Author Topic: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty, Graveyard please!  (Read 24838 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Part 28
« Reply #60 on: November 22, 2013, 11:29:12 AM »
Aww! That was so cute, they remind me of my nephew xD Love that Hannah is trying to get attention with her brother's arrival.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Part 28
« Reply #61 on: December 03, 2013, 10:41:45 AM »
Aww! That was so cute, they remind me of my nephew xD Love that Hannah is trying to get attention with her brother's arrival.

She really is an attention seeker, but how can she not be with such an adorable brother, with such an attractive name ;)
I bet your nephew is superadorable!

I just came here to apologize for a quite long hiatus, but 1st semester is coming to an end and I need to work as hard as I can because my grades are not that good as I want them to be. (altough I'm not trying hard enough) I also had an argument with my dad and he has grounded me. So, with the lack of time and my laptop being taken away from me, I have to wait until 20th(HOLIDAYS!!!) to play and update... I'm trying to keep up using my phone and my parent's computer when they leave it on while they're out. Wish me luck, because I'm not sure if I'll manage to survive another 3 weeks of constant examinations and tests. High school sucks!
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Part 28
« Reply #62 on: December 03, 2013, 02:42:41 PM »
The best of luck with your examinations! I hope you pass and you can celebrate your victory with your laptop back safely in your arms ^_^ <3
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #63 on: December 20, 2013, 08:10:34 AM »
I am baaaaaack!!!!!!

The best of luck with your examinations! I hope you pass and you can celebrate your victory with your laptop back safely in your arms ^_^ <3
Thank you! There's no passing or failing at the 1st semester, but I'm still not too happy with how everything turned out, but the laptop is here so I don't care that much!

The holidays have officialy started two hours ago(our classess were shortened) and it's time for three weeks of enjoyment and fun(except I have to study few subjects and work on my book reports :/).  I think deserve a good sleep and quality laptop and good book time, I'we been waking up at 6 am 12 days to go to an early morning Mass in school(it was optional and I went because I wanted to, but it exhausted me). But I want to forget about school for atleast two weeks.
 All this laptop- free time left me thinking about the sims and my stories(especially this one) so I made a decision. The previous, 28th, chapter was the final one. No, I didn't fail or give up on my dynasty but I did on this story. Why? Well, I've plyed this file through the whole summer and then stopped so I can catch up with writing, and start playing again these holidays. But, the progress I have made is tiny because I'm on gen 5 YA stage and I still have about 35-40 chapters in screenshots. The file is laggy, glitchy, heir supermax is time-consuming and I'm frustrated. I want to finish this ASAP and writing seems pointless because I have forgotten all captions I came up with while playing. At this point there's no enjoyment and my biggest sim-related wish is to finish this generation and move. So, I decided to write only a summary for gen 3 and 4 with few screenshots. It's hard for me to give up, but I really want to finish this until New Year's, if not,until the end of my break. I hope y'all will understand and support me. I love every single one of you who followed this story and it's changes.
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Part 28
« Reply #64 on: December 20, 2013, 12:25:02 PM »
Welcome back and hope you enjoy your free time to the max =D I completely understand, writing for me also takes out the fun - plus I always end up deleting important screenshots - so I don't mind just a summary and fingers crossed you complete your dynasty <3
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 3
« Reply #65 on: December 21, 2013, 07:11:50 AM »
Thank you NJ! <3


(bad picture, I know but it was the only one I could find)
You've already met our lovely heir, Hannah, and her little brother Harry. They had a pretty decent childhood with lots of pets, actually they were just like a regular family. Harry married an NPC and had two children while Hannah could not find love.

Third time's a charm, they say, and it's true. First man she dated turned out to have two teenage children, the next one turned elder a day after they got together and the third choice was her first's choice son. She proposed on her Adult birthday with all of her requirements done.

Caspar was the one to give us a tombstone, a large one actually. It was horrible to see him go, but it had to be done...

10 items left behind were her mother's, Sondra's, photographs. She was a photographer's eye and it fit perfectly.

