Author Topic: The Ithaca Legacy - Graveyard Please  (Read 61584 times)

Offline notjustabook

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #45 on: September 06, 2013, 08:16:16 AM »
Hector is so handsome! Probably the most handsome toddler I've ever seen in game. They usually come out looking all the same, haha. Not Hector though. Also, when you say Patrocles was Achilles best friend, I think you mean lover, haha.

He really is a handsome fellow - I've seen all the kids and he's one of the more handsome of the bunch. Junior's facial features are VERY hit and miss - either they look good or terrible.
He, he, well, we're talkin' Greek mythology, so I thought the 'lovers' thing was obvious ;)

Actually, I think so names work perfectly ^^

And... EEEEEEE!  That is one adorable toddler!  Sooooo cute!

Thank you ^_^ Hector really is a cutie, isn't he?

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2013, 05:10:31 AM »
2.7. Have All the Babies

We were all involved in training our little bundle of joy in the time to come. His daddy taught him to walk, and both Mum and I taught him to talk and potty trained him. Oh yes, at least for now, all eyes were on baby Hector.

For now.

I was starting to feel... a bit ill. And I think we all know what that meant. Nothing much happened, other than Hector being trained and doted upon for that period, so let's just fill the gap with cute pictures of my baby boy:

Really, he was...


I don't think he understood me, but while snapping all these photos, I told him that I was going to keep all these pictures and one day show them to all his girlfriends. He looked at me quite funny.

I was more composed when I went into labour this time, even though Mum, “trained medical professional” that she is, freaked out. You'd think she'd handle it better, but who am I to argue.

(Well, fair enough, she was right about Aëy's baby – she had a boy, Jedediah, shortly after I had Hector, but don't tell her I know she was right).

My next baby wasn't a boy, but a girl. Penelope. While I was pregnant with her and busy tending Hector, I had nonetheless had time to work on my job. And shortly after Penelope's birth, I was told to come to City Hall to pick up a trophy for inventing ten widgets:

Even though it was very far back by now, I couldn't help but smile and think back on graduation and my disastrous teenage years – not so mediocre now, huh?

All that was, of course, quite quickly forgotten because Penelope and Hector needed my attention.

With kids this cute, why not have some more?

No, really, I mean it.
Indeed, I was pregnant again, and you can imagine that Mum didn't sit still anymore, she was so excited. Three grandchildren for her already, and three times backaches and morning sickness for me.

And for the two older kids, time was moving rapidly, too. Penelope was a toddler now, and Hector had grown up to a cute young boy.

[Author’s note: Time for some more naming fun, yay!

Penelope: In Greek mythology, the wife of Odysseus who waited faithfully for him the twenty years he was away. While he was gone, she was courted by plenty of men who wanted to marry her to become king – she kept waiting for her husband. To keep them at bay, she said she’d choose one of them to marry after she had finished weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus’ father – in reality she unwound all the work she’d done during the day at night… Clever lady.]

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Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2013, 11:53:26 AM »
So many babies! At least they're cute little bubbs. It's annoying keeping track of so many SIM babies though. Good luck!

Offline Hallucination

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2013, 04:27:55 PM »
I'm always too lazy to create decent maternity wear for my Sims, but I like Passie's shirt a lot. And regarding Hector, why do other people get cute children? They always look deformed in my game.
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Offline notjustabook

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #49 on: September 10, 2013, 03:21:10 AM »
So many babies! At least they're cute little bubbs. It's annoying keeping track of so many SIM babies though. Good luck!

Ha, yeah :P It really was annoying! I should have just stuck with two! Don't think I ever learn with all these babies!

I'm always too lazy to create decent maternity wear for my Sims, but I like Passie's shirt a lot. And regarding Hector, why do other people get cute children? They always look deformed in my game.

Thanks :D I can't help but create nice maternity wear! It really annoys me when I have a sim who otherwise has a very defined, personal clothing style and then they change into garish, boring maternity wear - and I really like making clothes that fit Passie's style :P
I sometimes get children with unfortunate looks - Aërope didn't look great with her nose. Anyway, even if children have an unfortunate head shape, it often helps just giving them a fitting hairstyle or a bit of make-up, I find :P

Offline notjustabook

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #50 on: September 10, 2013, 03:33:28 AM »
2.8. One Big, Happy Family

Gratuitous toddler pictures! Just a little bit…

With the next baby on the way, the house was getting crowded, but I didn’t really mind. We were more people than even when dad was alive, and I saw Mum getting kind of misty eyed thinking about it.

“He would have been so happy to see this,” she said, looking at both her grandchildren and me and Junior.


