It might be easier to use Edit Town / Hand Feature and move the lot to a new spot.
Check you lot dimensions. Bulldoze that one and recreate it.
I'm not ever seen anything like that before.
I'm only guessing.
Ooooh, no, no, no, Dave, this is my Dynasty lot! Gen 6 and all that.
So they don't even show up without buydebug on. Can't delete with moveObjects, can't even find them. For right now I'm just treating them like I do the weeper tiles in my yard. It's not a gamebreaker by any means, I'm just really curious what the heck they are. I've never had any rain etc on in this file, the dynasty is the only thing in this folder, and I can't walk/place things on them.
It's weird.
ETA: Okay, in buydebug, they can be moved/deleted and apparently are called: "SocialJigTwoPerson" with a picture of a water balloon fight. I have had water balloon fights on the lawn before, but never the water balloon fight area. Okay to delete, or just leave them there?