Chapter 3I decided Dobbinsworth ought to be social. It wouldn't do to have him be a hermit. I need him to do my shopping for me!
So I sent him to the Rodeo Go Go Bar, and as usual took to many screenshots.
"My precious! My precious!So, he met this lady, I think her name was Singh something, I don't recall. But she and Dobbinsworth made fast friends. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to make him a daredevil, maybe rebellious would be more suited to him. What's that purple stuff? Wait, Dobbinsworth, No!
I know what you're thinking, "Hagnes?" but no, it is not the
infamous Agnes. Just a random unfortunate townie.
I took some shots of this guy on the bull, maybe he's enjoying this
too much...
And like many before him, Dobbinsworth practiced his posing. Because that is all a pool table is ever useful for, right?
For some reason I decided that Dobbinsworth should be better at playing music with a pool table than with a guitar. Because I said so. He made some money off of it also!
I heard some whooping and hollering, and found a woman in labor.
"Okay, now think. Who planted this one?"I decided that perhaps it was time dear Dobbinsworth learned the facts of life. He escorted the woman to the hospital, where she gave birth to her son. He got a nifty "It's a boy!" moodlet off of it too.