When you go to this page and choose download. What exactly happens? You said a window pops up. Before you hit any buttons, what does it say?
What browser do you use? Internet explorer, firefox, chrome, opera?
First pop up says:
'Do you want to allow this website to open a program on your computer?
From: store.thesims3.com
Program: Sims 3 Launcher Starter Application
Address: sims3://download/?ofbId=OFB-SIM3:23468&encryptedAuthToken=INbCdD6FA
Then has options of 'Allow' & 'Cancel'
Choose 'Allow' and the following comes up:
A website wants to open web content using this program on your computer
Name: Sims 3 Launcher Starter Application
Publisher: Electronic Arts
'Allow' or 'Don't allow'
Thank you for trying to help me with this.
Sorry just realised I didn't say, I' using Internet explorer thanks again