FoundationsSo a fairy tale continues...
Shannon: Between gardening and cooking, I seem to have lost track of time. At least my sunburn is gone now. That was unpleasant. This stove is very cheap, though.
Shannon: Why did I see this coming? Out fire, out!
Teagan: Its burning! Our house is going to burn down and we'll all spontaneously combust! I'm too pretty to be sunburned! And definitely too young to burn up!
Shannon: Could you stop whining and help?
Teagan: You catch the stove on fire! You try to burn up our pathetic excuse for a house! You are not making my life easy!
Shannon: Please calm down!
Teagan: And what's more, everything is dirty now. And it's your fault.
Shannon: Please go back to painting. I've got this situation under control.
Teagan: Fine.
Shannon: Ah, now that I finished tending my new garden, I think I'll send Thanatos a secret admirer message while he's off doing... whatever it is they do at that business place.
Teagan: Ha! I will mess everything up for you and send him a secret admirer message too.
Shannon: I honestly don't see how that benefits you.
Teagan: By being better at... you know, message sending than you.
Shannon: Sure, whatever you want to do. I'm going to go sleep now. We keep very odd hours, being self employed and everything.
Teagan: So you sleep while I clean the toilet? I don't see how that's fair.
Shannon: You're the one who chose to clean the toilet. Let me sleep.
Teagan: Fine.
Shannon: Grow my minions, grow! Soon I shall have the most spectacular garden in all of Dragon Valley!
Teagan: But we still won't have a real house and its burning up out here.
Teagan: I'm actually a very happy person. As long as I don't have to deal with my sister or children. So I only have one question of life right now - why do I have to have a faintly vampiric glow? I am not a vampire! It's rude.
Reaper 2: Vampires - I hate them. Never bother to drink plasma, never bother to eat plasma fruit, and they still expect to live forever.
Thanatos: I am so tired. This working is difficult! Oh, my phone... What? I have a secret admirer? Reapers, can you please tell me who my secret admirer is?
Reaper 1: Doesn't that sort of spoil it?
Thanatos: Not really.
Reaper 1: Yeah, I don't think I'm telling you.
Thanatos: I am your boss. Please tell me!
Reaper 1: Hm... no. Why don't you go find out yourself?
Thanatos: But how am I supposed to do that? I don't know what to do around all these people.
Reaper 1: It'll be good for you to try then.
Thanatos: Oh look, its raining.
Thanatos: How did everything get so dirty? Why is my home filthy? Why is this happening to me? I hate dirt and... you know, other things that are messy.
Thanatos: Why is my toothpaste glowing? Something very strange is going on.
Reaper 1: Yeah, its called the fullmoon. Its a pretty recent development and we're still looking into it, so that's probably why you hadn't heard about it yet.
Thanatos: Oh, thank you. You're back to providing helpful information.
Reaper 1: Well, we can communicate better and see what's going on more when the deathfish are out. It's the next best thing to a statue.
Reaper 3: The deathfish are our closest relations in the mortal world!
Reaper 1: Please don't say that about something we eat.
Reaper 3: I like deer.
Reaper 2: Um... what has that got to do with anything?
Reaper 3: Everything.
Teagan: I'm going to find a tropical island and do my own immortality thing... that's what I'll do. Then I can live forever somewhere sunny. And I'll do something to the seasons so it's not hot all the time.
Thanatos: Yes, the clay is turning into something else! Although I'm not sure what...
Teagan: That doesn't sound good.
Thanatos: Maybe. Where is Shannon?
Teagan: Why should I care? She's gone.
Thanatos: But she's your sister! I've never had a sister... or a brother... or any family, really. So I would not know personally, but I believe you are supposed to be friends with your family.
Teagan: Well I'm not. Don't argue about it.
Thanatos: Okay.
Shannon: Ah, peace and quiet.
Shannon: The lake, the columns, the fish... nothing that can talk. A nice, relaxing place. What a peaceful getaway from all that constant arguing. If only Teagan could learn to be nicer.
Shannon: And now its time to pay visits to the other townsfolk. Hello, pinkish man whose name I already forgot - sorry about that, by the way.
Pinkish Man: That's alright.
Reaper 1: I told him that going for all the season was a bad idea.
Reaper 3: But they have to because of the Sheos.
Reaper 1: Since you're insane, I guess I don't have to explain that I have no idea what you mean.