And dad definitely would have loved it with Hector around. He wasn’t as cowardly as Ariadne, but he came running to us and swore that there were monsters under the bed and refused to sleep in it for some time.

I believed him, of course, though my mother and Junior told him there was nothing to worry about – such things don’t exist.

“They’re lying,” I told him. “I met a mummy once… it wasn’t under a bed, though.”

Hector’s eyes were big as I told him the story of my adventure into the tomb. I let mum and Junior roll their eyes as much as they liked – adventurers knew what it was all about. How could they know?

Perhaps Hector wasn’t exactly an adventurer, but he did tell me that he intended to be a detective one day. I even heard him interrogating his father.

“Excuse me, sir,” he said. “Have you experienced any suspicious behaviour around here?”

“Well… I did lose my beach ball. And I think your mother swallowed it.”


Our little kitty grew into a big kitty soon, and turned out to be quite the handsome cat, and it wasn’t too long after that the next baby Ithaca appeared.

Well… babies.

Two little girls, twins, Kleio and Thalia. With these, things soon sped up – days just flew by and before we knew it, the two of them were toddlers.

Kleio was a little genius, and excitable, too. Mum was the one who recommended we colour code their clothing, like she had with the three of us, and Kleio we dressed in orange.

Thalia was dressed in hot pink, and while a bit neurotic, we found she had the kindest heart of all the children. Even though she was young, she always did her hardest to cheer anyone up when they were sad.

With four children on our hands, things were suddenly a blur of birthdays and homework and potty training. Somewhere along the way, though, I’d just stopped being nervous. I could deal. At least we weren’t two people in a shack with triplets. Mum assured me that I had no reason to envy her that at all.

[Author’s note: Namey fun!

Kleio (in English usually Clio): One of the nine muses, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Kleio is the muse of history.

Thalia: Another of the muses, she’s the muse of comedy and idyllic poetry.

If I hated myself, it would be fun to have a sim have nine kids named after all the muses but ha ha ha, no.]

Offline notjustabook

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #51 on: September 10, 2013, 07:28:45 AM »
0.1. What Could Have Been

Okay, so because I have the StoryProgression mod installed, the other Ithaca sisters have a pretty big family now, and I won't really have time to cover them in the story. So - for funsies, I moved the big other branch of the Ithacas to another town, aged up all their babies and took some pictures of them!

This is kind of spoilers, in the sense that these kids are born in my game but not where the story is, but it's probably the only chance I get to show them off. So, here we go:

We all know that Aërope was married to Zakary and had Jedediah, and here he is:

This poor guy always ages up bald and has done so since his toddler years - it doesn't suit him at all, but he really looks quite handsome with his read hair.

Aëy and Zakary's second son is called Clint. Not bad either. Still - not quite as handsome as Hector, I think ;)

This is their only daughter, Jaimee - the poor thing is horribly glitched. Something went wrong when she aged from baby to toddler, so she looks quite bad. However, I managed to age her up into a pretty young adult (though she's hovering in the air). She has those green eyes that I covet so much, yet they never show up on any sim I pick for heir... *sigh*.

Ariadne finally married, too - I think she only married and had a kid after she grew up into an adult, and she married this guy, currently called Sedrick Ithaca-Willis:

And this is their daughter, Shaunna:

And what's up with how gorgeous she turns out?? Look at that girl! So pretty! Nice handing down of genes there, Ariadne.

And this concludes the other girls' children. In my game, one's a teen, one a child, one a (terribly glitched) toddler, and Shaunna's just a baby. But I was too excited to not show them off.
All in all, though, I'm glad I went for Passie for heir. With her kids you're going to have to wait, though ;)

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Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #52 on: September 10, 2013, 11:06:38 AM »
Twins! Omg, so many babies in that house. Passie, put a dang cork in it!

The boys in that family are pretty handsome, but I'm sure Hector will beat them out. The daughter though... yikes. But Ariadne's girl is gorgeous. I love that hair. Also, what kind of computer are you running? Your game looks gorgeous.

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #53 on: September 10, 2013, 01:48:41 PM »
Oooo, the other branch of the family is looking good!  I keep waking back and forth with getting a story progression mod for my legacy but I'm really paranoid I'll need up my Dynasty by doing so...

Offline notjustabook

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #54 on: September 10, 2013, 03:42:51 PM »
Twins! Omg, so many babies in that house. Passie, put a dang cork in it!

The boys in that family are pretty handsome, but I'm sure Hector will beat them out. The daughter though... yikes. But Ariadne's girl is gorgeous. I love that hair. Also, what kind of computer are you running? Your game looks gorgeous.

