A very pregnant and hormonal Zheena Ghast arrived at a certain houseboat to confront a certain merman about some of his life choices. The merman came walking out of the house straight towards her...then walked past her, got in a cab, and took off. Akoni may be the smartest man in Isla Paradiso."You'd better run, you supernatural freak!"
screamed an angry mother-to-be.While it was not a great day for Zheena, her daughter Ishaveen was having a fantastic day.A birthday, to be specific, which of course, also comes with a make-over, though she had stumbled upon a style in her aging up that only needed slight tweaking."I'm finally a teen!"
she squealed excitedly, "and I get to wear
orange!!! I'm like a bright, happy, sunshine day!!"
It seems Zheena has an optimist on her hands. No telling if that will go badly.Speaking of things going badly, the stalker paparazzo still comes around. While Galilaia's sleeping. And just watches her. And thinks about Everly. Hopefully, one of Zheena's children will decide to study law and will get a restraining order in place.
The stalkarazzo was gone by the time Galilaia woke up, but it seems her dad had decided that the vacated top bunk was now his. She didn't seem to mind.Zheena had some fun adventures through this pregnancy (including, of course, watching Akoni run from her).For example, she taught Ishaveen to drive."Didn't you bring any CD's other than the Partridge Family?"
groaned Zheena."Everybody's smiling, sunshine day!"
sang Ish, over the protests of her mother.And Zheena also got in some quality time with her genie, Mark Mark."...so I think Akoni's probably just running from the relationship because he knows that you're clearly the one in control and that can intimidate some men,"
Mark told Zheena."Yeah, you might be right,"
Zheena agreed. "Men can be such babies. Or annoying like Harvel."
agreed Mark, "no one likes Harvel except that weird handywoman."
But their lovely chat about family and relationships was interrupted as Zheena felt a familiar pain."Hey. mom,"
called Harvel, "can I record you giving birth and post it on Simtube?"
responded Zheena and Mark together."Fine," he grumbled, "I'll just call my womanfriend. You're a meany!"
And so, with that wonderful encouragement, Zheena finally delivered her son with the werewolf father."Hey, you don't look terrible for having a weredad,"
Zheena told the little burrito. "Hopefully, you won't fuzz out when there's a full moon. Since papa's a canine, I think we'll call you Kanis. But more importantly,"
she continued,"Mama gets to go back to looking like the goddess that she is!"
"Are you forgetting someone, Pippin?"
Stop interacting with me, Jhinx, I just narrate in this story."But you left me out, and I'm the best one. Look at me spending quality time with my cousin."
Wow, you're quite the dancer. And is that your dad in the background repairing the dishwasher?"No, that's just Alfonso. We all know he's not my real dad. Besides, he'll probably live. And here's me driving!"
I...umm...how are you even doing that?"Because magic, Pippin. Because magic. Now tell the nice people goodbye."
What? Oh, yes. Next time, dear readers, we'll find out who Zheena will choose for the next babydaddy."Tune in next time, same Jhinx-time, same Jhinx-channel!"