I just found out that when you press tab you can zoom in and out, you can get really up close to a sims face! 
If I'd known you didn't know that, I would've told you. Convoluted sentence there, huh?

I hit tab the first time by accident and thought, "Oh no! How do I get the picture to stop swinging around so crazily and get my Sims bar (or whatever it's called) back?" I don't know how I figured it out, but I did, and saw the potential for better snapshots right away. I rarely hit the C key without using it to position things as well as I can.
Like this:

"I have the strangest feeling that I'm being watched."

Just using this so I can try the insert image thing.

Note: Obviously I'm doing something wrong. I thought I selected the right image size. Hmm....
Note #2: I just noticed it looks like his (Baxter Vincent from the da Vinci Challenge) leg was severed just below the knee.
Note #3: The point that I forgot to mention is that I chose the amount of space around the Sim intentionally, to add to the feeling that he's alone, yet feels like he's being watched.
No more notes after this!