Yes, yes, I know. I have another Immortal dynasty being written (I swear I'm working on it), another one in the works, a DecaDynasty that's halfway done, a LifeStates dynasty that's on generation 6, and another Apocalypse story I need to start writing, heh.
I'm crazy, I know it.
Let me explain though, I wanted to attempt a speedrun for fun, with something I'd never really done before. Sure, we've all made odd-looking Sims, but I'd never done too much with them, at least nothing much multi-generational, so I started up this family. In Twinbrook. Then, by the time Generation 3 was born, I realized I love this family, and I'm going to try and explore much more of the game than I have in my other files. They're fun, they're strange, and they're awesome to play. I hope you have as much fun reading about them as I have playing them.
Gen 1 - Stella Tomas - IMMORTAL
LTW - Swimming in Cash
Supermax - Fishing
Career - Fishing
Building - Gypsy Wagon
3* Property - Elkhorn Fishing Park
3 LTR - Immune to Heat, Immune to Cold, Collection Helper
6 Best Friends - Xias Prudence, Parker Prudence, Pansy Prudence, Lang Gwydd, Buck Green, Blaise Kindle
6 Black Ops - Fishing for Suits, Funny Looking Fish, Say Hello to My Little Fish, Aquarium Fishing, Monster From the Deep, Heaps of Fresh Fish
Portraits - Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Traits - Family-Oriented, Hopeless Romantic, Lucky, Nurturing, Brave
Gen 2 - Amber Tomas - IMMORTAL
LTW - Professional Author
Supermax - Writing
Career - Writing
Building - Always Studious Bookstore
3* Property - Lakeside Community Library
3 LTR - Acclaimed Author, Fireproof Homestead, No Bills Ever
6 Best Friends - Stella Tomas, Chuck Martin, Reggie Jones-Brown, Tay Bayless, Mahmud Taymur, Tyrone Wrotek
6 Black Ops - A History of One, A Masterpiece, To Boldly Go, Correcting Past Mistakes, Deliver a Book to Egypt, Add a Little Drama
Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Traits - Friendly, Heavy Sleeper, Bookworm, Hopeless Romantic, Excitable
Gen 3 - Marcus Tomas - IMMORTAL
LTW - Bottomless Nectar Cellar
Supermax - Sculpting
Career - Sculpting
Building - Brunton's Boxcar Diner
3* Property - Cleanesque Laundromat
3 LTR - Artisan Crafter, Fertility Treatment, Suave Seller
6 Best Friends - Amber Tomas, Xia Tomas, Raphael Stephenson, Todd Clemens, Trista Perdue, Cruz Hardy
6 Black Ops - Delivering the Green, Larger Than Necessary Doorstop, Oh Scrap!, An Old Ruse, Help the School, Sculpt a Suspect
Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Traits - Virtuoso, Loves the Heat, Brave, Savvy Sculptor, Hopeless Romantic
Gen 4 - Delilah Tomas
LTW - Living in the Lap of Luxury
Supermax - Painting
Career - Painting
Building - Sharma Day Spa
3* Property - Curios Memorial Museum
3 LTR - Extra Creative, Body Sculptor, Dusty Old Lamp
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops - Local Artists Gallery, A Large Painting, Fresco Fest, A Medium Painting, The Study of Art, A Small Painting
Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult
Traits - Excitable, Artistic, Virtuoso, Neurotic, Hopeless Romantic
Gen 5 - Nicole Tomas
LTW - Rock Star
Supermax - Logic
Career - Music
Building - Wilsonoff Community Theatre
3* Property - Ivy Hill Graveyard
3 LTR - My Best Friend, The Hustler, The Next Big Thing
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops - The Honor Roll, Sorting the Section, Taking Down Sinclair, Raise the Fun(d), Stick Around for the Music, Commissioned Street Art
Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult
Traits - Genius, Virtuoso, Rebellious, Night Owl, Hopeless Romantic
Gen 6 - Jordan Tomas
Supermax -
Career -
Building -
3* Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits - Toddler, Child, Teen
Traits - Friendly, Easily Impressed, Supernatural Fan
Gen 7 -
Supermax -
Career -
Building -
3* Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits -
Gen 8 -
Supermax -
Career -
Building -
3* Property -
3 LTR -
6 Best Friends -
6 Black Ops -
Portraits -
Traits -