Gen 1. Heir: Hannah Yang
Born within 10 days: Yes
Honor Roll in Grade School: Yes
Honor Roll in High School: Yes
10 NPC Friends:
Pet Adoption Worker
Party Dancer
10 Best Friends:
Deshaun Causey
Grace Yang
Timothy Erwin
Melody Brinson
Dale Rider
Cesar Santana
Vincente Linton
Finn Yang
Ed Yang
Career: Painter - Yes
Super Max Skill: Painting - Yes
Black Ops:
Archeology Exhibit
The Honor Roll
Celebrity Body
A Small Painting
Networking is Key
A Trivial Affair
Celtic Foray
The New Nectar Machine
The Set Up
Floating In The Sea
Building: Dreams of Paradise Day Spa, fully upgraded
Property: Pirate's Pool, lvl 3
Tombstone: Caspar Yang, Large
Collection of 10 Items: Photographs worth 10,195$
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 4
« Reply #66 on: December 22, 2013, 01:37:25 PM »

Hannah moved in with her husband, Nolan, and his sister Hope. Few days later twins Josh and Jade came, Josh is our heir.

Josh's requirements were a piece of cake. He supermaxed science few days into young adulthood and completed the PI job in two weeks with that completing his blackops so immidiatelly after his adult birthday he married Christy Sherman, his teenage crush.

Hope was the one to give us a tombstone and I think she had a nice life doing what she wanted, she never had kids on her own but her niece and nephew plus children she babysitted were more than enough.

Hannah painted a lot and soon she had his 10 items, they were not worth that much but it didn't matter.

Gen 4. Heir: Josh Yang
Born within 10 days: Yes
Honor Roll in Grade School: Yes
Honor Roll in High School: Yes
10 NPC Friends:
Repair Tehnician
Barista Bartender
Elixir Store Specialist
Mail Carrier
Pet Adoption Worker
10 Best Friends:
Christy Sherman
Nolan Yang
Hannah Yang
Jade Yang
Josh Yang
Nathaniel Nolen
Susana Grissom
Helen Hoffman
Alana Lacey
Danielle Salazar
Career: Private Investigator - Yes
Super Max Skill: Science - Yes
Black Ops:
Digging for Dirt
The Case of Footsore Horter
The Case of Gnome Footsy
The Case of a Little Dirt
The Case of the Aloot Academic
The Mystery of the Missing Mate
The Case of the Missing Billfold
The Case of the Missing Pink Feathers
The Case of the Culinary Backstory
Building: Serpentine Labs, fully upgraded
Property: Pleasant View Park, lvl 3
Tombstone: Hope Ruff, Medium
Collection of 10 Items: Paintings, worth 23,449$
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 4
« Reply #67 on: December 23, 2013, 04:05:55 PM »
Is Science easy to Supermax? I've been to afraid to try it so far. Congratulations on getting a big tombstone even though it meant losing Caspar.
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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 4
« Reply #68 on: December 23, 2013, 04:35:22 PM »
Is Science easy to Supermax? I've been to afraid to try it so far. Congratulations on getting a big tombstone even though it meant losing Caspar.
Science is a piece of cake, it has only 2 skill challenges. Thanks, I'm awful at fullfiling my sims wishes, that is a very rare tombstone for me.
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 5
« Reply #69 on: January 07, 2014, 12:05:47 PM »

What is the worst thing you can do in this type of dynasty?
Choose a self-employed fisher as a career!
This was the worst generation ever. I thin I pulled most of my hair out while playing it. But, let's start from the begining.

Kalel is our beautiful, generic heir. She is the first one without Pearl's jaw which lasted quite awhile.

