Author Topic: Making the Valley Licious - Super Special Treat for Readers  (Read 57733 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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Welcome to the Licious Life States Dynasty.   This dynasty is already done.  It was started 12 days ago and finished this afternoon.  The entire game was played 90% on speed 3 with a few speed 2s and a pause every now and then.     Since I have already completed the dynasty, I'm going to post the statistics and give you guys a short story to go with it over the next couple of days.    It will not be a large saga as this game was purely done for fun and speed just to see how fast I could get it done. 

I dedicate this dynasty to Vinyl and the Fyings as well as Gwendy and Drizzelda for just pure inspiration when making my new founder.

Special thanks to Dek, Wiry and Thomas for trying to help me think of names. 

The Skin & Bones of it All

Bubble Licious
Generation: One
Life State: Normal
Traits: Loner, Avant Garde, Couch Potato, Artistic, Grumpy, Family-Oriented (rebel)
1 Best Friend: Bradan MacGrath (vamp)
2 Career Objects: Frosted Door, Trophy for Solving 3 Cases
3 Unique Opps: Commisioned Street Art, Clear Your Name!, Big Business Mixer
4 Unique LTRs: Better Mixologist, Inheritance, Long Distance Friend, Always on the List
5 Unique Wishes: Master Street Art Skill, Marry Sean, Master Mixology Skill, Create 20 New Drinks, Have First Child
6 Skill Challenges: Master Muralist, Precision Sprayer, Always Wanted, Master of Mood, Cool Creator, Poseidon
7 Mausoleum Pieces: Street Art Pieces

Berry Licious
Generation: Two
Life State: Fairy
Traits: Heavy Sleeper, Excitable, Eccentric, Friendly, Irresistible, Family-Oriented (nerd)
1 Best Friend:  Peanut (IF)
2 Career Objects: Honor Trophy for 10 Widgets, Medal for Time Machine
3 Unique Opps: Standing in to Save the World, Hygienated Hijinks, Master Invention
4 Unique LTRs: Efficient Inventor, Fireproof Homestead, No Bills Ever, Queen of the Fae
5 Unique Wishes: Master Inventing Skill, Build a Time Machine, Detonate 50 Objects, Detonate 100 Objects, Marry Riley
6 Skill Challenges: Widget Wonder, Diabolical Detonator, The Scrap Collector, The Ultimate Invention, Gem Collector, Metal Collector
7 Mausoleum Pieces: Robot Toys
Toddler Requirements: BF Status [X] / Skills - Xylophone & Peg Box
Child Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Opportunity - Quest for the Lead
Teen Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Epitah Writer [X] / RI - LeShawn Belcher

Mal Licious
Generation: Three
Life State: Witch
Traits: Clumsy, Evil, Genius, Ambitious, Couch Potato, Lucky (nerd)
1 Best Friend: Mil Licious (fairy)
2 Career Objects: Honor Trophy for 15 Spirits, Ghost Hunter's Spirit Medal
3 Unique Opps: Riddle Away, Stimulating Experiment, Fixing Celestial Stump
4 Unique LTRs: Flying Vacuum, Magic Hands, Philosopher's Stone, Hover Bed
5 Unique Wishes: Discover All Potions, Win 5 Ranked Chess Matches in a Row, Marry Susie, Master Bass Skill, Earn 5k in Bass Tips
6 Skill Challenges: Grand Master, Master Chemist, Teacher Extraordinaire, Skill Professor, Celestial Explorer, Master Bassist
7 Mausoleum Pieces: Chemistry Potions
Toddler Requirements: BF Status [X] / Skills -  Xylophone & Logic Books
Child Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Opportunity - Stinky Bugs
Teen Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Epitah Writer [X] / RI - Kendall Ashton

