Hi there – I’m Sophie Beckett. I am SO excited to be on The Mole. I have wanted to be on a TV show ever since I was a kid, but I always expected it would be like… I don’t know… Sims in Space or something. I used to love that show. Anyway, as you can see in these... um... "great" family photos... I grew up as a military brat.
That first one was me with my mom and dad, moving into the base housing in Riverview. And here we are with me and my mom and dad, and my little brother, moving into the base housing in ... I think Twinbrook, but it might be Monte Vista. And here we are with me and my mom and dad and my little brother and my little sister, moving into the base housing for the last time, in Lucky Palms. You get the idea. The point is, we moved around a lot, we never had any money, and I dressed like a total reject.
I mean, seriously. I can't even... ugh.
Anyway, my mom was always busy with all of my younger brothers and sisters. I had four of them, and they were all a lot younger than I am. So I mostly hung out with my dad, and we had a great time. We had a lot in common -- I liked math and science, and he was a scientist for the military. We would watch sci fi TV and movies together, and he showed me how to build model rockets, and just always spent a lot of time together. We got along really well, and we always had things to talk about together, you know?
But -- when I said we moved into base housing for the last time in Lucky Palms, it's because, well... There was some kind of accident one night when my dad was there. No one has ever really explained it all to us, because a lot of what my dad worked on was secret, but everyone saw the green lights in the sky that night, and everyone could see the damage at the science facility in the morning. And then two officers came to tell us that my dad wouldn't be coming home.
After he died, we all moved back to Sunset Valley, where my grandparents live, and my mom got a job at the day spa, and I got a part time job at the bookstore to try to make ends meet. I met some friends with some similar interests, and it was fun for a while...
Wait. Did you just show that picture of us at Comic Con? On national TV? Why would you DO THAT?
You know what, never mind. We're getting to the good part. Because it turns out that when I became a young adult, all of my studying had paid off and I qualified for a survivor's scholarship from the military. I got into Multum Pecuniam University, and it was... well... pretty miserable at first. I mean, as you saw in that last picture, I was SUCH A NERD. And everyone else had so much more money than I did, and was so much more put together than I was that I basically had no friends.
But when I came back for the second year, I got a new roommate. Her name was Daphne van Gelder, and she SAVED me. The first thing she did was take me to her stylist. New glasses, new clothes, new hair and GOODBYE UNIBROW. Then she helped me to get rid of all of the geeky nonsense I had brought with me, and to re-do my side of the dorm room to look like hers so it wouldn't be such a complete embarrassment when her friends came over.
So after that we got along really well. She said I was her most successful experiment, and she introduced me to her friends, and I got invited to parties at the frat house, and she took me to her parents’ summer house that was the biggest thing I had ever seen, and even on a trip to Isla Paradiso, and FINALLY, I knew what life was all about.
But this is my last term at University, and I'm determined that when I graduate, I will NOT be going back to the way I was. No more nerds for friends and no more cheap, crowded houses. No more sci-fi conventions, or video game tournaments, or Game of Thorns marathons or… well… I mean, I guess I miss some of it. But I will tell you what -- I’m going to win this whole show, or even if I don’t, it’ll make me famous.
And then I’ll have a house like Daphne’s parents, my friends from University will still hang out with me, and I will be Super Popular. That’s always been my lifetime wish. Or at least, it has been ever since I went away to school. Before that, my wish was probably just to wear another bomber hat or something. Like... like that leopard hat that my dad gave me. Yeah. I was such an idiot back then.
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As it turns out, we're seeing her handiwork right now! What are the odds of that?