Author Topic: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty - Failed  (Read 9259 times)

Offline aargpirates

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Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty - Failed
« on: June 14, 2013, 12:06:16 AM »

My first go at the immortal dynasty.  I decided to combine my love of the Sims with my love of all things piratical.  So I'm really looking forward to a rollicking, swashbuckling adventure here.
From my first research I noticed that very few people had given Barnacle Bay a spin (and already I can understand why.)
So wish me luck!

I decided to go with a cook to begin with, and hopefully snag some helpers along the way to help with gardening / fishing etc etc.
I couldn't go past Long John Silver as the inspiration.  Treasure Island was originally called the Sea Cook so for me it was a no brainer.

And here he is!

I'm tracking my progress below.  Or... read the ship's log as it unfolds.

Long John Mehearty
LTW Celebrated 5 Star Chef
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Culinary Career
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Cooking Super Max
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Ambitious, Born Salesman, Charismatic, Natural Cook, Perfectionist
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Lifetime Rewards
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Real Estate
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Best Friends
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Mad Bart Mehearty
LTW Visionary
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Career TBA
Painting Super Max
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Insane, Photographer's Eye, Artistic, Party Animal
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Lifetime Rewards
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Real Estate
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I named Mad Bart after Bartholemew Roberts.  A particularly blood thirsty mongrel who terrorised the Carribean, the Americas and event the coast of Africa before being shot in the throat. 
"No.  A merry life and a short one." Was his motto.

Next up, Chapter 1 - Shipwrecked!

Offline aargpirates

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 12:07:23 AM »

And fast through the midnight dark and drear,
Through the whistling sleet and snow,
Like a sheeted ghost, the vessel swept
Towards the reef of Norman's Woe.

The breakers were right beneath her bows,
She drifted a dreary wreck,
And a whooping billow swept the crew
Like icicles from her deck.

- The Wreck of the Hesperus, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Ship's Log - Day 1
Thank Davey Jones I have survived, but over 100 souls didn't.
The Storm continues unabated, but I cling to life on this desolate rock breathe the salt air of the sea.
To the wreck of the mighty Hesperus, I will rebuild you.
You were my ship, my home and my constant companion.
If it takes me eight lifetimes.  I will rebuild you.  This is my solemn vow.

But first......

I spy a light on the hill overlooking my headland and waste no time.
The lightning is getting stronger now and I do not want to be caught out here overnight.
Avast!  It's a palatial manor house, finer than any I've seen.
This may very well be a fine spot of plunder.

The door is answered by a small child, Kidd Goldbeard and I consider throwing him in my duffle bag to act as a cabin boy, but there is no time.
I am famished by my trials and raid the pantry while he looks on dumbfounded.

Alas his entire family returns before I have a chance to pilfer an ornament, or even a chicken leg and I am cast out onto the street.  Far below, I can see the lights of Barnacle Bay.
I decide then and there that I shall pose as a sea cook to gather information from these simple land lubbers.  If I am to replace my crew, it will take guile.
Luckily for me, there seems to be a local fair in town.  I waste no time in plying my trade.

But I still need shelter.  The rain will not stop, and I wander the streets drenched to the bone.

And then she is there.  A vision.  Standing in the rain clad in the myriad colours of the rainbow Juliet Verona.  The finest wench I have seen in all my long years.

We waste no time in getting acquainted.  But then there's a knock at the door....

The wench has a beau!  Alec Trebo No wonder she was such a good kisser. 

I use the old pirate adage.  Take Everything.  Give nothing back!  And up the ante considerably.

Which annoys the poor land lubber to no end.

Seems I have myself a Ship Wife!

Next....  Scouring the Wreckage.

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 06:02:59 AM »
Yay!  Pirates!  Lots of luck!
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Offline Pyro0001

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2013, 04:24:02 AM »
Hooray, a pirate themed Immortal Dynasty! Long John is ceratainly an interesting founder! I'll definitley be following this :)
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2013, 10:16:21 AM »
Very cool!  Love the pirate theme!  Arrrr matey!  I apologize in advance for any bad pirate impersonations XD

Offline aargpirates

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2013, 02:45:14 AM »
Thanks so much for your support! 
It's been a mad couple of days as I frantically try and get things set up before Long John gets to Adult.  Juliet has pretty much been flat out sculpting so I can get an ice sculpture lined up before his birthday.  It will be tight.  but thanks to Potent Invigorating Elixers from the alchemy store, I think I'll make it..... just.

