Author Topic: Misterious "roommate" - can't kick him out  (Read 5492 times)


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Misterious "roommate" - can't kick him out
« on: June 12, 2013, 10:08:35 PM »
Something weird is going on with my game. A random sim appeared at my sims' home while I wasn't watching, and he has stayed there for two days already. I can't kick him out or ask him to leave. He sleeps on the couch and wanders around the house the whole day, doing nothing. In the relationships panel there's a new symbol I had never seen before that says something like "roommate" (my game is in spanish so that might not be the exact translation), but he's not a household member and I can't select him as an active sim.

 I have all the expansion packs up to Supernatural, but I don't have Seasons and University Life... but I know there are roommates in UL, so could it be a glitch from the UL patch? Is there a solution? I was thinking I could move the whole household but I want to try to avoid that, if there's another solution. Any ideas? I already tried resetSim, didn't work.

 I haven't been playing Sims at all for the last 6 months or so due to technical problems so I'm kind of outdated about new glitches and bugs...  ???


Offline Skilletnap

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Re: Mysterious "roommate" - can't kick him out
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2013, 11:13:13 PM »
Have you tried enabling testingcheats, and shift+clicking him, then adding him to the household? You would have control over this Sim and be able to make him move out?

Failing that, I have read that there is a glitch with UL patch room-mates that if you save and leave the game they will become controllable when you play the household again. Maybe give that a try? If neither of these work, maybe move the family out of the home with edit town and back in to see if he gets added that way or vanishes entirely.

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Re: Misterious "roommate" - can't kick him out
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2013, 11:53:31 PM »
Aha! You're right, I went to the main menu, and there the misterious guy appeared in the household picture. When I went back in, he was a household member. Really weird, I don't even know where he came from. I didn't want to close the game before because I didn't want to save, but I didn't want to lose all the progress either.


Also, I just noticed I posted this in the wrong board - sorry! It's been so long since I came in here that I forgot about the Miscelaneous Help board. Won't happen again :).

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Re: Misterious "roommate" - can't kick him out
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2013, 06:52:48 AM »
Also, I just noticed I posted this in the wrong board - sorry! It's been so long since I came in here that I forgot about the Miscelaneous Help board. Won't happen again :).

No worries, I'll move it for you now. :)
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Re: Misterious "roommate" - can't kick him out
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2013, 01:09:36 PM »
Thanks! :)

