Author Topic: The Price Immortal Dynasty - 21: The Queen of Ice  (Read 37923 times)

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 9
« Reply #45 on: December 07, 2013, 08:31:17 PM »
Romance Begins

Once upon a time, long ago... People worked out on their roofs, in the snow.

Teagan: There is no room in my house. So I have to exercise up here and at work. And yes, it's my house. I'm the one making most of the money.

Shannon: So what about me then? I repair everything that breaks, paint, cook, and work at the police station. You sculpt and work at that criminal place.
Teagan: I am done arguing now.

Shannon: Suddenly, I feel as if this dishwasher has it in for me? The sparks and puddles are extremely disturbing.
Teagan: Go fix it! Right now!
Shannon: I don't think so. Mop the puddles, then I'll fix it.

Thanatos: It's my birthday! Good thing we got the sculpture and the painting finished.
Reaper 1: Ha-ha, that statue.
Reaper 2: Well, Thanatos, you might get to immortal yet. But I don't think your descendants will.
Thanatos: Why not?
Reaper 1: Because we came up with an idea.

Thanatos: Sparkles...
Reaper 1: I was trying to talk to you.
Thanatos: Sorry, I forgot. What were you going to say?

Reaper 1: We decided you probably couldn't finish the whole immortal dynasty thing if every immortal aside from you has to master an unusual skill.
Reaper 2: As in, a skill that does not directly help - so no fishing, cooking, or sculpting.
Reaper 1: And nothing like writing.
Thanatos: I didn't realize there were so many skills out there.
Reaper 1: Yes. So, we decided to challenge them to try things like riding and logic. You can learn all that other stuff.
Thanatos: Alright.

Reaper 2: Wow, he agreed to that.
Reaper 1: I knew he would. He doesn't really care if he succeeds or fails.
Reaper 3: Garden!

Reaper 1: Oh yeah, Teagan added some more rooms to the house.
Reaper 2: That is a weird looking house. And I've seen a lot of houses.
Reaper 1: We all have. It's part of the job. So that was an unnecessary statement.

Shannon: I'm starting to think that maybe...

Shannon: ...I should find somewhere else to store my paintings.

Shannon: When I'm long gone, these are going to be worth a fortune. I'm a genius. Which I just meant as an exclamation, but its actually true. I wonder what's become of my sister?

Teagan: Hahaha! The first step in my plan is complete!
Thanatos: What?
Teagan: Um... I mean, yay, I have a boyfriend.

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #46 on: December 07, 2013, 09:43:27 PM »
I always loved the Reapers conversations! I bet Thanatos life is never boring ;D

Congrats on the new couple, so what’s on your mind? It’s Bachelor/Bachelorette party? Wedding?
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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #47 on: December 07, 2013, 10:28:48 PM »
I have no idea what'll happen next. Maybe I ought to plan out the future a little more, that would probably make it easier. My sims don't get parties often. Or even socialize much. So a bachelor or bachelorette party would probably be a nice change for them. :D

Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #48 on: December 08, 2013, 07:41:27 PM »
I loved the name that you picked for your dynasties, like Chaos, Thanatos, maybe there will be Nyx and Mythology related in the future? I would like to see more of them.

And I agree with what Luna said, Reapers conversations are interesting to read! I wish that I could see their appearance someday. You know there’s reaper who has different colour when I saw in The Sims 3 Forum :D

You should consider about creating one. One of my Sim having the party just invites her parents or just one of their best friends. It would be much easier to handle, I hate to deal my Sims with many people anyway :P

Looking forward for the next installation! I hope that you can finish 'em both and reach HOF, Akon!
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #49 on: December 08, 2013, 09:43:30 PM »
Thanks! I'm really glad that the story is being enjoyed! The naming-theme for the Price Dynasty is sort of Greek-mythology underworld names. Except for the last name, Price, which is just the original last name of my first Sims 3 family.

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #50 on: December 31, 2013, 05:02:13 PM »
Marriage on a Bridge

Once upon a time, there was a story about Grim Reapers. This was probably not it.

