious ;D
France is probably my favorite spot to travel to (probably just cause I like the music). Beatrix must be in good shape to be diving into wells like that  (I'd break something :P)!

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-four (10/9/2013)
« Reply #109 on: September 16, 2013, 10:11:04 AM »
Hilarious ;D
France is probably my favorite spot to travel to (probably just cause I like the music). Beatrix must be in good shape to be diving into wells like that  (I'd break something :P)!

My best friend is half French, so Champs le Sims reminds me of him. Next stop is Egypt, for Tatiana's honeymoon.

She's pretty spry for an old woman. I can barely even swim.  ::)

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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-five (17/9/2013)
« Reply #110 on: September 17, 2013, 11:13:27 AM »

I've really just been playing the file and trying to focus more on just enjoying the game, hence the sudden drought. There has also been a bit of a fiasco with my college class and with my health, so I've been recovering from that. We had to be assigned a new professor, because our actual professor has been in the Intensive Care Unit for the past week or two and won't be returning to teaching (he's ninety-one years old and still teaching), so everything was screwed up. Then, last week, I started getting a bit of a stuffy nose.

I have severe sinus problems year-round because of screwy genetics, and it's bad enough that I don't have a sense of smell. I still have my sense of taste, contrary to popular belief that the two are connected, so I get by on that. So whenever I start to get a stuffy nose, you can bet that something is about to go very wrong.

Well, on Saturday, I started to have trouble breathing through my nose and the right side of my face started to swell. Sunday, I couldn't get off the couch and slept all day. I skipped school and instead went to the doctor on Monday, not even getting out of my pajamas, to see what the heck was going on.

I currently have a nasty sinus infection and an ear infection in both ears. So I'm NOT a very happy camper right now. I might have Tatiana take over storytelling in the chapters that I'll post later today, because it's easier for me to channel her when I'm in a foul mood.

Tatiana: Expect me.

Until then, I'll carry on as normal as I can. I'm much, much farther ahead in the game now, so in my illness-induced free time you guys will get a huge new wave of chapters.

All good things must come to an end, and Tatiana and Beatrix had to return home. It wasn't too bad, though, because I brought a bunch of new things home that needed to be placed in the house.

First of all, before the vacation, Victoria managed to snag her third and final unique reward, the food replicator. I recolored it to match the rest of the kitchen, which I'm proud to say that I don't need to close off from the rest of the house to protect Beatrix's SuperMax. The fridge is so full of leftovers that if anyone gets hungry, instead of trying to cook for themselves they just go for the leftover fruit parfait. Hooray!

I only brought home one chest from France, so I need to make a return trip to get a bunch more. They really are wonderful for providing storage. Once I get more, the one that I have stashed by the garden will hold extra harvestables and seeds that Beatrix will use for her new nectar making hobby. I also keep the life fruit in there so it doesn't accidentally get put into other foods.

I also put some nectar racks in the dining room, where I'll store the very old, very best nectars.

The spouse memorial room now plays host to two new hallways, the one that leads off to the nectar making room...

...and a fancy new gem display room. I've decided that to start a collection of plumbob cuts, but as I get more and more gems I'll add in large skull cuts. As of right now in the game, there are four skull cuts in here. I may have misjudged how much space they take up and might need to later expand the room, but for now, eh.

Christopher began to work on the special book that he said he would write for Beatrix to share with her family later down the line...and to offer an explanation to some certain other people in her life.

Tatiana woke up extra early and did the laundry for Beatrix to thank her for the nice trip to France. She really, truly enjoyed the trip, which gives me an idea for one of her future traits...

Beatrix made breakfast for everyone, then went and waited for the mail to come. She had dropped quite a bit of money on a special delivery the night before, and it would be coming that day.

She ran down to the second level basement when it came, and entered the display room to place all of the fancy new plumbob cut gems she had gotten.

There was a huge backlog of grapes that she had brought home from France for Victoria, so she used some of the extras to make nectar.

I put some SimLife goggles down there for Beatrix to play with while her nectar processed. I think she likes them.

In true Tatiana fashion, she woke up the next morning with a raging mood swing. Yeesh, Tati, I didn't have as many mood swings as you when I was a teenager...

Tatiana: You're eighteen, that makes you still a teenager. Just a calmer one.


Then, disaster struck. It was around this time that my sinus problems started to rear their ugly heads, so I kept drifting in and out of focus while trying to load the replicator with ambrosia. Instead, I accidentally made three platefuls before I finally managed to get a bowl in the replicator, and then I had a backlog of four plates and one immortal. I didn't know where to store them, so what did I do?

