Author Topic: "Ask to move in" makes Sim unplayable  (Read 6643 times)

Offline empow14

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"Ask to move in" makes Sim unplayable
« on: July 21, 2013, 06:48:35 AM »

I seem to have a little run on bad luck with my challenge file. I start to believe maybe Summer Hill Court is cursed :D
So despite this strangers coming to live in my house thing I wanted to ask my Sims boyfriend to move in with her. I get the move dialogue and get to confirm the "new household" (you know, with the little picture of the two household members?) -- yet then I only get to play the boyfriend. The original Sim's icon disappears and I can't play her anymore. The boyfriend can interact normally with her, BUT now he has the Roommate options.. I don't get it, I thought the options to become roomates was obviously "Ask to be Roommate"?!

Now I can accept having to move out 3 strangers every night, but this bug here really annoys me :( I just want to keep my legacy going!

Offline Wai

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Re: "Ask to move in" makes Sim unplayable
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2013, 05:19:23 PM »

I have never seen these two problems, but, with two game breaking bugs, it sounds as though your current game file is corrupted. 

I can see why you want to save the game though.  I can't promise it will solve anything, but, you could try a factory reset.  Or, you could try going into edit town and evicting your family then return them to the same house.  (Did you say in your other post that you have already tried this?  sorry, I can't remember.)  If neither of these work, then, I think you might be left with moving them to the bin, starting a new game in the same town and then placing the family back into the same lot, but, this is going to rather mess up your legacy.  Sorry I can't be more helpful.  Good luck.
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Offline empow14

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Re: "Ask to move in" makes Sim unplayable
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2013, 04:45:36 AM »
It worked, thank you very much for your help! As I said in the other post, what I did was I evicted the family with house and then saw the problem was the "apartment" lot type, so changing this and placing the house back in the game setup somehow solved both my problems. The only sad thing is that my Sim lost all relationships except the one with her boss :D But whatever, it's all good now. Thanks again!


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Re: "Ask to move in" makes Sim unplayable
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2013, 09:10:32 AM »
You can fix the relationships back to roughly where they were with the cheat.  You'll just need to meet them first. :)