Thanatos: I'm almost done with painting!
Reaper 1: Yeah, it was a good idea to make this harder. Otherwise, you might manage to not fail.
Thanatos: I'm not going to fail, that would be sad.
Reaper 2: You're already almost finished with the whole business career thing. So, yeah, I don't think Thanatos is likely to fail.
Reaper 1: I'm depending on his descendants for that. His part is easy. Except they still need to find a life plant, catch deathfish, and master the cooking skill. 

Reaper 2: But they've got a long time to do all that in. And you can master cooking in three days. I knew this family and one of them died and then her cousin spent three days learning to cook so he could make ambrosia. You just have to cook non-stop.
Reaper 1: Thank you for that very pointless story.
Thanatos: That's my final masterpiece. For some reason, this one was just a lot more special than all the other version of that same painting I did. I still haven't actually mastered painting, though.
Reaper 1: How nice. For you.
Thanatos: Anyway, now that I finished that, I can go do something important!

Thanatos: Please marry me, Teagan!
Teagan: Bwa-ha-ha... I mean, I'm incredibly surprised and happy! Of course I will.
Thanatos: Yay! For some reason, this seems like this is meant to be! Or maybe like it happened before? I'm not sure.
Teagan: Shiny ring!

Teagan: Now we will have a private wedding, with just you and me... and that paparazzi over there.
Thanatos: Okay. I like the cemetery.
Reaper 2: Because obviously everyone wants to get married at the cemetery these days.
Thanatos: They don't?
Reaper 2: Never mind... Just go have your private wedding.

Thanatos: On a bridge! This is lovely!
Teagan: Yes, sure. Whatever you think.
Paparazzi: Why must it get dark in Dragon Valley so quickly? My pictures will not turn out great! At least these are just minor celebrities. So hopefully I'm not going to regret getting terrible pictures one day when they are really famous.
Teagan: Go away, paparazzi. I'm trying to have a nice wedding over here and your camera flashing is rude and annoying.
Thanatos: Yay, I'm getting married!


Shannon: So my sister went off and got married without telling me. I'm not mad. Because I'm the nice sister. Which is why I'm the one who should be married! I'm the one who was friends with Thanatos first... at least I got this very nice new kitchen equipment.
Reaper 2: They redid the kitchen? Wow, they do have quite a bit of money now. That must be nice. You know, being a Grim Reaper should pay more. You have to deal with unhappy dead people, unhappy relations, wear the outfit, and not use your real name.
Reaper 1: Yeah. It should pay better. Or maybe we should have gone into different careers.
Reaper 3: Dig through trash, dig up SimLife goggles, sell.
Reaper 2: I don't think anyone other than you considers that a career option.

Shannon: Take that, Teagan-hamburger-patty. I shall add onions to you, because you didn't share that you were going to get married! Then I will feel a bitter... I mean, a bit better. Not bitter. I'm not a bitter person. I'll get over this whole thing.

Teagan: For some reason, I feel like a hamburger. Maybe Shannon will cook some? But she's mean about doing stuff for me. What did I ever do to her... oh. Right. The arguing and scaring. She takes it too personally. Need to finish this statue and then get back to my garden!

Teagan: And seed collecting. I've got to collect lots of special seeds to plant. And not the glowing-pulsing ones, because apparently they aren't useful.
Thanatos: Why does painting take so long to master? This last tiny bit is taking so long.
Reaper 1: Please have a strange error and never master the skill!
Thanatos: Yay, I finally mastered it!
Reaper 1: I tried so hard to will that into not happening...
Thanatos: Time to go make some friends at the elixir shop!

Thanatos: Hello, fairy-person, I am extremely good at painting, so even though you're famous, will you talk to me?
Celebrity Fairy: Alright.
Thanatos: Thanks. That was very nice of you. I'm already friends with your fairy husband, so multiple fairy friends will really cut down on having to make new friends later.
Celebrity Fairy: That's... nice. So what did you want to talk- nooo! The full moon is turning me into a zombie!

