Pielord, is that a skull cut on the small display table? I tried to put one of each cut on that thing and when it came to putting the skull there it wouldn't fit, so I decided to add an uncut gem to that display and have some of the large cases for the skulls.
I haven't really done a lot of displaying, mainly when I have a collector, they are in it for the money so things don't usually get kept. Having said that, since playing the wishmaster's challenge where we have got beyond the point of needing the money, I have enjoyed seeing the collections grow and I'm thinking of starting a game with a traveller/collector. When I finish wishmasters, I may even kick everyone except Dotty out and just play her to continue what is already a nice collection.
Anyway, here is my collection of gems. I'm aiming at one of each cut of each gem. Check out the gnomes, think they approve?