Author Topic: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 42 A Universal Overview  (Read 42011 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 38 Llama Mascot
« Reply #150 on: November 11, 2013, 05:04:59 AM »
Lilac and Celeste look so much like twins, I got them confused a few times. Yay for another nooboo =]
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 38 Llama Mascot
« Reply #151 on: November 12, 2013, 06:54:25 PM »
Lilac and Celeste look so much like twins, I got them confused a few times. Yay for another nooboo =]

Ha! Just try being the watcher, I know I got them confused a couple times :P Lilac has a wish for 5 grandchildren, old habits die hard; And as promised the update will be up tonight!
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A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 39 Triple Threat
« Reply #152 on: November 12, 2013, 08:45:48 PM »
Timothy: Hey baby, I'm going to be your uncle.
Celeste: Aren't you a little young to be an uncle?
Timothy: Not for long!

Watcher: Here we go again.
Lilac: I remember when I was pregnant with you and your sister.
Celeste: How did you get this old?
Lilac: I broke the laws of physics.
Watcher: Lilac, it's time for the triple birthday!

Lucky: Watcher, it's midnight! We're aging up now!
Watcher: At midnight again???

Lucky: Whee!

Lucky: I'm a real YA!
Watcher: I placed a makeover station in the driveway for your convenience.
Timothy: Sweetie, you should go find the mirror.
Lucky: I know where I stand!
Timothy: You are jabbing my back with your elbow.

Timothy: Here we go!

Watcher: Where did you get those muscles?
Timothy: I don't know, but I like 'em!
Lucky: I like them too!

Cobalt: I want to get my hat back!
Watcher: Hold your paintbrushes Colby!







Watcher: Get a room!
Timothy: You know you love us.
Watcher: What?
Lucky: We're your new screensaver!
Watcher: How did you...
"May the odds be ever in your favor"-Effie Trinket

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 39 Triple Threat
« Reply #153 on: November 13, 2013, 05:24:41 AM »
Happy birthday, Lucky, Timothy and Colby! Where are the rest of Colby's outfits? It seems Lucky and Timothy have taken you over xD
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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 39 Triple Threat
« Reply #154 on: November 16, 2013, 08:13:47 PM »
Happy birthday, Lucky, Timothy and Colby! Where are the rest of Colby's outfits? It seems Lucky and Timothy have taken you over xD

It caught me by surprise when they all aged up-if there wasn't a notice then they would've aged up without cake! Whoops, the bad watcher forgot to take screenshots of his makeover. I'll try to get those up this weekend. If Lucky and Timothy don't stop popping wishes for each other I'm going to go mad; that's all I see when I turn the camera to those two! ::)
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A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 40 Imaginary Friends
« Reply #155 on: November 24, 2013, 05:00:27 PM »
After internet and computer troubles I have scrapped together an update. Enjoy!
University Mascot: As if we didn't see this coming!
Timothy: I'm going to do this the old fashioned way Lucky.
Lucky: You're going to do what the old fashioned way?

Timothy: I've known you since I was a toddler, I went through everything new with you as a teen, and I love you more then
anyone Lucky. You are the LUCKY-iest thing that ever happened to me. Will you marry me?

Lucky: OH MY GOSH! Yes, yes, yes!
Timothy: I'm only a YA and my joints already hurt.
Watcher: Aww...

Riley (IF): Why are simoleons important?
Cobalt: Because that's how you buy things.
Riley: Why do you paint?
Cobalt: Because it makes simoleons.
Riley: What do-
Watcher: Just age up already Riley; your doll form gives me the creeps!

Watcher: Muhahaha! MY master plan falls slowly into place!
Cobalt: Since we're best friends and stuff, will you become real so I don't have to be the sole painter?
Riley: Why is it orange?
Cobalt: Promise me one thing: no more questions!
Riley: Okay.

Cobalt: Hello Riley.
Riley: I always wondered what the world would look like without button eyes.
Cobalt: Well that's...interesting.

Watcher: We should have named you Abby.
Riley: Why?
Watcher: You just look like an Abby.

Watcher: So what's your supermax going to be?
Riley: Either charisma or social networking.
Watcher: What are you watching?
Riley: Something about a genie.

Timothy: DAD!
Watcher: Marc is obviously enjoying being a ghost.
Marc: I never liked this table!

Lucky: So I get to be a rebel?
Watcher: This house is going to be beautiful!

Watcher: Oh, it's graduation day!
Lucky: What do I do?