That's right. I made Beatrix eat every single one of them. Not all at once, of course, but over the day she carried the plate around, pulling one out and eating it every time she got a little hungry.

A phone call came through later in the day, while everyone was out doing their respective running around. It turns out that Don Lothario has passed away.

Christopher left for his last day of work the next morning. After today he will age up to elder, and then he'll retire from the teaching career so that he can spend more time working on his books. He still needs about three thousand more simoleons per week to complete his lifetime wish of Professional Author.

I later learned that day that Brent had aged up to Young Adult. Tatiana still has five more days to go until she ages up.

Beatrix spent the entire morning cleaning the house. I would hire a maid, but cleaning is what Beatrix does to make use of her massive amounts of free time. She still works, but only on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I don't think I'll have her retire for a very long time, since it's a guaranteed way to get her out of the house every once in a while.

That night, Christopher aged up to elder in front of his computer. Victoria still has a while left until she herself becomes an elder.

I finally got to work on that pond that Christopher discussed with Victoria, and I'm pretty sure that this is the best piece of Sims landscaping that I have ever done successfully. Right now it has angelfish and alley catfish, but after I send Victoria on a Deathfish run I'll add those in, as well. At the point of the game that I'm in now, I've placed a chest hidden by the weeds that holds on to extra fish that might get put into the pond, like foreign fish.

A full shot of the entire property in all its glory:

Christopher looks quite snazzy in his new elder clothes. I must say, World Adventures added some really nice things!

With Christopher an elder and Tatiana about to age up, Victoria and Beatrix decided that it was time for yet another trip to France.

Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-five (17/9/2013)
« Reply #111 on: September 17, 2013, 11:36:53 AM »

Lifetime Wish: Celebrated Five-star Chef
Career: Culinary
SuperMax: Cooking

- Fresh Cookies for Sale
- The Dish Showdown
- Some Reading Material
- From One Chef to Another
- Borrowing Ingredients
- Swim into the Grill

Best Friends:
- Billy Royale (née Caspian)
- Victoria Royale
- Odin Crosby
- Elaine Joy
- Bobe Newbie
- Jeanne Orourke

3 Unique Lifetime Rewards:
- Speedy Cleaner
- Bookshop Bargainer
- Inheritance

Property: Plaza Park
Building: Everfresh Delights Supermarket

Museum Pieces:
- Young Adult Portrait ✓
- Young Adult Photograph ✓

- Adult Portrait ✓
- Adult Photograph ✓

- Elder Portrait ✓
- Elder Photograph ✓

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-five (17/9/2013)
« Reply #112 on: September 17, 2013, 11:48:12 AM »
I hope you feel better soon :)
I like the additions to the house!

Offline Crazylittleloon

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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-six (17/9/2013)
« Reply #113 on: September 17, 2013, 12:01:44 PM »

Beatrix and Victoria arrived safely in France and I groaned at all of the unnecessary backup files I just discovered and had to clean out. Then I tried to upload all of my screenshots and the gallery wouldn't let me. Now I have a huge second screenshot folder that it'll let me upload from. Isn't my life lovely?

Anyway, I was shocked to discover that all of Tatiana's vandalism was still covering base camp. Some of it fit in with the decoration, but a lot of it needed to go. Eh, I'll do it later.

Victoria wanted to go to the nectary, so I let her do that while Beatrix ran off to steal some pomegranates from somebody's garden.

There was a pretty good amount of nectar in stock, so Victoria bought a few bottles.

Weighted down by an inventory filled with extra grapes, Victoria decided to try her hand at a little nectar making herself. So far she does a pretty good job.

Meanwhile, Beatrix went and explored the graveyard. She found quite a few ancient coins floating around.

Victoria and Beatrix both decided (in the form of wishes to go fishing) that a mother-daughter fishing trip was in order. They found a nice spot near the abandoned nectary and spent most of the morning chatting and reeling in frogs and crawfish.

I've decided that I absolutely need to own the abandoned nectary, so in the early evening Beatrix set off on more adventures and Victoria cleaned up the leftover street art at base camp.

Beatrix got tired and came home later that evening, and spent some time the next morning making friends with this Egyptian man.

While floating around the map of France and complimenting EA on their fabulous design, I heard a train. I managed to get this screenshot just in time:

Beatrix was tasked with going into Chateau du Landgraab (also known as the only French-sounding thing I can safely pronounce without my half French best friend hitting me) to retreive things over and over again. I couldn't think of much of a story to go with it, so I'll just give you the screenshots and you can think of your own.