Dee Licious
Generation: Four
Life State: Werewolf
Traits: Friendly, Hydrophobic, Computer Whiz, Party Animal, Nurturing, Good Sense of Humor (nerd)
1 Best Friend:  Breandan O'Shea (werewolf)
2 Career Objects: Sculpting Certificate, Sculpting Medal for §25k
3 Unique Opps: Larger Than Necessary Doorstop, Help the School, Sims on Ice
4 Unique LTRs: Alpha Wolf, Map to the Stars, Jetsetter, Body Sculptor
5 Unique Wishes: Master Sculpting Skill, Make a Masterpiece Sculpture, Earn §10k Sculpting, Earn §20k Sculpting, Marry Jefferson
6 Skill Challenges: Chiselmeister, Ice Personality, Prolific Sculptor, Master Sculptor, Professional Greeter, Money Maker (Drums)
7 Mausoleum Pieces: Sculptures
Toddler Requirements: BF Status [X] / Skills - Writing Books & Painting Books
Child Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Opportunity - Ballet Recital
Teen Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Epitah Writer [X] / RI - Liam Norris

Fanga Licious
Generation:  Five
Life State: Vampire
Traits: Easily Impressed, Absent-Minded, Light Sleeper, Mean-Spirited, Workaholic, Artistic (nerd)
1 Best Friend: Dee-A Licious (werewolf)
2 Career Objects: Painting Certificate, Painting Ribbon for §25k
3 Unique Opps: Interior Decor,  Local Artists Gallery, Free the Genie
4 Unique LTRs: Extra Creative, Immortal, Learned Relic Hunter, The Hustler
5 Unique Wishes: Master Painting Skill, Level 10 of the Painter Career, Earn §5k in Guitar Tips, Paint Something Worth §3500, Marry Tucker
6 Skill Challenges: Proficient Painter, Master Painter, Brushmaster, Money Maker (Guitar), Master Guitarist, Amatuer Rock Finder
7 Mausoleum Pieces: Paintings
Toddler Requirements: BF Status [X] / Skills - Xylophone & Paint Books
Child Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Opportunity - Research Supermarket
Teen Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Epitah Writer [X] / RI - Lavar Burnett

Wisha Licious
Generation: Six
Life State: Genie
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Hydrophobic, Dog Person, Green Thumb, Family-Oriented, Supernatural Fan (nerd)
1 Best Friend: Obgu Xi'Cokemeq (alien)
2 Career Objects: Gardening Certificate, Gardening Trophy for §25k
3 Unique Opps: Absolutely Great Produce, Some Fine Crepes, That's Outstanding!
4 Unique LTRs: Super Green Thumb, Born to Cook, Food Replicator, Competitive Eater
5 Unique Wishes: Grow Perfect Life Fruit, Master Cookign Skill, Marry Hugh, Earn §5k in Piano Tips, Master Piano Skill
6 Skill Challenges: Master Planter, Botanical Boss, Master Farmer, Menu Maven, Star Chef, World-Class Chef
7 Mausoleum Pieces: Produce
Toddler Requirements: BF Status [X] / Skills - Painting Books & Writing Books
Child Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Opportunity - Badging Ceremony
Teen Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Epitah Writer [X] / RI - Willie Waldrop

Boo-T Licious
Generation: Seven
Life State: Old Age Ghost
Traits: Evil, Brave, Party Animal, Irresistible, Nurturing
1 Best Friend: Delvin Shoemaker (vampire)
2 Career Objects: Nectar Making Certificate, Nectar Making Trophy for §25k
3 Unique Opps: Best in Show Competition, Merging Towards Overtime, Horse Jump Power Hour
4 Unique LTRs: Prepared Traveler, Raised by Wolves, Perfect Host, Professional Slacker
5 Unique Wishes: Own 5 Venues, Own 7 Venues, Master Handiness Skill, Master Nectar Making Skill, Master Athletic Skill
6 Skill Challenges: Personable, Celebrity, Everybody's Best Friend, Super Friendly, Plumber, Electrician
7 Mausoleum Pieces: Nectar Bottles
Toddler Requirements: BF Status [X] / Skills - Writing Books & Xylophone
Child Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Opportunity - Pile of Permission Slips
Teen Requirements: Honor Roll [X] / Epitah Writer [X] / RI - Niki Castellanos
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 10:39:53 PM »
And so the story begins...

It's not really an extraordinary beginning as it begins just like all the others with a single, beautiful founder with her perfectly chosen traits.

"Wrong.  This is a Life States Dynasty.  They were randomed."   

Oh sorry.  *clears throat*  ..with a single, beautiful founder with her randomly chosen traits trying to make the best out of her severe lack of cash.

