I have done some meshing for Sims 2 and Sims 3. I created different styled chairs, tables etc. for my simmies to enjoy.
The 'footprints' (the green placements) for the furniturealso gave me the measurement basis for my home plan conversions. I usually plan everything using graph paper with furniture cutouts (like a kid with legos or building blocks)
A twin bed, dresser, full table, desk, bathtub or loveseat takes up 1 square width x 3 squares in length while a full bed or sofa needs 2 squares width x 3 squares in length. A kitchen cabinet, stove, refrigerator, night stand, chairs, toilet, shower, and sink all need 1 x 1 squares. These items need a 1 x 1 square of clearance in front of them to function correctly (chairs need the clearance behind them).
A stairway needs at least 6 squares in length to function correctly (this includes the top and the bottom steps) and the width is 1 square for each step wide. The single doors actually take up only a 1 x 2 sim square area.
So Telsey is fairly correct in thinking a sim square equals 2.33 feet in true life although some Sim footprints tend to lead one to think they are 2.5 feet square as Aiwe stated.
Hope I haven't confused you