Lets check up on Victoria now, shall we?

Victoria was back at the nectary, this time exploring the mysterious dive well in the basement while some of her nectar processed. She found some pretty nice nectar down there.

Then, she went an explored the tomb that she found hidden in a back room.

Her face of wonder is all that I need.

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-five (17/9/2013)
« Reply #114 on: September 17, 2013, 12:03:05 PM »
I hope you feel better soon :)
I like the additions to the house!

Thanks. I'm doing a lot better than I was now, but my head still feels like it weighs several hundred pounds.

I'm glad you like it.  ;D

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-six (17/9/2013)
« Reply #115 on: September 17, 2013, 12:27:17 PM »
There is nothing cuter than the face of wonder when sims enter tomb rooms!

Sorry to hear that you're sick (and really sorry to hear about your professor). :(

You're really lucky if your sims actually prefer leftovers to trying to cook. I locked off the kitchen in my own dynasty, but I still have trays of unfinished autumn salad lying around.
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Offline Crazylittleloon

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-six (17/9/2013)
« Reply #116 on: September 17, 2013, 03:18:41 PM »
There is nothing cuter than the face of wonder when sims enter tomb rooms!

Sorry to hear that you're sick (and really sorry to hear about your professor). :(

You're really lucky if your sims actually prefer leftovers to trying to cook. I locked off the kitchen in my own dynasty, but I still have trays of unfinished autumn salad lying around.


I really hope that he'll be okay. He was a pretty cool dude.

Part of it is that I watch them all like a hawk.  ::) Plus, they're all really lazy.

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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-seven (20/9/2013)
« Reply #117 on: September 20, 2013, 02:05:26 PM »

My sinuses have yet to relent their torment of my poor head. Giant antibiotic pills, nasal sprays, and on top of that my head feels like it weight several hundred pounds. Thankfully the medication has been doing its job and I haven't woken up in the middle of the night stuggling to breathe.

But I'm gettin' real tired of nearly choking on these old man pills all the time.  >:(

I'm still having problems with uploading directly from my screenshots folder, so I've been sorting them into separate folders and uploading from there. So far, it seems to be working.

Someone also gifted me the baby swing the other day as a belated birthday present. THANK YOU TO WHOEVER YOU ARE!!! THE ROYALE FAMILY THANKS YOU, TOO!!

Tatiana: You screamed when you were gifted a wedding dress and jumped when you were gifted a baby swing. I'm terrified of what might happen if someone gifts you a town.

I'd probably implode on myself.

Tatiana: Somehow you manage to be both Excitable and Grumpy.

Beatrix made it out alive and in one piece after I turned to google for help getting her past the constant electrocutions. That night, she and Victoria sat by the fire pit in the backyard of base camp, roasting food and reading books.

Beatrix also got a phone call, and she didn't seem happy about it. I didn't get any messages, so it was probably the game surprising me or something. Needless to say, Beatrix was not amused.

Victoria, you garden in your pajamas. You are in no position to laugh at him.

Beatrix and Victoria made it home safely, with Beatrix just 1% shy of having a visa level of three for France (this time, it was my turn to be unamused). They brought home an absolutely huge amount of chests, and I spent about fifteen minutes just trying to sort through them all. I bought one to store cut gems and metal ignots in the gem room, one to store uncut gems, unsmelted ignots, and unidentified rocks in, one to store relics, one to store harvestables and seeds, one to store fish, one to store the devices that the family owns (the Collection Helper and Moodlet Manager), one to store camping supplies, and then there was one extra that I forgot what I was going to use for. I put a bunch of Tatiana and Christopher's paintings in there to let them appreciate in value without cluttering the house.

Of course, as soon as I did that I remembered what I got it for and slammed my head onto my computer desk.

Tatiana spent the morning drawing at the sketching table in her pajamas. Something weird happened when she maxed out the street art skill, and she never recieved a certificate. I'm using the certificates for something special in the immortal museum, so I'll use the one she'll get when she maxes out the painting skill instead. I'm still mad, though.

Christopher finished the book that he was writing for Beatrix, then sat there reflecting on his life. He still has a ways to go before he can finally complete his lifetime wish. Maybe Tatiana will let him come on her honeymoon so he can work?

Tatiana is aging up to young adult soon. She looks so much like Victoria did when she was a teenager, who in turn looks a lot like Beatrix when she was a t-

Beatrix: Sh!


Anyway, I'm not too worried about Tatiana's huge lip curl. I noticed that Victoria had the same thing when she was a teenager, and she grew into it. Tatiana will most likely grow more into her features, as well.