You make it sound like she has a choice *evil mastermind laughter*
He sure will. The poor, glitchy girl unfortunately got Aërope's features... they're... unfortunate.
I... don't know how to respond to the computer thing without sounding like a total amateur :P *cough*

Oooo, the other branch of the family is looking good!  I keep waking back and forth with getting a story progression mod for my legacy but I'm really paranoid I'll need up my Dynasty by doing so...

They don't look too bad, do they? :D
I don't want to play without the mod anymore - it just feels empty and sad when the kids don't have kids. Jedediah (I think it was) even started dating a girl in his teen years ^_^
But I can see how you feel about it. I'm also a bit afraid it'll make my game run slower... luckily, some other mods are keeping that in check so far :P

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2013, 04:05:35 PM »
You make it sound like she has a choice *evil mastermind laughter*
He sure will. The poor, glitchy girl unfortunately got Aërope's features... they're... unfortunate.
I... don't know how to respond to the computer thing without sounding like a total amateur :P *cough*

hahha, Do you know what graphics card you have? Or what your processor is? (Usually intel i3, i5, or i7). If you don't know, that's okay! I'm just curious because it runs your sims so great!

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2013, 05:17:16 PM »
I just started reading today but your sims are so beautiful! Reading these legacy stories make me want to start my own, even though I kind of stink at writing :p. Gotta love story progression mods though, hm?

Offline notjustabook

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #57 on: September 11, 2013, 01:03:20 AM »
hahha, Do you know what graphics card you have? Or what your processor is? (Usually intel i3, i5, or i7). If you don't know, that's okay! I'm just curious because it runs your sims so great!

Intel i5 it looks like, and the graphics card seems like it's a Nvidia Geforce something something (*tries to pretend that I didn't have to Google to find all this out*)

I just started reading today but your sims are so beautiful! Reading these legacy stories make me want to start my own, even though I kind of stink at writing :p. Gotta love story progression mods though, hm?

Thank you so much and thanks for reading! :D
Oh, I encourage you to give it a try - I started writing mine because of the same thing. All those lovely legacies everywhere! And fortunately, the writing isn't as important in a legacy story as in just a book or something - in my humble opinion :) And yeah - story progression mods are the best!

Offline notjustabook

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #58 on: September 11, 2013, 03:28:03 AM »
2.9. Too Many Birthdays

In those days, everything and nothing happened all at once. We all helped each other to teach the girls to make sure that they would learn all their vital skills. Mum seemed especially eager, and one night confided that she blamed herself that I’d had a hard time as a kid.

“That’s just silly,” I told her and she shot me an insecure smile.

But she still worked hard with the girls, teaching them and caring for them as much as she could.

Hector, too, took his share of the burden. A bottle here and there or a game of peek-a-boo was something that just seemed to please him. He assured me he didn’t mind – and we all knew he had a soft spot for all his little sisters.

First in a whole line of birthdays was Penelope’s. She grew up into a gorgeous kid, with a slightly unfortunate tendency to “end up with” other people’s belongings in her pockets. We weren’t really sure what to do about that when we found out… Even if she tried to appease us by promising that she’d always give them back.

Hector and Junior’s birthdays came shortly after. Junior didn’t change much, even though he did complain about his wrinkles until we had him sent to therapy – midlife crisis averted. And he promised that didn’t really mean it when he talked about getting a very expensive car.

Hector turned out to be quite the handsome boy. He was both brave and much too fond of the couch – and he was perceptive and a natural in the kitchen.

If you think the birthdays were over, you’re wrong.

Our dear old doggie was starting to look grey, but was still a kind hearted old dog – with an adventurous streak he’d only developed in the last couple of years.

And finally…

In between inventing and tending to four kids, I had my birthday as well. A mature and responsible adult at last.

… well, mostly.

[Author’s note: Wow, a lazy update, sorry about that. But having those four kids was really hard. Don’t I ever learn – I can’t deal with all these kids!
I'm really on a roll with updates, though, and I've finished taking/editing photos for all of gen 2 and will start writing the last couple of chapters soon.]

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Re: The Ithaca Legacy
« Reply #59 on: September 11, 2013, 02:11:42 PM »
Aww, Passie! Don't get old. We love you! Kleio reminds me a bit of Aey. Maybe it's the orange? Haha. Did you mention who's going to be the heir yet? Do you know? Are you making all the heirs girls? Am I asking too many questions?

Also, thanks for the computer stuff! I seem to be running similar. I think my game just doesn't like me as much as yours likes you. (I had to underclock my card. :( Basically, without making you google it, it means, I have my card running slower so that it will render the game more efficiently, but just means the card isn't working up to it's capabilities.)

ANYway, great update, Louise!