Thanatos: I just bought a cure elixir from the elixir-selling person. It will save you!
Celebrity Fairy: Thank you! Now we are definitely friends.
Thanatos: Okay. What do you think about the weather?
Reaper 1: Making friends is long and boring... this is why it should be avoided.
Reaper 2: And that is why you only have us.
Teagan: Why must gardening be so time consuming?

Teagan: And I was just getting attached to my random wardrobe makeover. Ah well.

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #51 on: January 01, 2014, 04:28:54 PM »
Ah, I always enjoy Reapers conversation and I love Thanatos alone because of his namesake. Thanatos is adorable, he such a child. Private wedding in cemetery also unique way, do you plan to take each generation to have private wedding in the cemetery. I think that would be awesome! And I notice your writing style is kinda different today, Akon. It’s like a light hearting story like. It’s fun fun fun.
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #52 on: January 01, 2014, 06:09:31 PM »
Congratulations on the unique proposal, wedding and the new couple. It seems that Thanatos is more cheerful than usual and I enjoy the conversation dialogue as well. This is distinguishing your story and another one. Ah, time for thinking for another name, Akon ;)
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

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For The Children - Chapter 6: Adorable

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2014, 08:04:42 PM »
Thanks! I'm glad this story and my first one are coming across as different. Since they are both immortal dynasties, I really wanted them to not seem like the same story. The cemetery will definitely be showing up some more. Its one of my favorite lots in every city, because its always so pretty and peaceful.

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #54 on: February 23, 2014, 07:16:05 PM »

Once upon a time there was an immortal dynasty that was very inefficient. This is it...

Teagan: Okay, apparently we're going to just skip right to showing off Lethe. I'm okay with that. She's adorable. But she's also a child and I'm not really a big fan of children.
Shannon: Which is why I, the family-oriented sister, should do the immortal dynasty spouse thing. But apparently the world is not as logical as I would like it to be.
Teagan: Exactly. Although I do think logic is terribly important to everything.

Reaper 2: So I was playing a video game the other day and now I'm not sure how much I like being referred to as a 'Reaper'. It had a negative connotation in my game.
Reaper 1: First of all, this is not a good time to be having a private conversation. Second, I would be surprised if you could find a game where a Reaper was a positive thing.
Reaper 2: But these were robot-reapers or something, not like us. We're good guys. Keep the world from getting too crowded, reunite dead people. It's a good thing we do.
Reaper 1: We're supposed to be helping Thanatos, not talking about your video games.
Reaper 3: Banana.

Reaper 2: So apparently this is Lethe and she's the first heir. She seems to be popular with her family.
Reaper 1: 'Lethe' is supposed to mean River of Forgetfulness or Oblivion or something like that, isn't it? So hopefully she'll forget some of the requirements and this whole thing can be over with and we can go back to our jobs and Thanatos can help out.
Reaper 2: Wow. She's just a baby in blanket. I kind of doubt we can tell me about her yet.
Reaper 3: She is a clumsy genius. Or maybe it was a absent-minded genius?
Reaper 1: See? There is stuff to be known about her.

Teagan: We renovated the house a bit again. Got a nice kitchen table. Except it doesn't match the house, so that's annoying. We'll either have to rebuild or buy a new table eventually.
Shannon: We're buying a new table. The house is fine. Unless it gets too maze-like and then it would probably be best to rebuild it.
Teagan: I just would like for everything to be closer together. It takes forever to work on my garden with the house like it is. It's in two rooms and two outside areas.

Thanatos: Lethe is so amazing! I'm sure she'll be much better at trying to finish all this than I am.
Teagan: She's a baby. And you're almost done with all that requirement stuff.
Thanatos: But she'll be better at it.
Teagan: Okay. If you insist.
Thanatos: Lethe! Yes, that is your name. I guess you're too young to learn to speak, but one day I will teach you to talk and then we can talk about stuff.

Teagan: Heh-heh, Lethe, my daughter, you are a part of my evil plan! Yes, my evil and brilliant plan called the 'Marry an Immortal Dynasty Founder and then get to be brought back to life at a later point so you get to live extra time to work on being an evil genius' plan. So... don't go telling anyone that, Lethe. It's between you and me.
Lethe: Gah!
Teagan: Yes, you are a good baby. And you'll probably look just like me! Maybe.