Something strange happened when Tatiana returned from France. All of the skill challenges she completed? Well, upon returning to Riverview, they reset back to what they were before she left. So now we're back at square one with the Street Art challenges. Tatiana went in to a frenzy before bed and painted the living room floor.

Speaking of immortal requirements, I got more work done on the Water Hole Juice Bar. It's still not up to level three, even with everything else that I added. Including an outdoor arcade...

...a hot tub...

...and a juice keg. I also really splurged and built a basement, where I put two more bathrooms, expensive statues and paintings, and nectar racks. It's only accessible from a ladder hidden away behind some bushes. I'll have Beatrix bring some nectar over sometime in the future, but for now I'll sit here and complain about the difficulty.

The next morning was a Sunday, and that was when Christopher helped Tatiana with her homework, then retired from being a teacher.

Everyone came over to celebrate. Let the long, lazy days of playing with future grandchildren and writing books begin!

Speaking of books, Tatiana went to get the mail that afternoon when I let her stop painting the yard. Along with the usual bundle of cut gems, there was a book. It wasn't unusual for books to come in the mail, since Christopher was part of a book club and wrote a lot, but this one was different.

The title struck Tatiana as very odd, and she went to talk to her father about it.

I wonder what they were talking about.

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A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-eight (21/9/2013)
« Reply #118 on: September 21, 2013, 02:34:23 PM »


Beatrix: Allow me to explain why Loon is currently consumed in anger. The file has become relatively bugged. She can still play us no problem, but it's a bit of a gamble as to whether or not it will save properly. Error twelve and the computer crashing mid-game, stuff like that. The file is still playable and will save properly, but it can get quite frustrating. No worries about the Dynasty for you guys, since Loon can have her moments of incredible patience and work these things out.

*chair flies across room*

Beatrix: She just gets angry sometimes...anyway, don't worry, it's all fine. It's probably just a problem with the computer, and this isn't the worst Loon has had to deal with when it comes to game problems.

Tatiana: Better now, Loon?

Better. On a happier note, I have discovered Custom Content and got a bunch of neat cars. The problems with the file started up before I downloaded them, so I can rule that out as a cause.

The gem collection is coming along quite nicely. There are a bunch of plumbob cut gems hidden away in the basement.

Christopher has so far been spending his retirement at the computer, writing mostly children's books. They're quick to write and fetch high royalty values, so it's good for getting his lifetime wish.

Victoria made a run for more Deathfish that night. There are none left in the fridge, so I need some more to stock the pond with. So far, the pond is stocked with Angelfish and Alley Catfish, and when I get more frogs and crayfish I'll put those in there, as well. Then when I can buy a vacation home in France I'll stock a pond there.

Meanwhile, back at the house, Beatrix transformed some blue topaz cuts into a large skull cut.

Tatiana woke up early the next morning and made a medium tag on the dining room wall. That pushed her rebel influence to level eight, and I was able to choose a fifth trait for her. I gave her the Photographer's Eye trait.

The rest of the day passed with a blur, and then it was dinner time. Christopher and Tatiana finished early and went off to do their own thing, while Victoria and Beatrix discussed Tatiana's birthday.

Also, did anyone else know that elders could do this with their canes? I noticed Beatrix doing it the next morning and got quite the kick out of it.

Tatiana's teenage years seemed to just drag on forever. At last, she was aging up to young adult. To say I was happy would be one heck of an understatement.

Tatiana: NO! Not this hair again!

Well, at least you grew into your features. You look like a blonde version of your mother!

I think one of you readers will immediately recognize Tatiana's formal wear.  ;)




I was gifted Tatiana's wedding dress for my birthday, and it looked perfect on her.

Of course, it took several tries to get her dressed properly, because the game kept crashing. I was victorious in the end, and then Tatiana made a call to a certain special someone. He arrived a few moments later.

Now that they're both of age, Tatiana and Brent can finally get married. I quickly moved him in, only to learn that he is at day one of the adult stage already! That's roughly a twenty-year age gap, and yet they met in high school! There is no logic in this world.

I learned that, along with being Flirty and Family-Oriented, Brent is Rebellious like Tatiana. They are certainly going to be interesting parents.

Aren't they such a cute couple?

No commitment issues here.

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Re: A Royal Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twenty-eight (21/9/2013)
« Reply #119 on: September 21, 2013, 02:39:34 PM »
This may sound like an unfounded guess, but I have a feeling that generation four will have blond hair! :P

Oh, and Tatiana is freakin' gorgeous. I'd say that she even beats her mum in the gorgeousness department.
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