"Wrong again. " 
What now? 
"Seven thousand simoleons hardly qualifies for a severe lack of cash."

Fine.  *clears throat* ..with a single, beautiful founder with her randomly chosen traits trying to make the best out of the small endowment she's been given.   We turn now to get a glimpse at this fair maiden.

"You know.. You just can't get it right." 
What now? 
"Fair Maiden?  I don't think so.  She's a princess!" 
Aren't they all?
"Of course, every little girl is Daddy's Princess but this one really is."

Alright Alright.. *gargles water, clears throat* with a single, beautiful founder with her randomly chosen traits trying to make the best out of the small endowment she's been given.  We turn now to get a glimpse at this wondrous princess.

"Oh Man.. You did no research for this gig."
Does it show?
"Oh yeah."
Wait where is the photo for the founder?
"Whoops.  My Bad."

Holy Carl.. What is that!?
"That's Princess Bubble."
It's name is Bubble?!
"Yep.   Meet Bubble Licious."
Why didn't you keep correcting me for getting it wrong?
"Hey, who am I to judge? For all I knew you liked getting trolly with it."
*cracks, makes weird noises, odd stare occurs while twitching*
"Meh.  Who needed you anyway.  So this is who it all starts with.   A little lady fresh from the throne and ready to get busy. Whoop Whoop."
"Ok so it was a little much.  You going to do your job or do I need to keep going?"
I'm a professional.  I think I can do this.
"That's the spirit.  Keep thinking about the money.  You need to take a break?  You seem to have made a mess of yourself."
Yes, let's take a break.     

To Be Continued...
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline Niana

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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 11:07:50 PM »
Oh my gosh, Rica, I'm losing count of the number of dynasties you have finished/have on the go!

What a cool unique-looking founder ! Can't wait to see pictures of the future generations :)

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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2013, 11:11:54 PM »
First off, congrats on finishing!

Second off, I had to stave off a real-life laugh after reading the name of the last heir. That's all sorts of clever!
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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2013, 11:21:46 PM »
I will be reading. As I have said.  8)
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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2013, 11:32:13 PM »
I can't wait to read more.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2013, 12:43:36 AM »
All the names are so fun! I look forward to reading more. You did it so fast! How long did it take in game?
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By samoht04

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2013, 12:47:07 AM »
Generation 7 got his last opportunity on Week 32, Day 3 and finished.    He was actually the easiest one. 
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2013, 12:51:19 AM »
Wow. That is fast. I think that's faster than Rose finished hers and she was only generation 2! Definitely going for speed here. I'm very impressed!
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By samoht04

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2013, 12:55:20 AM »
"You sure you're ready?"
I'm a professional.  I can handle this.. whatever this is.
"It's a dynasty like all the others."
Don't you even give me that line.  I finally did some research and I know better. 
"Well she's waiting for you to tell her story."
What exactly is she a princess of anyway?
"If that's not obvious then I'm not telling you."
Be that way.
"As if I would be any other way."

And so the story truly begins with our..princess who was chosen to invade the new land of Dragon Valley. 

"You're doing it all wrong."
Excuse me?
"You're acting like this is just a story.  It's not just a story.  She didn't just get chosen."
Oh right.  She's being made to do it.   See?  It's just like most of the others.
"You're fired."
You can't fire me.
"I just did.. Get."
You'll be hearing from my lawyer.
"Go ahead.  Sue me.  I dare you.  I'm going to give this family a proper telling befitting their lineage."


There once was a lady named Bubble
Who loved to get into trouble
Like setting fire to her father, King Rubble

"You've become something I can't handle.
It's actually quite a scandal.
I'm tempted to hit you with my sandal."

Fearful was she for he had big feet
So quickly she tried to retreat
Which only put her back on the hot seat

"I think it's time I send you away.
Maybe then you'll stop all this play.
There will be no coming back until you live our way."

"I want you out of here on the double."
Roared the Great King Rubble
"Don't forget the razor for your stubble."

And that is how Bubble began her story
I wish it was more gory
But not everything can be as good as my glory

On her travels a friend she did meet,
who made her laugh and her blood heat,
but when she confessed this, he turned elite

"With you?! No way" He did exclaim.
"I'm a founder on the way to gain my fame.
I can't have the likes of you carrying my name."

