Author Topic: No option to marry romantic interest?  (Read 5672 times)

Offline Darstan64

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No option to marry romantic interest?
« on: June 21, 2013, 08:54:50 AM »
Hi again,

Another question if anyone knows, my sim has a wish to marry and has only one romantic interest who is also the father of her baby but the option is just not coming up at all.  I saw an option earlier in my game for propose going steady but never saw it again.  I'm doing the wishes legacy so have to just follow only the wishes that come up.  Her romantic interest doesn't seem to be asking her to move in or propose going steady/marriage or anything and my sim is at the end of her life span now.  Actually she's going over it even though I have it set to normal which is 90 days.  So I'm expecting any day now for the grim reaper to come.  She lives alone with the baby so what would happen with the baby when she does pass on?

Thanks for any help :)

Offline Turoskel

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Re: No option to marry romantic interest?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2013, 09:13:23 AM »
An npc asking you to move in is pretty rare now, it used to happen to my sims a lot more in the past.

Also they will never ask you to go steady or propose, unless you mod the game to allow it to be autonomous, for those options to show up on your sim they have to be at extremely irresistible, is it not showing up even then? and is your sim his only romantic interest? perhaps he already has a girlfriend hence no option.

Having played this challenge there is a little leeway, she wishes to marry him and in order to do so they have to go steady, the 'go steady with' wish does exist as my self sim has rolled it at least twice for her other half in a couple of games but it's super rare, so to marry them you will have to propose going steady first even if she hasn't wished for it.

As for life span even on normal it's not 90 days and you die, one of my dynasty spares lived for 110 days, if she is 90 just how old is the child? you are calling it a baby but surely it is older than baby by now, I know teens can live alone as I do that all the time, not sure about children, I think it might be game over in that case.

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Offline Darstan64

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Re: No option to marry romantic interest?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2013, 12:01:24 PM »
Yes, the extremely irrestible option has come up a few times but still with no option to propose going steady at all.  No, the male sim has no partner either.

The baby is aging up to toddler now because I got a message saying it will be the baby's birthday and to go buy a cake.

Thats about it, if the game is over thats fine.  It was a lot of fun.  I really enjoy playing this game where you have to follow the wishes.  Now I'll just wait for the grim reaper to come and see how it plays out.  This will be very interesting lol Thanks for your help :)