(1) I only play 2 sims character and both work as astronaut. Both sims will go back home at 5am.
(2) Only have 2 sims currently.
(3) Yes, still have open opportunities.
(4) I do have mods, but before this it is fine. After installing Island Paradise, the problem start.
(5) Never have thought about other career for now.
(6) Didn't try to move out the sim. Probably will try later.
Hello again shadowdark. Let's make one more attempt at this.
Seeing only 2 Sims are currently at play and both are in the same career it is difficult to determine if this is an actual game problem or just a problem with the 2 Sims working at the same career. With that in mind:
Anytime there is a new patch it is CRITICAL that mods be updated. Take your mods folder out, clear cache files and try playing the game. If the problem goes away with that folder out you need to update your mods. Put the mods folder back in and update your mods or, if no update is available, remove them. Try playing the game. If that does not work clear out your opportunities. If the problem still persists you probably have a break in other custom content and there are steps that can be taken to identify the source.
Tip: After taking these steps, and if the problem persists, you might want to try playing other Sims, on different lots with other careers and see what happens. Playing different scenarios will provide more detail identifying exactly what is happening and when.