Reaper 1: So, Teagan is evil. Who knew?
Reaper 2: Everyone who knows what her major personality traits are. Which was me and Reaper 3 and her sister, apparently. Evil people do tend to be the ones who want to be Emperor of Evil.
Reaper 1: That's a good point.
Teagan: Money...
Reaper 1: I would also like money. In the form of a raise after Thanatos finds out that our job is awful. And his is really easy. After all, he gets to sit around be 'death'. We have to go out and actually collect people.
Reaper 2: There's a reason they do not describe it like that on the brochure. First, that's not terribly accurate. Second, it sounds very strange.

Teagan: Wait a second, I'm pretty sure someone is trying to keep me from enjoying my random wardrobe makeover during the last few days before I become an elder. Well, I don't care! Little fluffy sheep are just as good as fortune-teller... whatever that is I was wearing before. And this time I want a boy. He can look just like me.
Reaper 1: No... Lethe will have help... it's not fair.
Reaper 2: I'm pretty sure it is.
Reaper 1: Fine. It's going to get really tough anyway. Thanatos will never finish.
Reaper 3: I ate a panini. 

Shannon: You are so precious! I do love you!
Lethe: Gah.
Shannon: Since I can't have my own of you - space constraints, being kind of about to turn into an elder, that kind of sad stuff - I shall treat you like my own daughter! And you'll become a wonderful and kind person.
Lethe: Gah.
Shannon: And I'll teach you to talk. Because your baby talk is very limited.
Lethe: Gah.

Teagan: For reasons only known to myself, I have decided to abandon the statue of my sister that I'm working on and test out this new thing that just popped into my head.
Thanatos: What?
Teagan: I shall call this the dip kiss! Although I don't think I invented it. Now excuse me, I'd like to go to bed.
Thanatos: Okay. I have to go to work now.
Teagan: Good. Make lots of money so I can buy new stuff. Such as room for my plants. And another crib. Maybe a table that actually matches the kitchen.
Thanatos: Okay. Bye!

Teagan: My plan is brilliant. I get to eventually come back to life, my daughter gets to be immortal. Yes, that is you, Lethe. My other daughter or son will get to do... stuff. My sister will not come back to life. I hope. Oh... what if she does? Then what? She gets all upset when I scare her or argue or do anything fun.
Lethe: Gah. Gah.
Teagan: You said two words! Lethe, you are a genius like me! Despite your being a child, I'm very fond of you. When you're grown up, if I'm still around, I'm sure we'll be friends.
Lethe: Gah.

Shannon: It's my birthday already? Wow. Yay! I'm going to get to retire! And cook for fun! And garden, which I don't actually understand why I'm suddenly working at...
Reaper 1: Hey, I wonder if we'll get to go collect Shannon and Teagan and any other spares? Are we assigned to that household?
Reaper 2: Hmmm.... Nope. At least the next one is Reaper 8's job. After that, it's a bit hard to tell because you never know when something might happened somewhere and someone has to leave their normal job to deal with a crisis.
Reaper 1: Yes. It would be nice if we could have more than one Grim Reaper work on something at a time. But no, only one at a time. So slow.
Shannon: I'm going to relax and enjoy my old age!

Shannon: Wait... no one said being old would involve back pain. Or maybe it was supposed to be clear already? Hm. Never mind. I will make being old the new young. Or something. I don't even know if that made sense.
Teagan: It didn't.
Shannon: But it made a lot more than you ever do.
Teagan: I make sense. Maybe you're not as smart as me.
Shannon: We're equally smart. That's what our parents said. Now, I'm going to retire.