I also copped a nasty bug where the game would crash every time I added a wall to my lot.  Thankfully it seems to have fixed itself but I had a couple of hair pulling hours until then.

Anyways on with the show....

Chapter 2 - Scouring the Wreckage!

Ships Log - Day 3.  I feel drawn to this cape.  The place of my salvation, where I struggled ashore from the wreck only days ago.
The storm has passed, and the sun dries my sodden clothes and warms my skin.
Returning to the cape, I stumbled on the local surgeon Moe Pesce.

A ship is only as good as it's surgeon, so I offered the lad terms.  He happily joined my crew on a promise of adventure and plunder and brought his......

Dogs!  Great masticating mongrels!  Two fiendish hounds!  We had barely enough meager provisions to survive as it was. 

Doctor Moe assured me the hounds could provide for themselves so I reluctantly agreed to let them stay..... until we were ready to set sail.

Wasting no time, I set my new crewman to work.  He would be responsible for provisioning our camp and preparing for the repairs of the Hesperus.
I left Moe in search of driftwood and coconuts and headed back into Barnacle Bay.  I needed more crew, and funds to replace my treasure lost at sea.

As luck would have it, there was a visiting ship from Twin Brook and likely to remain ashore for some months.

I offered my services to Captain Hogan and immediately started work in the Galley.

Returning to the cliffs of my salvation, I was pleasantly surprised to see the fruits of the good doctor's endeavors.  It seems I underestimated his skill with hammer and saw.

By now I had sent for my ship's wife.  A women on board can be treacherous with the men, and I insisted she change from her land lubber garb so she could remain unnoticed by our ship mates.

Our ruse would not last long.  Within days, the wench was in pain so I sent for the surgeon. 

It seems our dalliance had produced something unexpected.  A boy!

The lad wasted no time in caterwauling like old Nick himself.
I named him Mad Bartholemew after an old ship mate and headed to my quarters, but it seems I will be allowed no peace while the brat remains.

His yelps continued through the night until I could bear it no longer. 

Slipping from my bunk I couldn't help but notice a strange green glow from my port hole.

Saint Elmo's Fire!  The unholy green glow charmed me like a siren and I was drawn under its spell....

I do not remember anything else of the night, 'cept a strange creature who vanished as soon as it appeared, leaving me back on dry land.

All I know is I had an overwhelming need for my monthly bath.

As of now, the crew is settling in.  The surgeon is gaining some success with his modest garden plot.

The Ship's wife has been working on a new figurehead for the Hesperus. 

Although I am not convinced that ice is the best choice of material, she is insistent that eventually, it will be more durable than wood.

The hounds have perfected their sense of smell and have unearthed all sorts of booty from digging around the cliffs and nearby beaches.

And I continue to ply my trade at Captain Hogan's request.

Yesterday the lad celebrated his first birthday, although the caterwauling has not abated.

I am at least endeavoring to teach him to speak.  I have agreed with his mother to allow him to remain as cabin boy if he learns to pipe down.

"First you steal the gold jewelry"                                    "Then the silver cutlery"                        "Silver cutlery?"   "Aye... Silver Cutlery"

Next!  A Mysterious Cave!