Riley: I didn't even go to school!!!
Watcher: Yeah! I didn't have to make you do homework!

Lucky: Watcher!
Watcher: What's wrong? Is the house on fire?
Lucky: No, I maxed street art!
Watcher: Oh, I thought something bad happened. No one ever calls for me unless the world is ending.

Watcher: Are all four of you making breakfast?
Lilac: I need to use the oven Lucky!
Lucky: How do I know when these are done?
Riley: These dirty counters are driving me nuts!
Perri: Do they realize we have leftovers?
"May the odds be ever in your favor"-Effie Trinket

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 40 Imaginary Friends
« Reply #156 on: November 24, 2013, 05:10:39 PM »
Welcome back ^_^ Riley reminds me of my nephew, he's at the stage of asking 'why?' and 'what's that?' every few minutes. She's gorgeous, of course, and the short hair suits her. Congrats, Tim and Lucky, go make cute nooboos =]
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 40 Imaginary Friends
« Reply #157 on: November 24, 2013, 05:37:26 PM »
Welcome back ^_^ Riley reminds me of my nephew, he's at the stage of asking 'why?' and 'what's that?' every few minutes. She's gorgeous, of course, and the short hair suits her. Congrats, Tim and Lucky, go make cute nooboos =]

Hopefully my Sims game will keep working! Lol, her wardrobe was hard to do without UNI. I'm glad it looks good! The first two wishes Timothy popped: Have First Child with Lucky, and Have First Child.
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A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 41 A Very Lucky Day
« Reply #158 on: December 04, 2013, 04:59:06 PM »
Timothy: Hello my little nephew!
Watcher: Why did they name him Herbert?
Timothy: I don't know.
Watcher: It's not even a color!

Watcher: You can always tell when it's Love Day around here.
Timothy: Go away, it's our romantic evening!
Lucky: I've never been to the Spring Festival before.
Watcher: Most of the family hasn't.

Watcher: That's what you came to do?!
Lucky: I, Lucky Color, take you, Timothy Color, to be my partner in life and my one true love. I will trust you and respect you,
laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face
together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.
Timothy: Ditto.
Watcher: Timothy!!!

Timothy: Okay, okay. I, Timothy Color, take you, Lucky Color, to be my friend, my lover, my wife, and the mother of my children-
Lucky: Children?
Timothy: Well, you know I just assumed...I just thought since I have a big family. You know what-forget I ever said that!

Timothy: Happy Love Day!
Lucky: Happy Love Day honey!
Watcher: At least you aren't in the house.

Watcher: And I'm leaving now.
Lucky: Please do.

Riley: I've always been your number one fan.
Cobalt: I'm glad someone likes my work.
Riley: You know with all the love in the air today-

Riley: I-I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking.
Cobalt: I think you did.
Watcher: Cobalt, you have a girlfriend.
Cobalt: Oh right,

Cobalt: I'm sorry Emaline it's not me it's you.
Watcher: I think you said that backwards.
Emaline: It is me isn't it?
Cobalt: Yes!

Cobalt: Surprisingly, I'm taking a page out of my brother's book.
Riley: He has a book?
Cobalt: No, it's a metaphor.
Riley:  What's a metaphor?
Watcher: I thought we said no more questions!

Riley: OMG! It's the same as the books!
Cobalt: You were out of my inventory long enough to read a book?
Riley: No, the Watcher rules with an iron fist over my kind.

Riley: Where did you get the ring? Why is it so shiny? Why is it on this finger?
Cobalt: I should have gotten a dull, ring off the table with an essay on why it goes on that finger.
Riley: Sorry, when I get nervous I ask questions.

Watcher: Lenny the Bunny, you're creepy.
Lenny: What? Is it the bunny suit or the buck teeth?
Watcher: I think it's everything.
Lenny: I knew I should've been a graduation gnome!

I hate it when the game ages the kids up bald, so here's Amy's makeover!

Here's a picture of Herbert, but his eyes are closed. :-[ He has Lilac's purple eyes.

Perri: When will I be done with homework?
Watcher: I would say really soon, but I got University.
Perri: Really???

Watcher: What did you do?
Perri: I was just doing my homework!
Watcher: I need to check my game again.

Watcher: Ooh! I love this painting!
Cobalt: Finally, I can leave behind my legacy.
Watcher: Yes, you'll always be remembered as the third painter in the household.
Lenny: Oh la la!

Watcher: Is that a window or street art?
Lucky: Do you like it?
Watcher: It's realistic.