Shannon: Hello? Forensic office? Yes, it's me, Shannon MacAnna. No, I'm not calling to talk to Mason Sackholme.
Teagan: Who's that?
Shannon: My partner at the office. Sorry, I was talking to my sister. I would like to retire. I'm an elder now. You can look at my birthday on my information I gave you when you hired me.
Teagan: So do you know this Mason Sackholme well?
Shannon: Please stop it. Oh, sorry. I meant my sister. I would like to retire. Okay, thanks!
Teagan: Does Mason have a sister? Because I think I might have met her.
Shannon: I'm retired! Time to celebrate! By finishing my paintings of you that will go in the Hall of Helpers so that later generations will not forget us.
Teagan: Is that what the statue of you is for?
Shannon: Yes. I'm attaching the hall to the back of the house. It'll be nice.

Teagan: Heh-heh, I get to stay an adult longer than my sister. I bet she's jealous. Deep inside. Maybe.
Shannon: I'm not jealous.
Teagan: Why do you have to be such a nice person? It's so boring!

Teagan: I am going to go to the hospital now. Because I know some people love to do the, 'I will have my kid at home' thing, but I am not one of them.
Thanatos: Wait for me!
Shannon: Okay. Go have fun. I'm going to cook and take care of Lethe then.
Lethe: Gah.

Shannon: I nearly forgot. It's your birthday, Lethe. Your mother and father may or may not get back in time to celebrate with you. We'll see. So I will help you blow out your candles.
Lethe: Gah.
Shannon: And we can finally teach you to say more than that, because babies are terrible conversationalists.
Lethe: Gah.
Shannon: Exactly. This is how you will blow out candles when you're older. It'll be really fun and you'll get to make a wish.

Shannon: Yay, age up little Lethe!
Thanatos: It's Lethe's birthday!
Teagan: Hi. We're back. And we brought my adorable new son!

Teagan: I named him Cerberus. Not really sure why... but he is adorable. I'm starting to think he won't look just like me, though.
Thanatos: Lethe and Cerberus are the most precious children in the entire world. I'm pretty sure of that. Although actually I've never met any other children.
Teagan: That's okay. I think they are too.
Reaper 1: You do realize just because that's what the majority seems to think doesn't mean its true.
Reaper 2: You are a really negative person.
Reaper 1: Well, someone needs to do it. And you're the nice one. And Reaper 3...
Reaper 3: Potato...
Reaper 1: Yeah. That's who he is.

Thanatos: Cerberus. Your name is going to be hard for you to learn. But that's okay. Here is your crib. Its nice and new and looks exactly like Lethe's. Except she has a skeleton teddy bear. You should probably get some kind of stuffed animal.
Shannon: Maybe you should just let him go to sleep.
Thanatos: Yeah. Goodnight, Cerberus.
Reaper 1: Now, that name is a bit... eerie.

Reaper 2: Wow. She definitely has Thanatos's white eyes. Its kind of scary on a toddler. But she is sort of adorable. In a black-and-white-and-kind-of-orange way.
Reaper 1: I guess so.
Reaper 3: I'm moving to the munchy planets.
Reaper 1: Sometimes the things you say make so little sense they actually make me think I'm losing my mind.

Reaper 2: So... this is a series of pictures of her wardrobe? She's a toddler. Toddler's do not care that much about what they wear. They're not models or teenagers. Or... whatever groups of people are alleged to care deeply about their clothes.
Reaper 1: Maybe toddlers do. I don't remember being a toddler but who knows? Maybe we did care when we were her age.
Reaper 2: As I have no way to argue that, I'm just going to let the subject drop.

Reaper 2: Hmm. I think she might have Teagan's ears. Because I know Thanatos has pointy ears, but I think hers are pointier.
Reaper 3: It's hard to tell until she's older.
Reaper 2: That actually kind of made sense. Or I said something completely insane.
Reaper 3: Maybe later.
Reaper 2: Good... good conversation.

Thanatos: Apparently someone sent her a doll that she already likes to play with.
Reaper 1: Oh. Not one of those things. They are so difficult to deal with sometimes. You know, when someone becomes friends with it, plays with it, it turns into an imaginary friend, and then they never make it real and they die. What happens to the thing? Did it go with them? Is it still around and no one can see it? It makes classifying them so incredibly confusing...
Thanatos: Oh. I didn't know that. This one is called Charon.
Reaper 1: Even it has a name. Guess who doesn't get to use their name? Me.
Reaper 2: You don't hear me and Reaper 3 complaining about it all the time. We knew we'd have to go by numbers when we signed up.
Reaper 1: Fine.
Thanatos: It is time... for Lethe to learn to talk!