Not her, he said.
Oh she saw red.
Next thing she knew.. he was dead.

 And what before her wondering eyes did appear
A miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.

"Whoops wrong story."

And what before her wondering eyes did appear
A man in black with a nectar filled bandolier
and a backpack full of camping gear

Creepy music filled the night
to add to the strangeness of the sight
that kept Bubble from taking flight.

A slingblade suddenly appeared in his hand
as one long finger beckoned the body to stand.
As the ghost rose up, she began to understand.

The reaper finished his business with the founder
And turned his cold stare to watch her flounder
Finally he asked.  "Why kill the bounder?"

Stubbled chin thrust towards the sky
as her brain debated telling a lie.
Finally she said. "It's like this, McFly."

Before she knew it, she had said the whole thing
from the fire to the verdict to the nightly fling
And of course about the neck which she did wring

By the time she was done, he was rolling on the floor
Holding his ribs crying out he was sore
Then he told her of another way to even the score.

On and on, he did droll
About a dynasty and it's ultimate goal
and how these founders play a role

Dynasty challenges of which there are three
Where working hard and diligence is key
and of course there's lots of whoopee

"Are they all so shallow?" was her query
The look he gave was only slightly eerie
but his answer was a little weary.

"Being a founder usually means good looks,
unless you come from one of the Twinbrooks.
Or you're that fat guy Colt Brooks."

"Watchers like having something nice to look at,
Much like a troll enjoys having something to gnaw at.
This guy just happened to have the brains of a gnat."

"He was on his way down to the new Dragon Valley
It not being approved was his only reason to dally.
His traits were randomed and it just happened he was a Snob Sally."

"Why have I never heard of this type of challenge before?"
The thought of it all had him back on the floor
which only worked her temper so she hit him with an oar.

"Your kind is reclusive and prefers to stay unseen,
All of your holes are disgusting and unclean
Most people would rather spend time inside the latrine."

"Before you hit me, let me just say.
You know my words are true about the troll way.
But maybe today is your lucky day."

"Dragon Valley's gates will soon be unlocked.
The plans of one watcher have already been socked.
Go take the place of the man who mocked.

Here is his money and the property deed.
Go to the valley, it's what you need
Do it the troll way and make up for your misdeed."

When put like that she could not argue
Not unless she wanted to be blue
So here she is at her debut.

Not a pitchfork in sight as she claims the land. 
With only a little cash and spray can in hand
A dynsty founder most unplanned.

Ok the rhyming has to got to go
It's making this update way too slow
And there are a lot of pictures left to show.

Our daring and unique little founder had entirely too much fun her first day.  With several skill points under her belt and the light fading away.  She realized now would probably be a good time to build shelter.   So she built the only kind she really knew how.

What I like to call... a troll hole.

And I leave you with a shot of the most appropriately vamped out townie ever.

Until next time.. and hopefully the rhyming isn't nearly as bad as I think it is.  I just couldn't stop.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2013, 01:01:18 AM »
I thought the rhyming was great! I was impressed how long you kept it up. I agree that the Evil sister (I forget her name) makes a most appropriate vampire. It just wouldn't have worked as well if she were turned into anything else. That bit in the beginning firing the narrator was pretty great as well.
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By samoht04

Offline Pyro0001

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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2013, 04:42:42 AM »
Great start Rica! The poem section was great. Your founder is very...interesting! I can't believe you completed a whole dynasty in 12 days! Dragon Valley seems really cool, I would definitely buy it if I had more SimPoints.
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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2013, 07:38:19 AM »
I cracked up when I read "a miniature sleigh with eight tiny reindeer!" And the argument between your narrator and the Voice of Truth was great, too. But poor Dragon Valley to have Bubble Licious move in.
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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2013, 04:19:46 PM »
Oh, Rica, what a great laugh!  The whole thing, Bubble, the names, the poem!  Brilliant, my friend, brilliant.
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Re: Making the Valley Licious
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2013, 04:53:06 PM »
An amazing story for some amazing Sims! :D I still can't believe you flew through this so quickly!  :o
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