Watcher: You're getting way to good at the Lucky!
Lucky: It's the first of seven masterpieces.
Watcher: Let's do this!

Riley: Is this every day life?
Perri: Pretty much. Whatcha reading?
Riley: Social networking. You?
Perri: Cooking.

Jay: Here we go!!!
Perri: Whoo!
Watcher: Come on you two! We have a college to mess up!

"May the odds be ever in your favor"-Effie Trinket

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 41 A Very Lucky Day
« Reply #159 on: December 04, 2013, 05:31:40 PM »
I love Lucky vows, Timothy just got lazy though =P Congrats to Riley and Cobalt! You'll always have a full house now, lol. Amy's gorgeous and Herbert too, tired, huh?
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Offline molly4000

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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 41 A Very Lucky Day
« Reply #160 on: December 10, 2013, 08:32:49 PM »
I love Lucky vows, Timothy just got lazy though =P Congrats to Riley and Cobalt! You'll always have a full house now, lol. Amy's gorgeous and Herbert too, tired, huh?
Ha! Yes, Timothy got lazy. Oh, yes-I might have to do something about the full house. :-X Herbert and Amy are cute little tee-toddler/child.
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Offline Avery4u

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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Hiatus
« Reply #161 on: December 18, 2013, 11:30:36 AM »
I know why they named the son Herbert! Herbert,sherbet? :D
I have a question: how do you handle all these sims?!
And what ever happened to the alien dude?
Plus, I love the story :)

Avery :)
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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Hiatus
« Reply #162 on: December 18, 2013, 08:58:09 PM »
I know why they named the son Herbert! Herbert,sherbet? :D
I have a question: how do you handle all these sims?!
And what ever happened to the alien dude?
Plus, I love the story :)

Avery :)

Hmm... Maybe story progression isn't as bad with naming as I thought. Now, how do I handle these sims? I don't know if it's handle so much as give them a string of actions and mute the sound. They drive me crazy, but they all grew on me :). And Xios moved out with Iris to raise Amethyst in their own house. I'm glad you love the story! I love getting comments and criticism, it helps me learn what I'm doing right (or wrong.) ;D
"May the odds be ever in your favor"-Effie Trinket

Offline molly4000

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A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 42 A Universal Overview
« Reply #163 on: December 24, 2013, 11:13:24 AM »
I'm alive! I just got really busy with stuff, sorry. Here's an overview of what happened before and during the Color's 2
stays at Uni!
Well, Cobalt and Lucky decided to go in his pajamas while Perri managed to take the only suitcase. I wonder how they
fit everything in there...

Okay that makes more sense.
Perri: I suggested Target but got outvoted!

A lot of things happened. There was a little of this...

And a lot of this.

Lucky wanted to make sure every guy in town stays away from her "little" sister-in-law! And of course gain some influence.
I think she went overboard.

I don't even know what happened here.

Everybody meet George the First Graduation Gnome. He unfortunately got left behind, but I remembered his twin George
the Second Graduation Gnome!

Then there was that awkward moment when your mother is soaking in the hot tub, in her formal wear, right next to you
while you're trying to look macho.
Lucky: So... nice music huh?

Perri finally learned the best way to make friends is to smother them with flowers.

Perri also learned if the boy is still clueless hit him in the face with a clue.

Well, she did something right because he likes her too. Oh yeah! His name is Aeron.

He's a real catch if he plays guitar!

Normally I'd say they were attached at the hip, but I think they're attached at the mouth.

Then, unlike her siblings, Perri asked the question without having a nervous breakdown. Maybe Lilac rubbed off on her
more then I thought...

And of course more things strange and unpredictable happened.

Perri: What spell is this???
I told her she wasn't ready.

Aeron didn't want Perri to leave but she said she'd be back for another semester.

Lucky finished her LTW right before the deadline, I think she left a pretty big mark or marks.

My language arts teacher calls this foreshadowing. ;)

Walkin' in a winter wonderland!

Aeron thought it was a little frosty...

Finally everyone graduated!!!

Poor Perri couldn't get into the building so she helped make the snowmen.

I only wish they hadn't graduated at night... I can't tell which houses they graduated from! Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw,
or Hufflepuff?
"May the odds be ever in your favor"-Effie Trinket

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Re: A Color-ful Legacy-Chapter 42 A Universal Overview
« Reply #164 on: September 24, 2014, 09:07:49 AM »
I'm moving this to the Stories Graveyard due to inactivity. molly4000, you can revive this story by contacting a moderator.

