Firstly, don't worry about your late response, I'm sure you've got lots of other things to do in life, as we all have.
But ugh! Yeah! I want that! That's with the purchase of a gold edition with a world, right? I looked on the store and couldn't find it!
No, fortunately the baby swing can be purchased separately
hereRegarding if it's updated, I don't see how that mattered, seeing as both computers that I attempted to upload it to failed to download the purchased item.
"afBodyGownOscr.Sims3Pack: Installation failed: Please make sure your game has the latest Software Updates and try again. Done!"
The reason why I asked if your computers had the same level of update is that the error message that you got mentioned Software Updates as a possible cause for failed installation. I know for sure that if you try to share/export an item from one computer to another, the level of update must be exactly the same for it to succeed. I tried that once when my laptop was updated to patch 1.55 and my other computer only to 1.50 (or lower, can't remember exactly because it's several months ago) and that installation failed, and the error message was the same or at least very similar to what you get when you try to install your items.
Maybe this seems like a stupid question, but do you run your computer as an Administrator? I tried playing Sims 1 on another account once, and then I just couldn't save the game at all. If you are Admin, what I would do if I were in your shoes, is to start again from square one:
1. Open the launcher and make sure that your game is updated to the latest patch.
2. Remove everything from the Downloads folder. (Do not delete the content, just move it to somewhere else.)
3. Go to your Purchase History on and download only one item.
Closely watch the download process to see if anything looks suspicious, or out of the ordinary.4. Go to your Downloads folder and look at the item file to see if it looks normal, that is with the extension .Sims3Pack.
5. Open the launcher and the Downloads tab, and see if the item shows up properly, or just as a box. I suspect that the "only-boxes" thing is an indication that the item wasn't downloaded correctly.
6. If it looks okay, try to install it.
If you cannot find a solution on your own, maybe it would be a good idea to contact EA customer service and explain your issue.
Good luck with fixing your download and installation trouble. If/when you manage to solve it, please make a post about it and tell us what was wrong, and how you got it sorted.