Thanatos: Fire is a bright and warm and very awful thing.
Lethe: Gah.
Thanatos: No, fire. It's very bad. I'm not sure why I'm positive of that, but I am.
Lethe: Fire!
Reaper 2: Wow. That is a very reassuring first word.

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #55 on: February 23, 2014, 11:18:24 PM »
Ooooo!  Lethe and Cerberus are so cool!  Love it!

Offline AkonIsAwesome

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 10
« Reply #56 on: May 12, 2014, 09:29:27 PM »
I thought I'd better put a note on here. This dynasty is going on hiatus until December sometime, because I won't be able to play for a while and while I still can, I'm focusing on the Sheos. But the Price Dynasty will return in December. I'm sure of that. So thank you, everyone who has read this, and I hope that you also will return in December. Even if not, thank you for reading thus far! :) 

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - A Note
« Reply #57 on: June 21, 2014, 03:10:43 PM »
Adorable nooboo cuteness! So sad it's going on hiatus but I'm enjoying the Sheo's enough that I don't find you concentrating on them to be a bad thing lol Lovely stories Akon.
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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - A Note
« Reply #58 on: July 07, 2014, 06:59:31 PM »
I have been able to get back to the Price Dynasty sooner than I expected! With lots of new ideas from reading other dynasties (huge thank-you to both LivvieLove and Trip, for showing me how to have heirs marry interesting people)!

Meeting Townsfolk

Teagan: Well, I decided to get out and met some other people. Before I get old and retire and spend my old age taking care of my garden. And maybe my children.
Shannon: Yes, you go and talk to people while I have to stay at home and actually work on things. Like painting Lethe's portrait.
Teagan: Well, this socializing thing isn't easy. I had to come barging into the Mithrilen house in the middle of the night because I forgot they existed at first.

Teagan: Besides, I did her sculpture. It just happens that I'm incredibly talents and made a masterpiece in very little time. Not that I had to make a masterpiece, that was a lucky accident.
Shannon: Painting is harder than sculpting. You can't just magically finish.
Teagan: You are jealous of my skill. Go whine to other people. I have more socializing to accomplish!

Thanatos: There are deathfish at the cemetery pond. But I'm still not good enough at fishing to catch any. I've got to keep working on it though, because it's very important.
Green-Haired Vampire Whose Name I Forgot: That's nice, but I was just passing through. Are you new in town?
Thanatos: I guess I still am.

Green-Haired Vampire: Alright. I'll be going then.
Thanatos: Okay. Can I come and visit you some time? I don't know many of the people here in Dragon Valley. 
Green-Haired Vampire: Yes, okay. I'm really leaving now.

Reaper 1: That toddler is scary looking.
Reaper 2: I don't think I've ever seen a scary toddler. I'm not sure that's possible. Anyway, once you get used to the eyes, Lethe is kind of adorable.
Reaper 1: No. I don't think so. She's scary.
Reaper 3: Panini.
Reaper 1: Why must you be so insane?
Reaper 2: Actually, he's just eating a panini. So that was actually less crazy than a lot of stuff he says.

Purple-Haired Person: I am extremely offended!
Thanatos: I honestly have no idea what I have done to offend you. I just came to visit your lovely house where my friend, the green-haired vampire, lives.
Purple-Haired Person: You should leave. I don't like you.
Thanatos: But I don't even know who you are.
Purple-Haired Person: And you never will, because I will not be your friend. I'm leaving now.
Thanatos: I still don't know what happened there. I should probably go home.

Shannon: My friend Mason came over. I'm not actually sure what his last name is. Anyway, he was my partner back when I was in the police force. We're still good friends. Since Teagan went off to meet people, I decided to invite some over.

Shannon: This is my new friend, Jeannie Eames. I found her on the internet when I was looking for more friends.
Jeannie: It's called online dating.
Shannon: Really? I must have missed that. Anyway, we shall be good friends. So take that, Teagan.