Offline Pyro0001

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2013, 05:50:17 AM »
Welcome to the world Mad Bartholemew! He's very cute, even if he does cry a lot. I can't wait to see him as a child.
The Bertone Immortal Dynasty | Pyro's Studio

'You know what they call Quarter Pounders in Paris? Royale with Cheese.' - Vincent Vega, Pulp Fiction

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2013, 11:57:32 AM »
Awww!  Nooboo!  Hehehe, LOVE John Silver's voice.  Truly sounds like a pirate ^^

Offline aargpirates

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2013, 12:20:49 AM »
Well and truly into it now, so much so I'm way behind on posting here. 
Long John is almost to the point where he can eat Ambrosia and become an immortal.
I have to say, I'm kinda over sculpture and painting right now, I had a mad panic that I wouldn't get it done in time and had 3 sims levelling it at the same time for days. 
I am still a bit concerned about how I manage to sculpt and paint Mad Bart as an elder given I have made him my sculptor and painter and I'm a bit worried that Juliet will pass on before she can finish.  I'm really reluctant to go again with another sim.  Can anyone advise me on the timing of this?

Dogs are freakin awesome.  They were a complete accident coming into my family, but I am so pleased that they came.  I've made over 300,000 simoleons from finding gems and ores, they have really made life easy with furniture and moodlets.

Doc Moe also snagged the moodlet manager which means that my sims haven't had to sleep in weeks, makes it much easier to supermax those skills.

Anyhoo, I'm loving this challenge, so absorbing.  Hopefully I'll remember to keep taking screenshots.

On with the Show!

Chapter 3 - The Mysterious Cave!

Ships Log - Day 13. 

Work on the Hesperus is advancing.  Surgeon Moe has excelled himself in scavenging the wreckage and my Ship's wife Juliet is acting as carpenter, fashioning furniture and fittings from the nearby woods.

The lad, Mad Bart is living up to his namesake, and growing larger every day.  The boy is a fool, and is proving next to useless as a cabin boy. 

Surgeon Moe has taken a shining to the lad, and he spends most days in the company of Moe or his mother, which is fine by me.  Apparently he has had a birthday, but I have lost interest.  It seems he was not born with sea air in his nostrils.

I just hope he is less dim witted as he grows.

The lad spends his time tormenting me,

when he is not following his mother in useless artistic endeavours.

When I am not dreaming of the open sea, the stranger in the sky haunts my memories.  A few nights ago, I was surveying the grounds when it happened again....

My assignment with Captain Hogan progresses and I am being accepted as one of his crew.  If my family continues to disappoint, I may be forced to overthrow their officers and take to the sea in the Diner.  The Ship's wife has been complaining that my time away has affected my girth, but I haven't noticed.

My dreams are getting progressively worse, and I am starting to question my sanity.  By Neptune's Bloody Breath!  I swear it feels as if it were all real...

Waking from the nightmare, I found myself dazed and strangely drawn to a siren's call outside.

An unearthly green glow filled the sky, and the siren's song beckoned me on to a strange copse on the cliff.  How is it that I hadn't noticed it here before?

There, behind some ancient rocks was a darkened cave.  My curiosity knew no bounds, I had to look inside.

Avast!  A secret passage...

Author's Note - I can't believed I learned athletics from opening that door... doh!

By the Kraken's right nostril!  Inside was a cache of supplies, a writing desk, a dusty tome and a strange skull.

I sat down and started to read...

Next... The Journal of Deadly Selkirk!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2013, 12:33:58 AM »
Oooo!  Mysteries!  This is really cool!  I don't have Barnacle Bay (Yet...) and so it's really cool to see what it's like ^^

Also, as far as your timing goes.  How old is Juliet compared to Long John?

Offline aargpirates

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2013, 02:10:43 AM »
Juliet is exactly  the same age and Mad Bart was born on Day 6 of Young Adult.  I'm hoping Mad Bart gets to elder while Juliet is still around.  I might get her jogging to extend her life a little.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2013, 02:14:34 AM »
A long a she's the same age, it'll be fine ^^.  Even if she didn't make it into the 90's, shouldn't be a problem.  As soon a he turns elder, just get his portrait and sculpture right after.

Offline aargpirates

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2013, 06:44:57 AM »
Waaaaugh! all my photos reset!

Cheers Shewolf, fingers crossed.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2013, 12:44:04 PM »
Reset?  What do you mean?

Offline aargpirates

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Re: Avast Ye Scurvy Dogs - Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2013, 06:14:43 PM »
I had moved all my images to a different folder in Photobucket.  They decided to move themselves back which meant all my links were broken.  All good, fixed now.

