My maid (services one) definitely does the laundry. BTW, if your Sim gets the wish to Do Laundry, the part that fulfills that wish is when they get the clean laundry from the dryer or clothes line. So having the maid start the laundry works well. Your Sim can finish it later for the wish. I love the whole laundry thing. Very realistic. With my family of 8, they are doing the laundry every other day, generally. If not the mom, then one of the teens does it. I have baskets in each bedroom, bathroom, exercise room and one for the foyer/living room (with Seasons, when they change clothes into or out of outdoor clothes in the house, it drops laundry - I do find that annoying because, technically, you're just putting on or taking off a coat. I with they'd used the coat rack like they did in Sims 2).