She was followed by twins brothers, Liam and Louis and then later on, sister Meredith that Christy grew in her garden.
Now, let me tell you why I almost became bald.
At the begining, I wanted to make Kalel supermax gardening but when all the glitches came, I gave up because I'll have no use of her garden when she moves out. So I choose fishing. And the fisher career...
Supermaxing was not that hard with a moodlet manager and a trip to France so she did it before hitting Adulthood. She was level 7 in her career at the time so I started panicking, but just a little bit. Meredith and Christy were also helping, but their fish was not as expensive as Kalel's, Josh helped with his Science station which was a relief. But, still, with 3 sims helping she got to level 10 3 or 4 days before elderhood. Oh, did I mention that after winter ended, all lakes got glitchy and stayed frozen? So we couldn't get deathfish.

Trust me, I was happier than she was!
Meredith made all the friends because I moved the boys out just so I can concetrate easily.
But, that's not where glitches end! Somewhere around Kalel's toddlerhood, everyone stopped aging so I freaked out! Thankfully, Metro allowed me to age them up manually and then count someone's happines points without them dying.

Christy had enough points for a medium tombstone. She was a lovely sims despite her evil and insane traits.

Josh created enough Plasma Bugs to count for our 10 items.

Kalel didn't have time to be picky, and there were only 2 guys living in the town so she choose Antwon Brady and moved with him to...

Isla Paradiso! Then, I finally started to enjoy this challenge again... and I cried, but just a little bit.

Gen 5. Heir: Kalel Yang
Born within 10 days: Yes
Honor Roll in Grade School: Yes
Honor Roll in High School: Yes
10 NPC Friends:
Elixir Store Specialist
Consignment Specialist
Newspaper Deliverer
10 Best Friends:
Ingrid Sherman
Nolan Yang
Louis Yang
Liam Yang
Roberta Yang
Hannah Yang
Jade Yang
Beverly Mueller
Louis Lefevre
Antwon Brady
Career: Fisher - Yes
Super Max Skill: Fishing - Yes
Black Ops:
Scavenger Hunt: Beetle Quest
The Reaserch Project
Funny Looking Fish
I Need A Date
The Search Begins
Frogs! And Make it Snappy
Aquarium Fishing
Authorized Biography
Help A Time Traveler Out
Building: Grotto Groceries, fully upgraded
Property: Captain Jack's Beach, lvl 3
Tombstone: Christy Yang, Medium
Collection of 10 Items: Plasma Bugs, worth 38,466$
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 5
« Reply #70 on: January 08, 2014, 05:20:19 AM »
All those glitches, I'd have been bald for sure. I didn't realise it would be difficult to supermax fishing, I've had spares just max it for deathfish so maybe in future I'll give it a try. Good luck to Kalel and Antwon in IP =D
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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 5
« Reply #71 on: January 08, 2014, 06:42:51 AM »
All those glitches, I'd have been bald for sure. I didn't realise it would be difficult to supermax fishing, I've had spares just max it for deathfish so maybe in future I'll give it a try. Good luck to Kalel and Antwon in IP =D
Thanks, supermax was not that bad it just really takes a lot of time to catch 350 fish. The career is the one I'm not going to even try ever again. Thwy really seem to enjoy it there :)
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD


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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 5
« Reply #72 on: January 09, 2014, 02:02:48 AM »
Hi Butterfly, I'm loving your work! You've been making me laugh AND cry so well done. Don't worry if you can't post all the time, good things come to those who wait. :)

Oh, and I tried Fishing as a supermax and career once on one of my sims - not a good idea if you want to stay sane!


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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 5
« Reply #73 on: January 09, 2014, 06:47:20 AM »
Hi Butterfly, I'm loving your work! You've been making me laugh AND cry so well done. Don't worry if you can't post all the time, good things come to those who wait. :)

Oh, and I tried Fishing as a supermax and career once on one of my sims - not a good idea if you want to stay sane!


Thank you so so much! You wil probably have to wait a few months to see what happened to gen 6, he's not even born...
I've learned that the hard way. I will never try that career again
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: The Yang Townie DecaDynasty Gen 5
« Reply #74 on: January 27, 2014, 10:20:39 AM »
I hear you.  A lot of the self-employed careers can be SOOPER FRUSTRATING when you have piles of requirements.  I was experiencing the same loss of love with my 4x4 family while trying to get through a horsewoman's career in time.