Teagan: I guess my birthday had to happen eventually. But I don't want to be old. Being old is for... I don't know. Shannon.
Fiona O'Reilly: Congratulations, strange person who is having her birthday in my home!

Teagan: Why must I be old? At least Shannon didn't get to be here for my birthday. Maybe I can look nice and more like my young self before she sees me.

Teagan: Hi, I came to visit your house in order to met people and find new help for my home. Unfortunately, lots of town people are long-lived supernaturals that I cannot invite in because I don't have any potent cures to cure them with. Who are you?
Fiona: I am Fiona O'Reilly. Hey, we're both evil! I never get to met other evil people. This is fun.

Teagan: Then please move into my home, where I will train you to be my successor. In... I don't know. Evil-ness.
Fiona: Okay, that sounds fun.

Fiona: There is a small child in my new home. No one said there were going to be so many other people.
Teagan: Well, Shannon didn't both to tell me that she asked Mason to move in. I don't even know why she would do that. He's only a little younger than me. How is he supposed to be useful?

Fiona: Well, he can teach that one to talk. I'm off to buy some books and visit various places around town. I'll be back in a day or two.
Teagan: Wait, aren't you supposed to be my servant?
Fiona: I have bigger things to do. Bye.
Teagan: So... that was a failure. At least I had another brilliant thing to do.

Thanatos: Yes, you shall learn to talk. Between everyone here, that shouldn't be too hard. I hope.
Lethe: I learn. To talk.
Teagan: So, important news. I decided to renovate the house!


Shannon: And by 'renovate', you mean build a house beside it, take all the furniture, and then knock the old house down while the rest of us are busy and no paying attention?
Teagan: Exactly. Very effective, isn't it? And now we have a real house. Not a crazy jumble of boxes.
Thanatos: It's so... house-like! I love it.
Shannon: Well, I guess the nice dinning room is just in time for Cerberus to have his birthday.

Mason: Yes, age little burrito-thing! Then we can teach you things. Wow, I look old, don't I?
Reaper 2: No one has been paying attention to him. Poor Mason. He had a birthday and no one even really noticed.

Teagan: Does he have red hair? I think he has red hair.
Shannon: Well, I hope that he doesn't act like you. So far I have done a good job of saving Lethe from your evil and meanness. You are a terrible person, Teagan.
Teagan: You can be very mean, Shannon. Also, I blame you for our extremely full house.
Shannon: Mason is a nice guy and he'll be useful. What about that mermaid you randomly invited here? She hasn't even come back since she left that first day.
Reaper 2: Very true. I think she went to the library with the moodlet manager.

Teagan: You know, I don't like children. Not at all. But you look so much like me, Cerberus! Maybe I should give you some face paint like mine. I shall withstand my dislike of children to spend quality time with you.

Thanatos: This is how you walk! Now that you've mastered speaking, you must learn to walk!
Lethe: Walk.
Reaper 1: See, she's scary.
Reaper 2: I give up on you.

Fiona: I am the evil Fiona O'Reilly, here to demonstrate that green is the new black. Or something. I have returned from my long time at the library reading books about science. Now I can pursue my dream of become a master of alchemy. And also collect DNA samples from people around town, because it seems like a fun idea. Thus the library trip.

Fiona: Hello? Magician lady with bright pink lips? I'm your friend, Fiona. Yes, we're friends. Why does that mean I should remember your name? Wait, does this mean you won't come over and let me get a DNA sample? Well. That was rude.

Teagan: My garden is lovely. Because I'm sure that these will be money trees. And money growing on trees is a lovely sight. Some of my many unknown little plants had better turn out to be life fruit or I'll have to wander all over the countryside again. I don't like that.

Fiona: Why, hello Ava Kelly! Would you be willing to donate some DNA to the Fiona O'Reilly DNA collection?

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Price Immortal Dynasty - Chapter 13 (7/7)
« Reply #59 on: July 07, 2014, 08:19:19 PM »
Yay!  The Prices are back!  *confetti*  I love Tegan lol!  Evil sims are so much fun XD

